35thOVI  | 05 Mar 2025 3:51 p.m. PST |
UshCha that was only on the auto industry and for 1 month. I do wish some would do some alternate research on the web before they post and not trust just one sides reporting. 🙄 "President Donald Trump is granting a one-month exemption on his stiff new tariffs on imports from Mexico and Canada for U.S. automakers, as worries persist that the newly launched trade war could crush domestic manufacturing." "Asked if 30 days was enough for the auto sector to prepare for the new taxes, Leavitt said Trump was blunt with the automakers seeking an exemption: "He told them that they should get on it, start investing, start moving, shift production here to the United States of America where they will pay no tariff."" SBminisguy "I guess you're in the odd position of supporting a brutal and pointless grinding war of attrition that has claimed ONE MILLION casualties and risks Nuclear Armageddon just 'cause you don't like the president trying to negotiate a peace deal…" There was half an audience at the Presidents speech last night, if you watched, who only stood and clapped when a continuation of this war was mentioned as a possible result of the Presidents peace overtures failing. The only thing they seemed to approve of. It was Truly sad. So UshCha is not alone. There are others who want the war to continue. 😞 |
BattlerBritain | 05 Mar 2025 3:58 p.m. PST |
Trump isn't negotiating anything. He's just trying to force Ukraine to surrender by pulling all US support for Ukraine and giving his mob brother Putin Ukraine on a plate without even asking Putin for any concessions. US is now being regarded as a rogue state. US is now openly being regarded as the same as Russia, North Korea and even Iran. Whatever happens the US is no longer trusted by any in Europe. Europe will do its' utmost to support Ukraine because if Ukraine falls to Russia Russia will just murder the whole of Ukraine. Russia is intent on genocide of Ukraine. They want to finish what Stalin tried doing to them in the 1930s. The US used to be the foremost supporter of Democracy and peoples facing oppression. Now the US is regarded the same as Russia. Good luck US but we really think you're ed. |
Herkybird  | 05 Mar 2025 4:05 p.m. PST |
+1 BattlerBritain I, for one am glad I am British, at least we are the only ones who still follow the Budapest Memorandum link Russia broke it when they invaded Crimea. The US broke it when they stopped supporting Ukraine against said aggression. |
CFeicht | 05 Mar 2025 4:20 p.m. PST |
Europe will do its' utmost to support Ukraine because if Ukraine falls to Russia Europeans might have to trade in their pink tutus for BDUs and actually do some fighting. Corrected that for you. |
BattlerBritain | 05 Mar 2025 4:28 p.m. PST |
How condescending of you. We know how to fight. Sometimes we just need some more tools. Looks like we'll have to go back to making them ourselves instead of throwing billions in the direction of a now useless former ally. Ho hum. |
CFeicht | 05 Mar 2025 4:31 p.m. PST |
One thing Europe isn't short of is tools. |
Legion 4  | 05 Mar 2025 5:18 p.m. PST |
Many good points Legion…and the debate over how history will see this era is a good one, full of differing views and interesting what ifs. I'll be long dead … so my thoughts will mean little. For those who hate Trump and his policies. Hell, Biden and Trump will be long dead too … I think Biden was a centrist who did a decent job of get us through the pandemic with a strong economy. You know my thoughts on Biden et al. He was never someone I looked at was very strong. Not a good leader. His VP was a DEI hire. She couldn't have been more incompetent. These types may do OK in the minors, but when going to the Big Show. They demonstrate the have reached their highest level on ineffectiveness etc. … They were way out of their league. And Biden's decline was evident within the first year. She never did anything of any real worth. But Afghanistan showed me that he was a mixed bag at best, disaster in one region, okay in another, at least for a little while.Legion your military assessments during the Afghan evacuation mess were spot on. Well as I have, after my life-long study of history, and over a decade of training and experience as an Active-Duty Infantry Officer in 4 Line Infantry Bns. What was going on became very clear. If one had done the jobs, etc. I did while on active duty. We were expected to learn and evolve and become more effective leaders. Many in the last WH and in Congress were not leaders … My Vets comrades, etc. pretty much all agree. Albeit many of us had similar experiences, etc. I'm nothing special … That debacle set the stage for the next moves that our enemies would do. With little fear of effective leadership from the WH. The over-dependence on fossil fuels will thrive under Trump, not the direction we need. Diverse sources of energy are the best defense against global chaos, IMO. The idea that oil companies will sell their oil to the US because it is pumped here makes no sense to me. It looks like just more rewards for the wealthy oil elites. I think other forms of energy will also be used however, Wind and Solar will only make up a small percent. Single digits … 90-95% of machines work by fossil fuel. The EV concept has yet to prove to be the answer it was promised. The Tech is not there … yet. I don't think Trump will nation-build in Ukraine. No US business will go there without massive federal US dollars being pumped in. Too big for a Gaza-lago idea. How do you fulfill the America