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Cacique Caribe13 Jan 2006 1:12 a.m. PST


As the sequel implied, they had hunted on Earth before . . .

What other time periods and/or locales would be fun to play a hunting scenario?


Grey Ronin13 Jan 2006 1:42 a.m. PST

Conquistadores and Aztecs/Incas?

1600's American Puritans/Witchhunters and Forest Indians?

WWII, Norway; Germans and Partisan types?

1900's Africa Big Game Hunters

ans not to forget, Samurai/Ninja or Chinese Warlord/Martial Monks?


malamute13 Jan 2006 1:51 a.m. PST

Victorian London, against her Majesty's finest Bobbies armed with whistles and truncheons.

The Hobbybox13 Jan 2006 2:34 a.m. PST

If you want some real Predator hunting fun I'd recommend some of the graphic novels and paperback books from the franchise.

The first paperback novel is called 'Prey' and was pretty good.

The graphic novel, called 'Concrete Jungle', which Predator 2 was based on was much better than the film.


Ironmammoth13 Jan 2006 5:24 a.m. PST

Victorian London, against her Majesty's finest Bobbies armed with whistles and truncheons."

That would be the two-part comic drawn by Colin McNeil.

Great read, and my copy is signed!

wolvermonkey13 Jan 2006 5:35 a.m. PST

What about the steamy jungles of Vietnam? Or the civil war?

Redroom13 Jan 2006 6:00 a.m. PST

A ninja senario would be cool too

kreoseus13 Jan 2006 6:56 a.m. PST

wasnt there a clip from the 'nam war in the sequel "they are drawn by heat and conflict" ?

malamute13 Jan 2006 7:20 a.m. PST

Iron Mamouth,

I did not know there was a Victorian Predator comic available. What is it called, I think I am going to have to invest in that one!

Steve Pugh13 Jan 2006 8:30 a.m. PST

The cretaceous periods. Predators Vs Velociraptors.

Or Isla Nublar, Predators Vs Velociraptors Vs soft squishy humans…

Ron W DuBray13 Jan 2006 9:01 a.m. PST

Predators Vs MI Vs Aracnids.
Predators Vs Romal
Predators Vs US forces Vs Japponese forces on(pick an island)
Predators Vs the talaban Vs US forces
Predators Vs NYPD and gangsters
Predators Vs DEA and drug delers in south Am
Predators Vs US forces in Irqi

OKay so the list could go on back through History

jpattern13 Jan 2006 10:16 a.m. PST

Malamute, Predator: Nemesis is the name of the Dark Horse Predator comic that was set in Victorian London. It's definitely one of the better Predator comics that was published, reminding me very much of League of Extraordinary Gentlemen. Want to know the real identity of Springheel Jack?

Dark Horse, in association with some of the other comics giants, published many Predator comic mini-series in the 80s and 90s, and many of those have been collected in trade paperbacks/graphic novels.

There were 10 or so that featured Aliens vs. Predators, including one that featured Aliens vs. Predators vs. Terminators.

Predators have fought Batman (three times), Superman, Judge Dredd, the Justice League, Witchblad, Darkness, Magnus Robot Fighter, and even Tarzan (at the Earth's Core, no less).

There were several Predator series set in modern-day cities, some featuring the brother of Schwarzenegger's character, Dutch, from the first movie.

Bad Blood, set in the New Jersey Pine Barrens and featuring CIA agents as well as "independents".

Big Game, set in New Mexico and featuring the US Army.

Bloody Sands of Time, featuring tales of Predator encounters at different times, including WWI and modern-day drug lords.

Captive, featuring a captive Predator in a specially constructed biodome.

Cold War, set in Siberia, and featuring Soviets and Americans.

Dark River, set in Colombia, again featuring Dutch's brother.

Hell & Hot Water, set off the coast of Chile and featuring some cool underwater fights.

Hell Come A'Walkin', set on the Missouri-Arkansas border during the American Civil War.

Homeworld, which gives a glimpse of the Predators' homeworld.

Invaders from the Fourth Dimension, set at a drive-in showing schlocky sci-fi movies.

Jungle Tales, a collection of shorter stories, featuring native and big game hunters in Africa.

Nemesis, set in Victorian London.

Primal, featuring a Predator battling a grizzly bear during a raging forest fire.

Strange Roux, set in the Louisiana Bayou back in the 1930s.

Xenogenesis, featuring a special task force called Spearhead.

