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DColtman10 Feb 2006 7:42 a.m. PST

Where does one get steel paper or some other product that is attractive to magnets to line boxes for storing minis with magnetic bases? I could buy sheet metal from a DIY and cut it with my tin snips but I will end up in the emergency ward needing stiches from the sharp edges. Ideally I'm looking for some place local (I'm in Edmonton, Canada). What does this product usually get used for?

Baron Saturday10 Feb 2006 7:58 a.m. PST

Litko has what you need. They sell an 8.5/11 sheet. It's not Canada, but they will do mail order.

DColtman10 Feb 2006 8:02 a.m. PST

I just clocked Litko as a source in another post. Was really wondering if this is something that can be found more widely for other purposes or if it is quite specialized.

GildasFacit Sponsoring Member of TMP10 Feb 2006 8:15 a.m. PST

Steel paper is pretty specialised stuff. A better product all round is called Ferro-sheet, similar to magnetic rubber sheet in appearance and thickness but simply iron, not magnetised.

I get mine by post in the UK but I'm sure something similar is available in Canada but probably not retailed in shops.

Tony H

Hyun of WeeToySoldiers10 Feb 2006 8:24 a.m. PST

How hard is it to cut Litko's steel paper? I was thinking it'd be great to use with rare earth magnets, where I could only attach the magnet to one side of the two joints.

Eric Landes10 Feb 2006 8:32 a.m. PST

Renaissance Ink sells steel paper as well. I've only received the flexible steel from Litko, so I don't know what their steel paper product is like.

RI's steel paper can definitely be cut with a decent pair of scissors. I've never cut it into smaller pieces than 15mm square, but that was a trivial task.

GeoffQRF10 Feb 2006 9:04 a.m. PST

Or try Magnstic Displays in the UK:

He does steel paper. It is 0.25mm thick and cuts easily. Probably the same type of stuff as Litko have.

GeoffQRF10 Feb 2006 9:04 a.m. PST

…that word is, of course, Magnetic

Personal logo T Callahan Supporting Member of TMP10 Feb 2006 10:02 a.m. PST

Try here if you are in the US great service and a good buy. I use them for both magnetic sheet and steel paper. Cuts with sizzors, razor blade etc/


GatorDave Supporting Member of TMP10 Feb 2006 11:47 a.m. PST

T Callahan,

Thanks for posting an excellent link. I've been trying to find a source for steel paper that sells in larger quantities than by the sheet. Greatly appreciated.

Jay Wirth Fezian10 Feb 2006 11:55 a.m. PST

Renaissance Ink has Steel Paper, Rubber Steel and Sheet Magnet.

Check the site

DColtman10 Feb 2006 12:25 p.m. PST

Great links, but unfortunately all in the US. Expensive stuff, eh? I buy my flexible 5"x8" adhesive backed magnetic sheets for $1 USD at the dollar store. Steel paper looks like it runs about $5 USD for letter sized before shipping? Should have bought metal bases…..


gisbygeo10 Feb 2006 12:38 p.m. PST


Michaels sells steel paint so you can make any surface attractive to magnets. You want hills that your troops will stick to? A table that will keep magnetic-based trees and hills in place?

Hey presto!

gisbygeo10 Feb 2006 12:39 p.m. PST

And yes, I'm in Canada, so they do carry it here.

elcid109910 Feb 2006 2:33 p.m. PST

Ren Ink steel paper can easily be cut by scissors.

I print a guide grid for cutting bases onto steel paper using my cumputer printer, and use it for making bases that will stick to magnetic movement trays.

Bryan at 50 Paces10 Feb 2006 9:14 p.m. PST

We sell the flexisteel. Located in Vancouver, BC and you can pay in Canadian dollars if you like.

DColtman10 Feb 2006 11:48 p.m. PST

Thanks Bryan. I'm going to Michael's tomorrow to investigate this steel paint gisyboo described first. You may hear from me soon though, eh? Your post suggests your prices are listed in yankee greenback or are they in $CDN?


olddat Supporting Member of TMP11 Feb 2006 3:30 a.m. PST

The magnetic paint that gisbygeo described is from Kling Magnetics and it's outstanding. I have used it in cardboard boxes (like the ones used for trading cards} for a while now.

