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"Spanish Grenadier Flam 1805" Topic

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2,052 hits since 23 Dec 2005
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SteveWalsh23 Dec 2005 3:05 p.m. PST

Please could anyone give me some direction as to what to put on to the cloth bag that hung from the back of the Grenadiers bearskins. I know that they were mostly in facing colour, that they were richly embroidered but what variation/pattern. I will be painting som 15mm AB/wargames south figures and wish to be as accurate as possible. many thanks. Over to you lot.

Plynkes23 Dec 2005 3:14 p.m. PST

I don't know much about Napoleonics, but I do have the "Trafalgar Companion" book. Would that be a grenadier of the Infanteria de Marina? Just guessing, as you cross-posted it to the Naval section.

There's a colour plate of one of these fellows in the book. Unfortunately you can only see a tiny bit of the bag, as the guy is in a side-on view. It is indeed in the facing colour (red in this case), and it appears to be edged with gold or yellow piping. That's all you can see.

Hope I haven't wasted your time. Doesn't really answer your question about the embroidery. Sorry about that. Just trying to be helpful.

nycjadie23 Dec 2005 4:24 p.m. PST

I thought that read SPANISH GRENADIER FLAN 1805.

SteveWalsh23 Dec 2005 4:44 p.m. PST

Not really interested in the naval side but i'll try to have a look at the book you've suggested. keen to get this right, it's what I like, the research that is. Spanish Flan? S'pose I could have spelt it Flamme.

Plynkes23 Dec 2005 4:47 p.m. PST

Just to clarify: This was "The Trafalgar Companion" by Mark Adkin. There's another Trafalgar Companion by someone else that is different. Easy to muddle them up.

It's got loads of colour plates. There's a topic about it somewhere in the Napoleonic archives.

Personal logo Extra Crispy Sponsoring Member of TMP23 Dec 2005 4:49 p.m. PST


My understanding is each regiment had its own distinctive pattern and color scheme. Which regiments are you looking to model?

SteveWalsh23 Dec 2005 5:00 p.m. PST

I will be painting around 4-5 different regiments of 50 figures each. I have decided that Princessa will be the first as I have a reasonable source of info on them. After that maybe Del Rey, Zamorra, don't want to have to do the stock regiments. I have decided that each regiment will have around 15 Grenadiers, including drummer officer standards and a pioneer.

Arteis23 Dec 2005 5:06 p.m. PST

This page, and the following half-dozen or so (press the 'Nächste Tafel' button) will give you lots of ideas for Spanish grenadiers' bags:


Also, you can see some Spanish grenadiers I have done (though in 28mm scale) in this gallery:

SteveWalsh23 Dec 2005 5:56 p.m. PST

excellent bit of gen. many thanks. that will keep me busy in the falklands

Dn Jackson Supporting Member of TMP23 Dec 2005 6:00 p.m. PST

Have a look at this site. Go to the Spanish 1806 part 1 section. Lots of Grenadiers shown at least 1 or 2 on each page show bag details. link

andygamer23 Dec 2005 10:02 p.m. PST

The last two pages of the 1806 part 2 section show alot more (coloured) ones. (Part 3 is mainly cavalry.) It looks like they feature the provinicial coat-of-arms, that is also featured on the flags, in the cartouche at the top.

SteveWalsh27 Dec 2005 6:58 p.m. PST

The "Fidelista" for the poster that is the most married to disproved economic theories (and blaming everyone else for the failure of these theories). Has to be spectral.

The "Tookie" award for the best drive by poster.

The "Dewey Decimal" award for the poster that will go to any lengths to research why his idealogical opponent is wrong, providing links and references to sources like his post was a grad school thesis (apparently oblivious to the fact that this is an obscure board on an obscure page full of posters that are full of crap).

The "Potato Famine" award for the European with the most pro-US outlook on things.

The "NYT Editorial Board Order of Merit Award" for the US poster that most agrees with our more sophisticated and socially aware EU brethren.

The "Taz" award for the antipodian that posts in the most bizarre manner possible. Scurv, natch.

The "Walter Mitty" award for the poster whose CA persona is the most different from his actual life, i.e. the highly urbane or horribly profane poster that proclaims worldly sophistication who is really a teenage loser that taps his mouse with a hairy palm from his parents basement.

SteveWalsh28 Dec 2005 3:39 a.m. PST

Don't know what all that rubbish is, I didn't write it. What I wrote, was a BIG "thank-you" to everyone out there who gave me those excellent links.

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