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"Your Favorite Post-Apocalyptic Movie?" Topic

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Lion in the Stars23 Jan 2006 9:55 a.m. PST

Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind?

It is well after any apocalypse, though.

Farstar23 Jan 2006 10:25 a.m. PST

What, no one liked "The Silent Earth"?

lugal hdan23 Jan 2006 1:37 p.m. PST

Nausicaa is a brilliant film. She's one go-to girl, for sure.

"Hell Comes to Frogtown" – dang dude, I didn't know anyone else had seen this gem! Definitely up there with Trancers and Tremors in the B-movie hall of fame.

"This Silent Earth" was just too odd for me, though it's a good one.

"Planet of the Apes" and "Damnation Alley" are classics, but for different reasons.

awales23 Jan 2006 8:52 p.m. PST

Hell comes to Frogtown. Oh yeah baby. Rowdy Roddy Piper and that chick that gets half neked in all those movies. Quality baby, pure quality. And don't forget the one frog suite that could actually talk.

Lowtardog24 Jan 2006 5:36 a.m. PST

Stronty Girl,

I would second the John Mills rendition of Quatermass, gangs wearing colours etc great series

Cacogen24 Jan 2006 4:52 p.m. PST

On The Beach
Panic in The Year Zero

SpuriousMilius25 Jan 2006 9:24 a.m. PST

You've overlooked the truly ultimate POST-Apocalyptic flick: "A Hitch-Hiker's Guide to the Universe"!

cablerise26 Jan 2006 2:52 a.m. PST

day of the dead, everyone forget about that film? it's really about a post apocalyptic world, i would add also pulse, but only for the fivce last minute ( very apocalyptic in fact)

cablerise26 Jan 2006 2:53 a.m. PST

i forget also

the quiet earth

kharn the betrayer26 Jan 2006 3:54 a.m. PST

How about 28 days later !

Also what is the one with dragons I think it's called dragonfire, thats a good flick Mathew mconnaly is a mad man. Just whats needed in a post apocalypse world

Sailor Steve26 Jan 2006 10:32 a.m. PST

A Boy And His Dog. Hands down, period.

tberry740326 Jan 2006 12:23 p.m. PST

Just for the sake of naming a movie:

Tank Girl


Cacique Caribe26 Jan 2006 2:51 p.m. PST

I always thought that these were a bit odd, but entertaining:


Lord Platinum26 Jan 2006 11:36 p.m. PST

Cacique Caribe, The Handmaid's Tale was much better as a book. And while a little off topic, the computer games Fallout and Fallout 2 were excellent postapocalpyic expierences…complete with playing solitare on Windows 3.1 right next to a tacnuke crater.

groorroorg17 Nov 2006 5:28 p.m. PST

A very exhaustive list is also available on:

Weasel18 Nov 2006 10:01 a.m. PST

28 days later is propably one of the most striking, and ruthless, in terms of its feeling and spirit

Azantihighlightning18 Nov 2006 10:23 a.m. PST

In the video boom of the mid 80s we rented so many of those trashy Italian Mad Max rip offs and they were hilarious, some have been mentioned already but I always remember 'The New Barbarians' which starred that lawyer bloke from Petrochelli. Warriors of the year 3000 was another dreadful one. Bronx Warriors and Bronx Warriors 2 (The later of which received loads of cuts over here)

Sailor Steve18 Nov 2006 3:24 p.m. PST

He didn't ask for an exhaustive list. He asked for your favorite. Do you have one?

Space Monkey18 Nov 2006 11:30 p.m. PST

I liked 'Omega Man' well enough, but 'The Last Man On Earth' is a lot closer to 'I Am Legend'. Plus, it's got Vincent Price… I'd take him over Charleton Heston any day of the week.

I also like 'The Last Combat' and 'Last Woman On Earth'.

Sailor Steve19 Nov 2006 4:28 p.m. PST

'The World, The Flesh and The Devil'.

A character study with societal, psychological, sexual and racial overtones; made in 1959 with Harry Belafonte, Inger Stevens and Mel Ferrer. Those are the only three actors in the whole movie.

