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"Gundam plug-ins/stats/conversion for minis rules?" Topic

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ScottBernard19 Jan 2006 12:10 a.m. PST

Anybody see any Gundam material for existing miniature wargaming rules like Haevy Gear? So far I've found the Gundam Battlesystem plug-in for WH 40K, but I want to look for more. Ready to play stats for different mobile suits and mecha would be great.

timlillig19 Jan 2006 9:01 a.m. PST

Mobile Soldier In Action at

Is a very good set of rules with stats.

companycmd19 Jan 2006 11:40 a.m. PST

You might want to download our Hex Command NOVA rules at

QuarterMonkey23 Jan 2006 6:16 p.m. PST

I recently bought a Gundam game featuring miniatures.
Anyone know anything about itor how I can translate it?

ScottBernard26 Jan 2006 4:42 a.m. PST

Are you referring to the Gundam Collection "Taktikaru"(sp) Game?

QuarterMonkey12 Feb 2006 8:44 a.m. PST

yeah I think so, the Tactical Combat Start Book? I guess it's a starter set.
It contains 6 minis plus two rulebooks (that appear to have the same contents) there is also dice and a measuring tape. I can't seem to find anything about it. It would be cool if Bandai brought out a translated edition to the U.S. but that is unlikely right?

Sargonarhes12 Feb 2006 11:10 a.m. PST

Considering most of the current Gundam fans are fans of the newer and less original series than of the U.C. Gundam. Yes, it's very unlikely.

Now I know there was a website that had all the U.C. and 0083 mobile suits stats up for the SilCore system, but all I can find right now are the Char's Counter Attack mobile suits stats for Mekton Zeta.
And if you look around there enough you'll find some Macross mecha and an Eldar Warwalker. Don't you just love a flexible game system. :)

Sargonarhes12 Feb 2006 12:38 p.m. PST

Sorry for the double post, but I found it. Gundam stats all set up for Jovian Chronicles Lightning Strike rules.

Better stats too, because last I checked MAHQ and GundamOfficial. The Gundam Ez-8 didn't have any 60mm vulcans in it's head, that's where the 12.7mm machine guns were. It did mount twin 35mm vulcans in the torso, in the shoulder areas. And the RX-79[G] GM doesn't have any weapons in either it's head or torso.

Weasel12 Feb 2006 12:48 p.m. PST

My FAD rules ( ) has a plug in for anime combat, as well as plenty of power armour / jumping around rules.

Typhoon12 Feb 2006 9:22 p.m. PST

I have a translation for the "Tactical Combat Start Book" but it has so many translation errors that it isn't worth it. I have been plugging away at making it understandable in English but have run into several things that just make me go "Bleeped text" .

There was a link in another thread for this game but I can't find it. "MSIA" has some pretty darn good rules if you want to game using Gundam minis.

Speaking of which if you need 1/400 scale Gundam minis I can get them tons of them.

Weasel13 Feb 2006 8:38 p.m. PST

I'd definately be interested in some of those too…

alpha3six13 Feb 2006 11:03 p.m. PST

I'd be interested in gameable quantaties of all the mass production suits. The distribution of the sets doesn't help in that regard. When I was in HK in 2002 I picked up a few RGM-79GS and MS-06FZ and MS-09R2s in singles.

Typhoon14 Feb 2006 6:04 a.m. PST

Contact me at .

shaloop14 Feb 2006 11:19 a.m. PST

Here's a page with a translation of the Gundam Colection Tactical Game: link

Unfortunately, it's a Babelfish level translation so it'll take a lot of work to wade through it.

Typhoon15 Feb 2006 9:03 a.m. PST

That's the one I have and it is a horrible translation. I have learned one thing never, never trust one line translation programs they do not work very well.

ScottBernard16 Feb 2006 10:19 p.m. PST

Here's hoping that some kind-hearted and patient soul will clean up that translation so that it can someday be readable!

The Lost Soul21 Dec 2006 2:36 p.m. PST

Hi, just saw this thread.

I have been working on the rules.

The ones you linked to are actually old rules that are no longer part of th main game.

Also the person who posted those did a cleaned up version of the rules about 2 months ago.