Bryan at 50 Paces11 Feb 2006 7:47 a.m. PST

Hi D,
Prices are listed in US$ but at current rates I'll happily take Canadian$.

mkah04213 Feb 2006 6:37 p.m. PST

Anybody know suppliers for this stuff out in Australia?

madDdog6721 Feb 2006 7:13 a.m. PST

Staples and Office Depot sell 8 1/2x11" magnetic photo sheets…not cheap, and 4 sheets for about $12, but it will do what you need it to.

Hyun of WeeToySoldiers21 Feb 2006 9:21 p.m. PST

Last week, after this thread, I ordered some flex steel paper and flex magnetic paper from Bryan at 50 Paces. They came today, and I'm happy to report that they work just as advertised—i.e., easy to cut with scissors and has proper characteristics. I'm afraid he may have undercharged me for postage to the US, though. :-)

scottywan8220 Mar 2008 3:22 p.m. PST

I have a similar question, but I am doing my boxes in reverse. I have magnetic strips in a box on a piecve of wood and I am lookign to put something metal on my bases. In particular, I would prefer round metal disks. HOWEVER, it appears that people wish to charge my firstborn for such a simple thing. I've tried washers, but none are exactly 30mm (lots of Warmachine figures here). Anyone have an idea where to find 30, 40, and 50mm round metal disks? Will paper steel hold up if only the edges are glued on? Help me oh internet!

andygamer21 Mar 2008 7:53 p.m. PST

I just Googled and got the following:

(And Googling it for "Canadian web sites" just gave one site based in Taiwan and with "india" in its URL!)

andygamer21 Mar 2008 7:55 p.m. PST

Sorry: "pages from Canada". And, p.s., it looks like the Ferro-sheet might be the stuff that magnetic, dry-erase boards are made out of.

Narratio01 Dec 2011 10:28 p.m. PST

I buy all my paper and magnetic bases from GildasFacit (AKA Tony) above. it cuts out all my Internet searching hassles.

I've lined my plastic traveling boxes with his 'paper steel' and have the magnets attached to my figure bases (also bought from Tony). The 'paper steel' is dead easy to cut with pretty much anything including kids plastic scissors. Doing it this way allows my to change to steel boxes at a later date if I wish.

NOLA Chris06 Dec 2011 9:11 a.m. PST

madDdog67 – I tried the those magnetic photo sheets,
from Staples (and Office Depot)
too expensive and not strong enough…
15mm figs on washers move all over the sheet
(even with double thickness magnetic sheets)
and 28mm figs on 1" washers fall over quite easily.

I also tried the magnetic AC vent covers from HomeDepot,
and they are not strong enough either…

Chris the Tall

Narratio06 Dec 2011 11:22 p.m. PST

I've found an outfit in the USA – Megazega that can supply it in HUGE rolls, 24" x 36" and larger, up to 600 inches in length? Amazing. And it's rather cheap, with an adhesive on one side no less. is the website.

Bowman07 Dec 2011 3:55 a.m. PST

. Anyone have an idea where to find 30, 40, and 50mm round metal disks? Will paper steel hold up if only the edges are glued on? Help me oh internet!

My figures are on 3 mm thick, 30 mm round wood bases from Litko. I then place "peel and stick" 30 mm round rubber steel on the bottom, also from Litko.

More expensive than washers, but also more adhesive to the heavy grade magnetic sheet I line my boxes with (also from Litko). All these products are better than the generic magnetic sheet sold at Michaels.

All the sizes you need are found at Litko, and their service is excellent. The problem, as usual, is Canada Customs.

Tim95th29 Mar 2016 6:55 a.m. PST

I have some steel paper available for sale.

Steel Paper sheets they are approximately 9 x 12 – hand cut which is why I go above the 11 x8.5" size. I include one full sheet label for $7.50 USD per sheet now + shipping at cost.

Can fit 3 or 4 sheets in an envelope. will ship by weight – if under 13oz will be first class if over, then priority mail envelope.

Let me know how many sheets you want and your mailing address. I'll calculate shipping and send you an email with total. Then send PayPal to same email address.
Limited supply available…

Tim –

Tim95th18 Oct 2023 1:20 p.m. PST



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