I don't remember much about it, but I remember liking it.

Holden8820 Nov 2006 2:53 a.m. PST

I liked Le Dernier Combat (The Last Battle) which is a quirky french film about two survivors that have a private war against one another amidst the ruins of a city. It features Jean Reno as "the Brute". It was directed by Luc Besson and is presented in black and white. There is no dialogue in the film.

The Road Warrior (Mad Max II) is one of my all time favorites. I never really warmed to the first
Mad Max movie though. I always got the sneaking suspicion that Mad Max was never intended to be a post apocalyptic film at all and was just set in a present day or near future Australia. The after the bomb setting of the movie felt really tacked on. Basically, if it wasn't for the preamble at the beggining of the film (which is composed of footage from the rest of the movie hmmmm…), I wouldn't even consider it a post nuclear war film. In the Road Warrior the post apocalyptic setting is embraced fully and it is further fleshed out in Thunderdome.

On the Beach is probably the single most depressing movie I've seen. It is a great work of film.

majormike6920 Nov 2006 10:22 a.m. PST

I remember one called somrthing likr " The last warrior" and Im pretty certain Yul Brynner was in it. Sticks in the memory because someone gets killed by a deepfatfryer. Well it would clear up the plukes I suppose.

majormike6920 Nov 2006 10:25 a.m. PST

Seemingly thats " The ultimate warrior."

Old Slow Trot20 Nov 2006 10:49 a.m. PST

I saw an old VHS copy of "Jack Tillman;The Survivalist"(no relation to the Jerry Ahern books) with Steve Railsback as the title character-mid 80's type of post-apocalypse pic. Not necessarily a fave,but not a total loss either. Quite a few others on my list,but………

Cacique Caribe17 May 2007 1:33 p.m. PST

For "game-able" Post-Apocalyptic films . . .

TMP link


Cacique Caribe17 May 2007 1:44 p.m. PST

These novels may also provide game scenario ideas . . .

You may need to put on protective sunglasses for one of these links (I won't tell you which one – feel lucky?):
TMP link


Cacique Caribe24 Jun 2009 10:08 a.m. PST

By the way, though I absolutely cannot stand Denzel Washington, I'll have to force myself to watch this, when it comes out:



Cacique Caribe24 Jun 2009 9:21 p.m. PST

Aside from The Book Of Eli (previous post above), it looks like we are going to get another PA film, The Road:

YouTube link


Grekwood25 Jun 2009 4:23 a.m. PST

my favourite maybe is Doomsday….it's got a little of everything.

mad mac25 Jun 2009 5:16 a.m. PST

Could you count HG Wells' Time Machine as Post Apocalyptic?

If so put me down for that.

Cacique Caribe25 Jun 2009 7:12 a.m. PST

Don't see why not! And that's one of my absolute favorites too.


DAWGIE27 Jun 2009 6:46 a.m. PST



DAWGIE27 Jun 2009 7:10 a.m. PST










cannot remember the title but the whole movie had two men (1 middle aged, 1 younger) and 1 woman in it (the old man's wife) on a caribbean island.


now that is a memorable dying line for any actor to utter!

AND STRONTY GIRL, what was the title of the last QUATERMASS movie? with SIR JOHN MILL. i do not think i ever saw it and would like to. i enjoyed all of the QUATERMASS movies, but missed this one.


TinGuru05 Jan 2010 8:04 p.m. PST

"cannot remember the title but the whole movie had two men (1 middle aged, 1 younger) and 1 woman in it (the old man's wife) on a caribbean island. "

That would be the Last Woman on Earth, a Roger Corman film.

(What, I can't know stuff?)

Feet up now14 Jan 2010 4:02 p.m. PST

Judge Dredd

MrPlasmablastGames15 Jan 2010 4:21 a.m. PST

This spring "The Road" will be released in cinemas, with Vigo Mortensen. You can see trailers on youtube about it.

I've played fallout 1&2 too. Maybe they're the games I've enjoyed the most, ever. And I'm computer-gaming since 1993.