First agenda while spending more even more tax payer dollars in the ME and Ukraine? We are going to need that money for our farmers. Trump will working with Ukraine rebuild that nation. It will be good for all involved … Gaza will never be "fixed" as long as Iran is not neutered. And most of Hamas et al are dead or rotting in a camp. As ISIS is today. This really is in the Arab nation's hands of that region. They want the Palestinians to be a nation. Somehow, some way … The Palestinians/Hamas want the "River to the Sea" … Ani't going to happen. With their current plans more of them will die in large numbers. As I have said before … As for woke and DEI, while I think the impact was emotional and over-rated, I am glad it is subsiding. I hope that merit will include everyone this time and everyone should be okay. From where most of us old timers … it didn't look that way. However, With the new SecDef more and more are joining the Army. And the Armed forces are concentrating on warfighting. Again as a former Rifle Plt Ldr and Mech Co. Cdr it looked like a lot of time, etc. being wasted. But those at the top thought for whatever reasons didn't see it that way. And our enemies saw what was happening. They neither respected nor feared us … I think that turning back to the old Confederate installation names was hardly a number one priority, but lets see how leadership copes with the specific issues. Early days for now. Albeit I like the new names of all the posts. But fortunately Liberty was returned to Bragg. After a WWII 82d ABN soldier. Simple fix … |
35thOVI  | 05 Mar 2025 5:41 p.m. PST |
CF you beat me to it. 🤣 In the first place the aid stoppage may be temporary based on Zelensky. Secondly after almost 80 years, maybe it is past time Europe picked it up. Europe and the US also broke their promise that NATO would not move closer to Russia. Your liking of Trump or dislike, really isn't relevant to many of us in the US. We elected him for the US, not Europe. If he runs for PM of England, you can vote him down. Remember our elections are every 4 years, 2 if you count congress. Leadership here changes. "The US used to be the foremost supporter of Democracy and peoples facing oppression. Now the US is regarded the same as Russia." So if war continues in the Ukraine and someone triggers WW3, please do NOT call on us a 3rd time. |
35thOVI  | 05 Mar 2025 5:47 p.m. PST |
VICTOR DAVIS HANSON: 10 bad takeaways from the Zelenskyy blow-up "1. Zelenskyy does not grasp—or deliberately ignores—the bitter truth: Those with whom he feels most affinity (Western globalists, the American Left, the Europeans) have little power in 2025 to help him. And those whom he obviously does not like or seeks to embarrass (as with his Scranton, Penn. campaign-like visit in September 2024) alone have the power to save him. For his own sake, I hope he is not being "briefed" by the Obama-Clinton-Biden gang to confront Trump, given their interests are not really Ukraine's as they feign.
2. Zelenskyy acts as if his agenda and ours are identical. So, he keeps insisting that he is fighting for us despite our two-ocean-distance that he mocks. We do have many shared interests with Ukraine, but not all by any means: Trump wants to "reset" with Russia and triangulate it against China. He seeks to avoid a 1962 DEFCON 2-like crisis over a proxy showdown in proximity to a nuclear rival. And he sincerely wants to end the deadlocked Stalingrad slaughterhouse for everyone's sake. 3. The Europeans (and Canada) are now talking loudly of a new muscular antithesis, independent of the U.S. Promises, promises—given that would require Europeans to prune back their social welfare state, frack, use nuclear, stop the green obsession, and spend 3-5% of their GDP on defense. The U.S. does not just pay 16% of NATO's budget, but also puts up with asymmetrical tariffs that result in a European Union trade surplus of $160 USD billion, plays the world cop, patrolling sea-lanes and deterring terrorists and rogue states that otherwise might interrupt Europe's commercial networks abroad, as well as de facto including Europe under a nuclear umbrella of 6,500 nukes. 4. Zelenskyy must know that all of the once-deal-breaking impediments to peace have been settled. Ukraine is now better armed than most NATO nations, but will not be in NATO, and no president has or will ever supply Ukraine with the armed wherewithal to take back the Donbass and Crimea. So, the only two issues are a) how far will Putin be willing to withdraw to his 2022 borders and b) how will he be deterred? The first is answered by a commercial sector/tripwire, joint Ukrainian-US-Europe resource development corridor in Eastern Ukraine, coupled with a Korea-like DMZ; the second by the fact that Putin, unlike his 2008 and 2014 invasions, has now incurred a million dead and wounded to a Ukraine that will remain thusly armed. 5. What are Zelenskyy's alternatives without much U.S. help—wait for a return of the Democrats to the White House in four years? Hope for a rearmed Europe? Pray for a Democratic House and a third Vindman-like engineered Trump impeachment? Or swallow his pride, return to the White House, sign the rare-earth minerals deal, invite in the Euros (are they seriously willing to patrol a DMZ?), and hope Trump can warn Putin, as he did successfully between 2017-21, not to dare try it again? 