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"Gaming "Logan's Run"?" Topic

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Cacique Caribe23 Feb 2006 2:17 a.m. PST

Any suggestions for the 28mm "Sandmen" and other characters, such as Logan 5, Jessica 6 and Francis 7?

Has anyone ever done this futuristic hunt scenario before? What rules?



Cacique Caribe23 Feb 2006 2:18 a.m. PST

Forgot the movie link, for those who need a refresher:


Kayl MacLaren23 Feb 2006 2:23 a.m. PST

These aren't in conjuction with your last request for corpses, are they? ;)

Actually, I thought I had once seen some Sandman minis, but I'll have to do some searching to see if I really remember that or I made it up.


Cacique Caribe23 Feb 2006 2:27 a.m. PST



By the way, the two threads are two totally separate inquiries. Contrary to what some believe, I do have various other interests (aside from cavemen and sea dogs). :)


Zyphyr23 Feb 2006 2:35 a.m. PST

When I saw the title my first thought was "The book, the movie, or the TV show?"

Anyway, given the scale and nature of the conflict I would suggest that the scenario would be a better fit for your choice of post-apoc roleplaying games (Logan and Jenny as PCs, Francis and the miscelaneous obsticle baddies as NPCs) than as a minis game.

Andrew May123 Feb 2006 3:47 a.m. PST

Hey CC,

If you can get hold of any of the Citadel Paranoia figures released in the mid-80's, I think the Troubleshooters could make pretty good runners…

Also, the smoking human remains and the Computer screen make superlative comedy casualty markers.

I have seen these figs turning up occasionally on eBay, so it might be worth checking them out.



Kayl MacLaren23 Feb 2006 3:47 a.m. PST

This link is not at all helpful, but I thought it was neat:


I'll keep looking.


skink master23 Feb 2006 5:58 a.m. PST

There is NO sanctuary….

The G Dog Fezian23 Feb 2006 6:01 a.m. PST

Renew! Renew! Renew!

Isn't Bryan Singer working on a remake of Logan's Run?

timlillig23 Feb 2006 6:04 a.m. PST

The costuming for sandmen in the movie is similar in shape to imperial navy/officers in Star Wars. The most noticable difference is that the Star Wars guys wear hats. The old WEG minis are small for 28mm but there is one in the collectable plastic minis by Wizards of the Coast. I think those are 28mm. It is #29 in the Rebel Storm set.

Kayl MacLaren23 Feb 2006 6:08 a.m. PST

Darn it, I was just about to post that. timlillig beat me to it ;)


It would take a tiny bit of conversion, though, aside from just the hat. Have you thought of sculpting them, or having them done? Seems to me the basic body and costume would be fairly simple. I might eventually try one myself, just because I'm irritated that I can't find them (I was SURE I remembered there being something like that already out there…)


Cacique Caribe23 Feb 2006 6:13 a.m. PST

Let's not forget Jessica 6:



Cacique Caribe23 Feb 2006 6:24 a.m. PST
Cacique Caribe23 Feb 2006 6:30 a.m. PST

On the remake:


I need to get some sleep!!!


elsyrsyn23 Feb 2006 6:55 a.m. PST

1) It would be way cool to find a way to game Logan's Run (the movie or the book) and do it well, and even without a good game for it I'd probably buy the miniatures.

2) It would be an abomination to remake the movie. Not that it's up there with Citizen Kane, but it's a (cult) classic of it's time. Does no one in Hollywierd have an ORIGINAL idea?!


alien BLOODY HELL surfer23 Feb 2006 7:37 a.m. PST

I loved the see through dresses in the program – especially as I saw it when I was just getting interested in women ;-p

MiniatureReview23 Feb 2006 7:47 a.m. PST

Speaking of Logans Run. The movie the Island reminded me a lot of that movie.

jpattern223 Feb 2006 9:21 a.m. PST

Random thoughts about Logan's Run:

Cheesy as it is, it's still one of my favorite sci-fi movies. Mainly for Jenny Agutter, I must admit. I had a crush on her ever since I saw Walkabout a few years earlier.

The holograms in the interrogation chamber were supposed to be a huge technological marvel – but they weren't.

Something to look for next time you watch the movie: When Logan shoots Box, he shoots high, then he shoots low. But the pyrotechnics on Box go off in the reverse order: first low, then high. Very noticeable.

The book and its sequels (World, Search, Return) are very different from the movie, well worth searching out.

I had high hopes for the TV show, but, ugh, what dreck! The worst was probably the "hovercar" that was obviously just a tacky "futuristic" shell on a regular vehicle.

If someone would just go ahead and produce minis of guys in slacks and sweatshirts, they could be painted up as Sandmen. And they could be used for henchmen in any number of spy games (Bond, In Like Flint, Austin Powers, and so on).

jpattern223 Feb 2006 9:30 a.m. PST

And, yes, Grunhornet, I agree, I thought The Island was a mish-mash of Logan's Run, Clonus, Coma, The Matrix, and half a dozen other sci-fi movies.

FriendofJohnHolly23 Feb 2006 9:49 a.m. PST

Cacique Caribe said: "Let's not forget Jessica 6"

As Michael York said in the DVD commentary… "Oh, Jenny!"

cloudcaptain23 Feb 2006 9:50 a.m. PST

If you can find suitable figures I bet you could game it with Chain Reaction 2. The players could play sandmen and the game could handle runners. Alternatively, a lone person could play Logan and Jessica and the game could handle the sandmen.

Mavrides23 Feb 2006 10:31 a.m. PST

Perhaps Im alone in wondering….WHY !!?
It was a crummy movie, a crummy book…and good god why would anyone want to game it ?

*runs like hell off of the soap box*

Phrodon23 Feb 2006 11:34 a.m. PST

awesome movie… but, man, look at the terrain!

I love those pre-cgi days for certain things…


John Leahy Sponsoring Member of TMP23 Feb 2006 12:19 p.m. PST

Hmmmmmm……….now I know where all the somewhat normal advanced humans are living on the Planet of the Apes! More ideas.




Personal logo Inari7 Supporting Member of TMP23 Feb 2006 1:29 p.m. PST

There is a company that makes look alike TOS Star Trek 25mm figures, why not paint them up to look like sandmen?

I think a mini game based on the movie, would be pretty boring for the runners.

My only idea for playing a game like this would be to set up a closed off undercity area, hiding clues on how to get to sanctuary, the winner would be the runner who escapes to be frozen by the crazy robot.

Will I get my years back?



Kayl MacLaren23 Feb 2006 4:02 p.m. PST

It would still take a bit of conversion to turn ST redshirts into Sandmen, but it's not a half bad idea. What company is this that produces the minis, though? I can't seem to find anything similar in a websearch. Do you have a link?


Personal logo Inari7 Supporting Member of TMP23 Feb 2006 6:27 p.m. PST

For your Star Trek needs.

Below is a quote from a thread a few years ago.

"Contact the chap at first corps directly….I did and that's how I 'found' some that are NOT 'Eureka' and otherwise not 'listed'…"


also take a look at the last page of the gallery section.

I have a black belt in TMP search fu.


Cacique Caribe02 Mar 2006 2:26 p.m. PST

This is a nice look for a Jessica 6 in a new Logan's Run movie:



darthfozzywig02 Mar 2006 4:25 p.m. PST

Ahh, Jessica 6 in those gauzey dresses and a collar. Mmmmm…

Cacique Caribe10 Feb 2010 11:38 p.m. PST

Check out the new "Sandmen":


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