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"What is the Most HORRIFIC Real or Fictional Parasite?" Topic

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Dances With Words Fezian13 May 2009 6:55 a.m. PST

did they say 'ex-wives' often enough???

Dances With Words Fezian13 May 2009 6:55 a.m. PST

did they say 'ex-wives' often enough??? or

Dances With Words Fezian13 May 2009 6:58 a.m. PST

how about 'The TMP BUG!?'

I only typed that thing ONCE!!!!
(but then again…I guess it works as I have TWO ex-wives????)

Then, there are EX-MOTHER-IN-LAWS???


Eli Arndt25 Jun 2009 2:00 p.m. PST

On the Candiru note. There two types of that fish. One if the sort that, in one documented case, has accidentally swam up a man's penis. The accident occured because the fish was following the urine trail as it normally embeds itself in the gills of fish to suck blood there. Fish gills give off urea.

The other is the larger, flesh boring Caniru. These fish are ravenous and cut chunks out of their food with an aligator-style death roll.

On a recent cable TV show they talked about one particular case where a body was pulled out of the Amazon as a supposed gunshot victim due to dozens of holes in the river-swollen body. When they cut the body open, the abdomen was full of the things.


Cacique Caribe25 Jun 2009 7:12 p.m. PST

I think that Discovery, Animal Planet or one of their family of channels is having a new show on parasites this or next week.


Cacique Caribe25 Jun 2009 7:19 p.m. PST

Here it is. It's called, appropriately enough, "Monsters Inside Me":


I have a feeling it's going to be worse than the documentary "Eaten Alive" that came out a few years ago.

So, be ready for it on July 1st.


Cacique Caribe25 Jun 2009 8:21 p.m. PST

About the Candiru . . . it has a nastier cousin:

"The Most Horrific Candiru: Perhaps the most horrifying Candiru species of all is the Candiru asu. This small catfish is a voracious parasite. It uses its circular mouth and sharp teeth to bite flesh and then enter organisms, leaving behind a wound that looks uncannily like a bullet hole. The Candiru asu proceeds to feed on the organs, literally eating its victim from inside. Human corpses have been discovered in the Amazon filled with more than 100 of these river monsters. Scientists and coroners have determined that the victims may have even been alive and simply incapacitated when the Candiru asu struck."


Imagine being eviscerated alive!

I know I'm not swiming in the Amazon!


Eli Arndt25 Jun 2009 9:51 p.m. PST


That's the one I was talking about.

Cacique Caribe25 Jun 2009 10:22 p.m. PST

Creepy, isn't it?


Dances With Words Fezian26 Jun 2009 12:49 a.m. PST

Hmmmmm….I too saw the 'Monsters Inside of Us' preview for Animal Planet…(Next Wednesday??) and immediately knew I WASN'T going to watch it. But I thought, I bet if CC didn't know about it, he'd love to know/it would make GREAT 'horror' fest fodder for a game or give some good ideas for NEW monsters/miniatures???

At the time, I was watching the 4-hour/4episode 'Animal Armageddon' (featuring Ray Romano/Queen Latifah doing sneak peaks of 3rd installment of 'Ice Age:Dawn of the Dinosaurs' coming out July 5th?)…Of course the Animal Armageddon series used/re-used and re-re-used animation from other specials..(or so it appeared to me), showing how Gamma-ray bursters, Volcanic action, Asteroid impacts etc…caused the 'mass extinctions' of the last 500 million years or so…

It was still very interesting…but I'll wait for the next Ice Age MOVIE till it's out on DVD to add to the collection..IF I like watching the rental!

But as to the concept of 'parasites' DEVOURING us from the inside-out, (alive or dead)…the previews for the show seemed about three times more HORRIFIC than the usual ALIENS movies including 'Titan Find'/'The Inseminoid' or a dozen others that came to mind.

And when you consider the 'normal' parasites most humans already have, (along with 'simbiotic' life-forms like bacteria in our digestive tracts, microscopic bugs living in our eyelashes and those microscopic elephant-like bug-things (not bedbugs) that live in our sheets/matresses and eat our 'body ash'…(the cast off dead skin cells), the tiny, tiny bugs that live on cheese, (like cheddar) and 'active culture' yogurt or blue cheese…

Well..there are just some things you're better off not-knowing/wanting to know/having a special tv-show with GRAPHIC, repeating top-notch computer animation/actual case-studies/real footage to FLASH in your face/burn into your mind (and nightmares)…forever and ever.

But then again…CC might get some cool ideas for some new monster minis from it….like his grabboids and Thermians he's done master greens of.