Are there still folks intersted in working on this?


Sargonarhes21 Dec 2006 4:41 p.m. PST

Try these. Gundam stats for use with SilCore Jovian Chronicles rules. The way mobile suits were mean to be.


shaloop29 Dec 2006 6:30 p.m. PST

I just took another look at that page with the garbled Gundam Colection Tactical Game rules translation and was suprised to see that the second page in the thread now has a new, understandable translation of the rules. Hurrah!

shaloop29 Dec 2006 6:31 p.m. PST

Whoops! I see that ArcadiaSSX already mentioned this. Sorry.

Lysander30 Dec 2006 12:37 a.m. PST

Mike Pondsmith (R. Talsorian), who created Mekton, has been in the process of having Mekton Gundam (my name, not his) translated into English. Apparently, the Mekton rules were adapted to Gundam a number of years ago in Japan but have, to date, not yet been translated. I am not certain when it can expect to be seen (the translation has been going on for at least 3 years)but it will likely be as close to spot on as anyone has been able to do once it is available.

Aestivalis30 Dec 2006 7:02 a.m. PST

I actually have that rulebook (the Japanese Gundam Mekton book). The system was tweaked to use 2d6 instead of d10 like regular Mekton (go fig…). Thanks for all the plugs and links to my MSIA rules. I see that the Gundam Battlesystem was already mentioned, but there is a guy here in SoCal that also did a Gundam rules converson for the Starship Troopers rules. His name is Jason and he is/was the director of miniatures for KublaCon (

emilio68it05 Feb 2007 4:20 a.m. PST

I'm working on file word of the Gundam collection tactical rules, fixing some typos and adding clear table. If interested

And for typhoon: waiting your gundam 1/400 list, i need a lot!


Miniature Freedom13 Apr 2007 7:31 a.m. PST

I thanks Emilio for the Collection Tactical rules in PDF with images, but it is only for the first Gundam series. Also these rules are more simple.

If you want up to Stardust Memories 0083 go for the Mobile Soldier in Action. The downside is you will need and hex map, but thatīs not a problem.

I am planning to put these two rules on my page.

Getter 125 Apr 2007 11:39 p.m. PST

Has anyone translated the Gundam Collection Tactical Start Book (I have the book but am having extreme trouble trying to translate)? I have the old rules but I'm looking for a translation of the newer advanced rules.

Megagente27 Jun 2007 5:51 a.m. PST

is this the new one?

lugal hdan27 Jun 2007 7:04 a.m. PST

There's an LOTR:SBG plug in (believe it or not) at which looks pretty good, in spite of LOTR being an improbable game to base a scifi mech game on. :-)

Lordspug23 Jul 2007 8:52 a.m. PST

I have a complete translation of the Gundam Collection 1/400 rules, with stats for every unit. I've completed it over the last few months and have been playtesting. The rules are steadily going up onto a Yahoo group.


I'm also looking to get a hold of more figs. If anyone is selling them or knows where I can get singles, please let me know.

Hombre23 Jul 2007 10:23 a.m. PST

I just checked out the GC 1/400 rules posted on the Yahoo! Group. All in all pretty nice. The only change I would make is the "I move and shoot with my entire army, then you get to respond with whatever survives" turn structure. I hate that in every game. I'd change it so each player takes turns activating a single model (or a single formation). But that's me.

Thanks for sharing the rules.

Lordspug25 Jul 2007 1:44 p.m. PST

The problem is that it would make Formation combat either far stronger, or impossible to use. I've played a few games and so far it seems fairly tough to kill units, especially if they're equipped with shields. Luck is a fairly big factor due to the use of d6 and having 1s and 6s making major impacts. My opponent attacked me en-masse and opened up with his biggest attacks off the bat, due to crazy rolls, only one of my units took damage even and that was mostly negated by his low roll and my guard action.

Megagente30 Apr 2008 8:35 a.m. PST

Thanks for the rules, I think you worked on it Lordspug. Its better than the old one.

The one thing I will add the game is the d6 iniciative every start new turns. Its the one I use when palying Star Wars miniatures. It gives a little chance to the player loosing the game to do his last move to win.

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