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"Gaming the 'SURIYOTHAI' Period" Topic

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1,607 hits since 18 Jan 2006
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Cacique Caribe18 Jan 2006 11:55 p.m. PST

I got a chance to see the first half of the "Legend of Suriyothai", with all its 16th century Thai finery and detail, as well as the conspicuous Portuguese troops. I must say, I was impressed and moved to consider yet another gaming period I know nothing about.

What 28mm figures are out there for Thai troops of the 1500s?

Links appreciated.



Pendekar19 Jan 2006 1:02 a.m. PST

I also would be interested in finding pictures for figures of this period..

Great movie.. the warriors fighting from elephants.. beautiful costumes..

sorry I am not helping though..

Cacique Caribe19 Jan 2006 1:15 a.m. PST


I have looked at Irregular (Khmer, Burmese), but was hoping for something with more detail and decidedly Thai.

I hope someone on TMP can point us towards an alternative.


altfritz19 Jan 2006 4:17 a.m. PST

If you get to see the rest o the DVD, make sure you check out the deleted scenes. The Attack of the Khmer Assassins is very good, and should not have been cut out IMO. Perhaps it made the movie too long?

commissar kersey19 Jan 2006 6:15 a.m. PST

CC are you evolving away from the cavemen? ;)

seriously if you check out Timeline Miniatures they have a range tied into this and have been displaying around the UK shows.

Another useful movie on DVD is the Thai movie Bangrachan which deals with a small village resisting the Burmese hordes ;)

Atomic Floozy19 Jan 2006 7:52 a.m. PST

Will anyone actually cast a figure of Suriyothai? Or will she be ignored like other Asian heroines?

elcid109919 Jan 2006 8:11 a.m. PST


We were watching the original uncut Thai language version on a Region 3 DVD (with subtitles). All the scenes are there including the excellent attack of the Khmer assassins. I haven't seen the US cut, but if the left out the assaniation attempt, that is criminal.

Cacique Caribe19 Jan 2006 8:50 a.m. PST


There are actually 7 periods of interest on my list! :)

* "Cavemen" (NEW)
* New Kingdom Egyptian
* Late Roman
* El Cid
* 16th Century Conquests (including Elizabethan Sea Dogs)
* French Indian War (NEW)
* Sci-Fi (NEW)

Suriyothai would be more of an expansion on my 16th century period.


crhkrebs19 Jan 2006 11:18 a.m. PST

The odd thing that I noticed from watching "Suriyothai" was the manner that the elephant were ridden and fought from.

In traditional elephant warefare a mahout sits behind the elephant's head and is the "driver". The combatants either sit on the elephants back, or if present, fight from a howdah. Some large howdahs allowed 3-4 armoured archers or others, to fight from this platform.

In Suriyothai, the combatant is the mahout also, so he has to fight and steer. A small howdah like structure protects a rider who holds a parasol only. When the soldier dies, he falls off, and the elephant storms off with the poor umbrella wielder not having any control. Is this how the Thais fought?


commissar kersey19 Jan 2006 11:54 a.m. PST

Elaine suggest you petition Timeline – I am sure they will be agreable to the idea.

I must confess I prefer to scratchbuild my own. Hence Hua Mulan from a Dixons asiatic with a Dixons female samurai head. And Fuhao, a Foundry Nymph conversion in her Ellerburn chariot ;) Much much more satisfying than just building them out of the box :))

Atomic Floozy19 Jan 2006 9:42 p.m. PST

If I had the time & patience to scratch build, I would. Finding appropriate bits & pieces becomes somewhat of a problem if you live where there are no historical miniatures sold (apart from FoW) & on line catalogs don't have pictures.

1967Hittite19 Jan 2006 10:12 p.m. PST

I was under the impression that the mahout was strapped to the bum of the elephant, below and behind the rider on the platform. The rider up top was waving those giant sticks/tassels/whatever, which seemed to be a system for signaling the driver. Still, a very interesting diversion from the classical western system of fighting from elephants! Great movie, eh?


Cacique Caribe19 Jan 2006 11:53 p.m. PST

Perhaps someone like this would be a good option to make 16th Century Thai and neighbors: link

crhkrebs20 Jan 2006 10:50 a.m. PST

1967Hittite says,
"I was under the impression that the mahout was strapped to the bum of the elephant, below and behind the rider on the platform"

Strapped to the bum of the elephant? That is literally a Bleeped textty job! I'm scared to guess how they steered. One kick to the left testicle means turn left, two kicks to the left testicle means turn left fast! I didn't get the impression that this was a particularly effective means of fighting from an elephant platform.

Seriously though it was a great movie and is highly recommended. The palace intrigues, backstabbing, reprisals and political vindictiveness matched anything the Europeans were up to.


Cacique Caribe20 Jan 2006 7:48 p.m. PST



RAJAHPAKDEE16 Jan 2007 6:36 a.m. PST

Thankyou commisar
Having produced the basic range we will soon be looking for figs to finish it
having said that Suryothai was not actually a warrior queen but just tagged along that day to make up the numbers
dressed in male armour she would have been unrecognisable as a female person

so in her first and only battle she was killed ,bad luck eh!
rumours she was checking her make up at the time are just typical MCP nonsense
seriously ,more power to females in our hobby,good to see you

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