(I just don't want to WATCH people having maggots pulled outta their heads, worms outta their brains and colons and burrowing thru hearts and other vital organs in a parody of those 'flesh-eating scarabs' from the Mummy films, etc…

In the COSMIC scheme of things…we're all 'Food of the Gods' anyway…I'd just prefer NOT to be 'alive' when it's LUNCHTIME for them….

Sgt DWW-btod

Cacique Caribe26 Jun 2009 10:12 p.m. PST

I'm going to make sure my DVR records it at home, so I can enjoy the gruesome scenes and tales when I get back. :)


Cacique Caribe12 Aug 2009 8:14 p.m. PST

I shared this cricket video with you guys before . . .


But, what I hadn't seen before is how thorough the spread is within the body:


Talk about crowded. It's a wonder the cricket could function at all!


Cacique Caribe30 Aug 2009 10:38 p.m. PST

Lots of people have talked about the fungus that invades ants.

Well, it's not just ants . . .



Cacique Caribe06 Sep 2009 12:50 p.m. PST

Candiru and Candiru Asu:

YouTube link
YouTube link


Noelvh06 Sep 2009 1:24 p.m. PST

Well I just saw this post and wanted to jump in here. I have been a fan of audio books for a few years as I spend allot of time driving. One of the beat pod casters in the world is Scott Sigler (SciFi horror) author. He has two books that have to do with this subject.
Infected if the first and is a free audio book. OMG this book freaked me out. The the second book came out, and put me over the edge.


Cacique Caribe06 Sep 2009 1:27 p.m. PST


"Strange microscopic parasites tap into Perry's bloodstream like tiny little vampires. They start as bright orange blisters, but soon take the shape of triangular growths just beneath his skin. The "Triangles," as Perry calls them, try to control their host by manipulating hormone levels and flooding his body with neurotransmitters -- imbalances of which cause paranoia, schizophrenia and excessive aggression. As Perry begins a desperate battle to cut the Triangles out of his body before it's too late, his self-control dissolves into raging, murderous madness."

That sounds sooooo cool. Must check it out.



Cacique Caribe16 Sep 2009 5:42 p.m. PST

Botflies are so creepy!

YouTube link


PanzerTC17 Sep 2009 12:06 p.m. PST

I did not see this Parasite listed – the one I consider to be the VILEST (yet addictive) and DEADLIST of all:

The Games Workshop Parasite – once infestation occurs fatal spending occurs. Sometimes followed by nausea, divorce, mental and emotional instability and CCD of Ebay bidding on rare and OOP miniatures and game lines.

The Parasite is never fully expunged from the system. It is far more aggressive than a Tape Worm Segment. Often multiplying – BE CAREFUL – Scientists have not been able to confirm the manner in which this Vector is passed from Host to new Hosts. Incubation can be short (hours) or long (years, even decades to take hold) term in regards to invading and defeating the immune system.

Some might find temporary relief in riding themselves of the secondary infections known as miniatures. But often the sight of a new line will re-infect (to varying degrees) just as much. The purging of the miniatures often leaves scar tissue and mental, emotional and financial scarring as well.

There are even those in remission (and DENIAL) think they have completely cleansed this parasite from themselves only to have an outbreak occur at the most inopportune time.

Many Hosts will often defend and even nuture the Parasite in themselves as though they were Infected with Nurgle Rot. Often many "Zombiefied" hosts have shown thier postules to friends and family only to inflict them with the same deadly parasite.


Cacique Caribe17 Sep 2009 6:09 p.m. PST



Cacique Caribe16 Apr 2010 6:33 p.m. PST

This giant leech is impressive:



Cacique Caribe08 Jun 2010 7:35 a.m. PST

Good news, everyone . . .

Animal Planet's "Monsters Inside Me" starts a new season tomorrow!!!



Cacique Caribe24 Nov 2010 11:44 p.m. PST

Toxoplasma is indeed scary (and worse than the Futurama brain slugs):

"A common parasite in cats can infect humans. The protozoan Toxoplasma gondii feeds on human brain cells, causing altered mental states, behavioral problems and schizophrenia. According to the CDC, up to 60 million people in America suffer from toxoplasmosis, and most don't know it.
Although T. gondii is a microscopic organism, it seems to influence the mind and behavior of its host. By manipulating the reward and pleasure centers of the brain, the parasite can ensure its own survival."

"Changes in Human Personality and Behavior
A study at Charles University in Prague found that men infected with toxoplasmosis were more jealous or suspicious than the men of a control group. Women, on the other hand, became more friendly and outgoing. Both sexes had stronger feelings of guilt, and showed more self-reproach, than did those in the control group.
The same study found that people with toxoplasmosis had delayed reaction times. An infected person was four to six times more likely to have a traffic accident than a non-infected person."



Thank your cats.


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