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Cacique Caribe23 Mar 2006 1:36 a.m. PST

If you were to populate a swampy jungle planet with creatures for 28mm gaming, what creatures would you use?

Looking for reptilian/amphibian/insect-like creatures that were not too similar to Earth creatures, I found the following interesting candidates:

Do you suggest any others? Links appreciated.


Sumatran Rat Monkey23 Mar 2006 1:51 a.m. PST


Well, to go with an obvious, easily available choice, I'd include a couple of selections from the Tyranid line for 40K- Hormagaunts (Gaunts armed exclusively with talons and claws, no guns) with maybe a similarly armed Carnifex as well, either as a related species/apex predator. Maybe a couple of the less human mutants from the Vor Neo-Soviet figures, one or two random figures from RAFM's Call of Cthulhu line (Leng Spider, anyone? Maybe even the Dark Young Of Shub Niggurath as some sort of motile, carnivorous pseudoflora?)

Hmm… there has to be more…

Maybe some Vor Razorback Growler pups, as nasty little hyperthyroidal hairless monkeys with a taste for human flesh?

- Monk

Ironmammoth23 Mar 2006 2:55 a.m. PST

Maybe some of those new critters from Hordes, all teeth and horns!

Some of the Kryomek Helions would be good as well!


Mark Plant23 Mar 2006 4:06 a.m. PST

Waaaaaay too expensive!

The Wizards of the Coast Star Wars range includes some creatures that would work, especially the bigger ones at much more reasonable prices. Their Universe #13 Acklay or Universe #27 Reek for example, but there are others. You can buy singles, for this sort of price:

Dewbakuk23 Mar 2006 4:40 a.m. PST

That Dragon Tiger is cool. I'll have to pick one up at some point, no idea what I'll use it for but it's bound to be useful.

As a suggestion to add, what about the Waspquitoes and Hellmites from Heresy

Halfdan23 Mar 2006 5:24 a.m. PST

The Mantis from SST would be ideal as would the spider bugs also agree with Dewbakuk on the heresy gear I am busily putting them together and they look cool

1st Corps has some giant Newt creature, thingies in their SCI FI range

And if you want it for jungles how about converting a few Ents to be living tree creatures.

ERM or LKM produce Triffid animals and a range of preistoric animlas but I cant tell whether they are 15mm or 28mm

Hammershield23 Mar 2006 5:30 a.m. PST

You should try to find that old Grenadier "Swamp Dragon". Marvelous miniature. Grenadier is no longer around but I believe their Dragon of the Month moulds were bought by someone, I do not know whom.

Hammershield23 Mar 2006 5:31 a.m. PST

Found it:


tnjrp23 Mar 2006 5:42 a.m. PST

GW's Necromunda Ripper Jacks and Milliasaurs might also work well in a swampy enviroment.

Drucifer23 Mar 2006 6:16 a.m. PST

The Drone Mounts from the swamp goblins line of chronopia.

The old koralon from void, the short ones with the blades.

Both out of print but show up on E-bay fairly often.

Drucifer of

Moavoamoatu23 Mar 2006 6:31 a.m. PST

the monstruous spider from Heresy is nice too.

Steve Flanagan23 Mar 2006 7:51 a.m. PST

How about GW's LotR "Watcher in the Water" tentacles? You can't go far wrong with lots of tentacles in a swamp. (See also the big Grendel resin swamp monster).

For smaller critters, some of the swarms that GW and Black Tree do (lizards, rats, scarab beetles) might be useful, especially if you split them up.

Real-life jungles (though less so swamps) have colourful bird life. How about taking some birds that are drab on or world (Crocodile's ravens, for example) and painting them in bright colours?

I know that Excelsior has had to give up the Warzone license and destroy its moulds and masters, but is Chronopia still going? The swamp goblins had some nice giant insects to ride.

And I know you asked about animals, but some carnivorous plants are a must. My favourite is the 10mm version of Audrey II by Pendraken. But see also the Triffids from QRF and HLBS.

Personal logo Dances With Words Supporting Member of TMP Fezian23 Mar 2006 7:56 a.m. PST

you can always try D&D singles from sites like:


or on ebay, etc…that's where I've found a lot of stuff that I use for VSF-type/Carson of Venus type 'critters'…also some of the old Star frontiers and then Reviersco has some cool aliens/tentacle-swampy things too…

tnjrp23 Mar 2006 8:00 a.m. PST

Steve Flanagan 23 Mar 2006 6:51 a.m. PST:
"See also the big Grendel resin swamp monster"

Now that you mentioned Grendel (and carnivorous plants), I recalled they have the Fantasy Forest and Dungeon Crawlers sets (the former contains stuff of the carnivorous plant variety) as well as the Swamp Monster. Resin pieces all but might still work.

Techromancer23 Mar 2006 8:05 a.m. PST

Bags of plastic toy animals can be pretty useful for alien critters. Some of them don't look like anything that ever walked the earth; a little surgery or paint can change the rest. Take a plastic giraffe, cut the head & neck off and mount this on a base (clear or painted as water). Remove the ears, paint it in non-giraffe colors and presto! – it's an alien water beast.

Norscaman23 Mar 2006 8:06 a.m. PST

I would use things fromt he cthulhu range. The Cthonian,


Chupacabras23 Mar 2006 11:28 a.m. PST

Wow. Thanks for all the great suggestions!


Fiendish Sock Puppet23 Mar 2006 11:29 a.m. PST


Neat pieces. When I did a Victorian SF game (kinda based of Space 1889's Venus, with sweltering jungles and lizard creatures) I went to the Dollar Store and bought bags of painted bugs, lizards, frogs, etc. Worked pretty good, though, obviously, a somewhat cheaper set-up.

Cacique Caribe23 Mar 2006 11:32 a.m. PST


I guess you can be a "CC" also. No patent is required, that I know of.


Roberto Cofresi23 Mar 2006 1:23 p.m. PST

Blood sucking parasites of some sort would be nice too, like leeches.

Thesis23 Mar 2006 2:47 p.m. PST

I have always been a fan of Fortress Figures Bog creatures. They look simialr to GW's Fen Beast from the fantasy line. The Bog Creatures come in packs of three for $10 USD and there are three different sculpts. They are not on the fortress web site, but they will most likely cast them for you if you drop them a line.

Cacique Caribe23 Mar 2006 10:43 p.m. PST

These look better than the Kroot hounds I was thinking of getting:



Bob Olley Sponsoring Member of TMP24 Mar 2006 1:41 a.m. PST

How about Olleys Armies reptilion Aliens, just the thing for swamp terrain.

Bob Olley Sponsoring Member of TMP24 Mar 2006 1:44 a.m. PST

Sorry typed the above link in wrong, heres the right one

Farstar24 Mar 2006 12:13 p.m. PST

Some of the smaller Kryomeks (Scotia/Grendel) are also appropriate. The big ones have *guns*, though.

Cacique Caribe13 Feb 2009 3:24 p.m. PST

Any other suggestions?



Cacique Caribe21 Sep 2009 11:27 p.m. PST

Lots of amphibious cephalopods expected on Earth in the very distant future, so why not on an alien planet or moon?

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