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Cacique Caribe10 Apr 2006 9:22 a.m. PST



Are the Taan faces sufficiently similar to the one on the book cover?

Now, if only they came mounted on big horses and carried bows!


Irish Marine10 Apr 2006 9:35 a.m. PST

I would say close enough. Does anyone have any idea when his next book for this series be out on the shelves???

Cacique Caribe10 Apr 2006 9:55 a.m. PST

"Down to the Sea" (2000) was the last one I read in the series, though it is supposed to take place 20 years or so later than the previous one:


Have you heard any rumors of another?

PS. Wouldn't it be something to have a Tugar horde (large massive built horse archers on big horses) face ACW soldiers and Medieval Russians on a gaming table? Any suggestions?

Roberto Cofresi10 Apr 2006 10:07 a.m. PST

Those in <<Rally Cry>> (the first novel in the series) would make for some big and impressible battles.

I think there are plenty of selections for ACW already and possibly for the medieval russian peasants. I am surprised that no one has yet seen the amazing gaming potential of making Tugars and Merki horse archers (with all the background already there in the books).

Have you asked <<Mongoose>> or anyone?

Cacique Caribe10 Apr 2006 10:23 a.m. PST

Maybe we are the only ones who see that "gaming potential", though I doubt it:

Here is additional background:

This is the Forum:


Chupacabras10 Apr 2006 10:33 a.m. PST

I don't know. Even with the book art work right there in my face every time I picked up the book, I always envisioned the Tugars/Merki/Bantag as more like mean and intelligent Sasquatch types or, at most, like giant Orcs. I think that is the general description in the text.

But yes, they would need to be horse archers.

Cacique Caribe10 Apr 2006 10:39 a.m. PST

Maybe if these guys would fit on big horses?


Irish Marine10 Apr 2006 11:13 a.m. PST

It really makes me mad; the author's website hasn't been updated for almost two years and no one knows when the next book will be out.

Cacique Caribe10 Apr 2006 11:19 a.m. PST


Me too. At this point I would welcome any sequel, either to "Down to the Sea" or one to fill in the 20 year gap between "Men of War" (1999) and "Down to the Sea" (2000).

Do you think Forstchen has given up, or have you heard if he was working on another one?


Cacique Caribe10 Apr 2006 11:25 a.m. PST

I guess we are not the only ones dying with anticipation:


Roberto Cofresi10 Apr 2006 11:31 a.m. PST

This is what the site said back in April 9, 2004:

<<The long, long delay in the next installment of The Lost Regiment is about over. Bill offers his sincere apologies on this. A lot of things hit his life at the same time (his father's illness and the passing of his mother, work on the Gettysburg book, and a severe dose of "writers block"). He has promised the publisher an August 1st delivery on the next manuscript, has all but signed that agreement in blood, and the book should be out early next year. Again, he offers many apologies on this and thanks for your patience.

The bit of bad news about The Lost Regiment series is that Tom Cruise and company decided to drop the film option this spring after Last Samurai came out. But Bill's film agents are working on another sale. Good news is that the audio version of the first book, Rally Cry, will soon be released. Overseas editions have been brisk, with sales in Russia, Romania, and the Czech Republic being but a few. The cover for the Czech book is really interesting and will be posted here soon.>>

Maybe he still needs a bit of time after <<his father's illness and the passing of his mother, work on the Gettysburg book, and a severe dose of "writers block">>.

Lowtardog10 Apr 2006 12:41 p.m. PST

The grenadier range! could you do a head swap on the mounted Barbarians (on horses)? perhaps with orc or Kroot heads

Irish Marine10 Apr 2006 1:22 p.m. PST

Does anyone know of any fans sites about the author and his books??

rogersraul10 Apr 2006 2:39 p.m. PST

Fortschen has written two historical fiction, about US Civil War, with Newt Gingrich, since the year 2000. None about the Tugars and Humans.

Cacique Caribe10 Apr 2006 3:56 p.m. PST

Too bad. A lot could be done with that 20 year gap and even after "Down to the Sea".

The first two books alone, have a ton of good material for gaming the theme.


Irish Marine10 Apr 2006 4:40 p.m. PST

Rogersraul! Your wrong pal, they ARE part of the series of books about humans, tugars ect.

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