BugStomper15 Jan 2010 5:46 a.m. PST

@Gecoren – I love Hardware and the soundtrack. :)

Gailbraithe Games28 Feb 2010 3:48 a.m. PST

My favorite Post-Apocalyptic movie is probably Max Max Beyond Thunderdome, simply because it has so many cool elements to it -- Master Blaster, Aunt Entity, the Thunderdome, the dude with the airplane, the savage children waiting for Cap'n Walker to come rescue them, it's just an awesome movie that really sticks in the memory. It's not hard to find minis representing Max (though they tend to be rubbish), but I've never seen a decent figure of Master Blaster. I'm surprised no one has ever (to my knowledge) made a diorama of the Thunderdome either. It seems like it'd be a difficult but doable piece.

Another favorite is World Gone Wild, with Adam Ant as the villainous cult leader Derrek Abbernathy, who reads prayers from a book called "The Wit and Wisdom of Charles Manson." I love Bruce Dern's character Ethan, the psychedlic mushroom chomping shaman/post-apocalyptic Gandalf. It steal it's plotline from the classic "Magnificent Seven" (or from "Seven Samurai"), but it has so many memorable characters that you barely notice that you've heard the story before. Also features a survivor village that is very doable as a terrain board.

"Tank Girl," which introduced me to Naomi Watts (thanks!) and featured Malcolm McDowell with a holographic head (so awesome). Plus the Rippers, which totally reminded me of the TMNT After The Bomb RPG and it's Australia supplement (Mutants Down Under).

If you can find it "The Sisterhood" is a fun if kind of stupid movie about two women who are members of a mysterious group called The Sisterhood, and a third woman who joins them on their quest to save some Sisterhood prisoners of war. The women of the Sisterhood each have a special power (one has telekinesis, one can heal, and one talks to birds). The villain is interesting simply because he's a hero who is just misguided (he thinks the Sisterhood kidnapped and brainwashed his sister, and has sworn vengeance on them), and the movie does a skillfull job of making you root for a peaceful resolution to their conflict, which is very unique in an action movie. It'd be very easy to turn this movie into a post-apoc campaign, since its essentially just a series of chases and battles.

I also really liked "Bleak Future," which is a very rough, very cheap super 16mm post-apocalyptic comedy that is kind of hard to find. The lead is "Slangman," a knowledge merchant who travels the land selling the definitions to words to people (so they can gain clues as to what their salvaged goods are for), which he takes from a massive dictionary he carries ("the last book in the world" he claims, and he is apparently one of the few literates in the world). His companion is Atlatl, a mute savage Scotsman who throws javelins he carries in a golf bag. The movie is very rough, with lousy camerawork, painful acting, and many jokes that fall flat or get tired -- but if you love the genre, it does have some hilarious jokes (how the world ends is brilliant, as is the ending of the movie), and it's full of ideas for characters that are quite offbeat and fun.

mashrewba28 Feb 2010 5:40 a.m. PST

"Children of men" although not technically post apocalyptic

28mmMan28 Feb 2010 10:39 a.m. PST

CC the Necroposter has an apprentice! lol

There are so many entertaining PA movies…good, well there are not so many good ones.

It would greatly depend on the parameters of PA and if we are talking for gaming and then if for RPG or miniatures?

The latest movie, Crazies, shows what could result in an apocalyptic setting.

War Monkey28 Feb 2010 11:44 a.m. PST

Okay it's no AP but it is a good beginning to the end or a good lead to one, YouTube link
(trailer) I love this move!

Uesugi Kenshin Supporting Member of TMP28 Feb 2010 5:36 p.m. PST

Road Warrior #1
Mad Mac #2
Cant think of a #3

Lampyridae28 Feb 2010 7:07 p.m. PST


A bleak post Nuclear film – threads very dark factual and frightening

Watchable for free on Google Video. Can't get more scary than a 1980s BBC mockumentary about nuclear war.


My favourite post-apoc movie has to be America 3000. "Plastic."

Lampyridae01 Mar 2010 11:38 p.m. PST

Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind?

Doh! Forgot about this one. Definitely my favourite post-apoc movie (America 3000 is #2 then). Love the new version with Patrick Stewart.

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