Some of these efforts were better than others – some *much* better – but each has its moments.

jpattern13 Jan 2006 10:19 a.m. PST

As for myself, I'd like to see Predator vs. Neanderthals. Although the African tribesman fighting the Predator with just a spear in Jungle Tales is pretty close: "A young African tribesman is sent on a quest to hunt down a tiger and prove his manhood, armed only with a spear. He accomplishes just that, but returns home to find his entire village slaughtered by a Predator. He then begins a hunt to find the killer…" The story is told with no dialogue or panel captions.

malamute13 Jan 2006 10:23 a.m. PST


Thanks for the info on "Predator Nemesis". I will definately try and search that one out. I am a big fan of the League of Extraordinary Gentlemen. So it should be rightup my street!

RavenscraftCybernetics13 Jan 2006 10:57 a.m. PST

hmmm predators stalking the trenchs of WWI?

arturo rex13 Jan 2006 11:03 a.m. PST

Didn't the Predators need to be in tropical areas ("Predator") or during hot summers ("Predator 2")?

Cacique Caribe13 Jan 2006 11:15 a.m. PST

Predator could also go after big and dangerous predatory animals!


jpattern13 Jan 2006 12:06 p.m. PST

Yeah, each of the comics was set in a tropical area, or during a particularly hot summer. The exceptions, like Cold War, featured Predators that had crash-landed off-course.

Ron W DuBray13 Jan 2006 4:08 p.m. PST

The thing is they like hot weather buy the cold does not seem to bother them much in the books and comics Ive read.
and in the alien Vs Predators movie they had no problems with the weather at the south pole.

Ron W DuBray13 Jan 2006 4:09 p.m. PST

oops ut not buy

Personal logo Dances With Words Supporting Member of TMP Fezian13 Jan 2006 4:33 p.m. PST

Now Predator 'Homeworld' I hadn't heard about…and would like to see about getting…but the concept of Predators hunting at other periods in history…unless they run into a 'Batman' type (who kicked their bunns each time)…or 'Ah-nold' types…what 'chance' would the AVERAGE human have against even ONE predator…one on one. (how many predators does it take to screw in a light bulb????)

How many humans have to die each time…to 'wear' one of those suckers down to where Ah-nold or Danny Glover can take them out??? 8-)

Considering they 'seed' planets with ALIENS…to try to come up with more 'evolved/dangerous/challenging hunts'…I don't know that most humans, (realistically) would have a chance?

Wasn't there an aliens/terminator/robocop/predator cross-over at one time????

'I say nuke the whole thing from orbit…it's the only way to be sure…'


Lion in the Stars13 Jan 2006 4:46 p.m. PST

There was a Judge Dread crossover, too.

I'd guess that someone like Musashi or Doc Holliday would stand a fair chance against one. Any human from the far edge of the bell curve of human capabilities could do it. Hunter's Planet, from the AvP novels ring a bell? The little Japanese girl that was adopted by the Predators?

jpattern13 Jan 2006 5:11 p.m. PST

In the comics, yes, it tends to be a bunch of humans (or animals) wear down the Predator, softening it up for the kill by the last surviving human. And the final human tends to be both an exceptional warrior and someone who doesn't play by the rules. (The rules-players all get sliced and diced pretty early on.)

Often, the only reason the humans win is because the Predator under-estimates the humans. Not an unlikely scenario for a top-of-the-food-chain Predator, I would think.

Also, in at least a few of the comics, the Predator wins. All the humans are dead, and the Predator either blows himself up, or escapes off-planet.

Sargonarhes13 Jan 2006 5:24 p.m. PST

She wasn't directly adopted, more like grudgingly accepted. All the other Yautja knew that she had Dachandi's mark, and that was enough for them. Granted they never treated Machiko as an equal, she could never compete with them completely as it was. She was the runt in their eyes.

Batman13 Jan 2006 6:13 p.m. PST

Three times? I only remember twice? Off to the archives (comic book store) I go!

jpattern13 Jan 2006 8:23 p.m. PST

Yep, three times, Batman. (Although I shouldn't have to tell you that, should I? Heh!)

Barks114 Jan 2006 1:29 a.m. PST

Great- I've got Copplestone's not-predators and love an excuse to get them on the table. I'll have to chase down some of those comics.

Steve Pugh14 Jan 2006 2:32 a.m. PST

Although the comics aren't 100% consistent it seems that often Predators hunting low tech or natural prey will go on the hunt without their guns. Blade weapons only. This gives the cavemen, etc. a slim chance.

Barakvarr14 Jan 2006 9:54 a.m. PST

Not that it wasn't a big enough slaughter in any case, how about a Predator stalking through the ruined streets of Stalingrad, or even Berlin?

Cacique Caribe14 Jan 2006 10:00 a.m. PST

"Predator could also go after big and dangerous predatory animals!"

"Animals"? I meant "mammals", as in lions, tigers and bears!


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