6. If there is a cease-fire, a commercial deal, a Euro ground presence, and influx of Western companies into Ukraine, would there be elections? And if so, would Zelenskyy and his party win? And if not, would there be a successor transparent government that would reveal exactly where all the Western financial aid money went? 7. Zelenskyy might see a model in Netanyahu. The Biden Administration was far harder on him than Trump is on Ukraine, suspending arms shipments, demanding cease-fires, prodding for a wartime, bipartisan cabinet, hammering Israel on collateral damage—none of which Westerners have demanded of Zelenskyy. Yet Netanyahu managed a hostile President Biden, kept Israel close to its patron, and, when visiting, was gracious to his host. Netanyahu certainly would never before the global media have interrupted and berated a host and patron president in the White House. 8. If Ukraine has alienated the U.S., what then is its strategic victory plan? Wait around for more Euros? Hold off an increasingly invigorated Russian military? Cede more territory? What, then, exactly are Zelenskyy's cards he seems to think form a winning hand? 9. If one views carefully all the 50-minute tape, most of it was going quite well—until Zelenskyy started correcting Vance firstly, and Trump secondly. By Ukraine-splaining to his hosts, and by his gestures, tone, and interruptions, he made it clear that he assumed that Trump was just more of the same compliant, clueless moneybags Biden waxen effigy. And that was naïve for such a supposedly worldly leader. 10. March 2025 is not March 2022, after the heroic saving of Kyiv—but three years and 1.5 million dead and wounded later. Zelenskyy is no longer the international heartthrob with the glamorous entourage. He has postponed elections, outlawed opposition media and parties, suspended habeas corpus and walked out of negotiations when he had an even hand in spring 2022 and apparently even now when he does not in spring 2025. Quo vadis, Volodymyr?" |
Cuprum2  | 05 Mar 2025 5:54 p.m. PST |
John the OFM, it was enough for Zelensky to recognize Ukraine as a federal state, giving Russian-speaking Ukrainians some rights in the territories of their compact residence. But then Ukraine would never have become part of NATO. That was the problem. The Budapest Memorandum is a document that has no legal force. But I'm afraid only lawyers and diplomats can understand this))) link link Please note: "The Ukrainian state prohibited itself from accepting, producing or acquiring nuclear weapons in its 1990 Declaration of State Sovereignty, the same declaration in which Kyiv announced its "intention of becoming a permanently neutral state." It was Ukraine that violated its commitments after the 2014 mutiny by declaring its intention to join NATO. |
StoneMtnMinis  | 05 Mar 2025 7:00 p.m. PST |
35th, you beat me to the VDH summary.  And, as usual, he hits the nail on the head. |
Cuprum2  | 05 Mar 2025 7:18 p.m. PST |
In my opinion, it's simple. The end of the war now is a personal catastrophe for Zelensky and his entire entourage. Now the West is forced to cover up the blatant corruption that reigns among them. But if the war ends, then emerging corruption facts will simply destroy him. And what will the Ukrainian "ultrapatriots" (in fact, the Nazis he raised) say when this becomes known? I think his life will cost very little. And many in the West will be glad if he keeps quiet forever. And think about the position that those European politicians who supported and financed this war in every possible way, often to the detriment of the interests of their own countries, will find themselves in. Will their voters forgive them for the fiasco, or will their careers end in collapse? |
Cuprum2  | 05 Mar 2025 8:30 p.m. PST |
Europeans, send your men to die for Zelensky, because Ukrainian men don't want to do that. On March 3, Ukraine banned its athletes, musicians and journalists from traveling abroad, because more than 500 of them have already refused to return. link link I remember the times of the USSR… Then, too, many tried to escape from the clutches of the "totalitarian regime" into the "free world"… Nothing changes for dictators. And in Russia, exit is absolutely free. But entry is not possible for everyone))) link Russian human rights activists are outraged… |
John the OFM | 05 Mar 2025 8:54 p.m. PST |
There are Russian human rights activists? And they haven't been thrown out of 13th story windows? Wow! I'm amazed! |
Tango01  | 05 Mar 2025 9:11 p.m. PST |
What about the 37.494 Russians living in Argentina since the beginning of the war?… only mention one country. How they could lost the Soviet Paradise?…
You have to listen them… many youtube there… Happy for you that Ukranians didn't want to fight or die for their country… if they real did… are we talking about 2 or 5 millons of russian casualties?… Or maybe you need uncle Kim send you more thousands of zombies for at least… recover your lost land… Armand |
Cuprum2  | 05 Mar 2025 9:35 p.m. PST |
John the OFM, imagine, human rights activists are not only those who work against their countries for the money of foreign intelligence services, which is transferred to them through shell funds and who organize "color revolutions"))). If they had a decent country that respected its citizens, then they would have something to die for. But alas. Russia has always been tolerant of losses. It is a man's duty: if necessary, to fight for his country. And if necessary, die in combat. YouTube link Keep the Russians who left – they are the most suitable company for you. We say about such people: "no flag, no homeland." That is why no one prevents them from leaving. They are not needed in Russia. Society has been cleared of foam… |
Tango01  | 05 Mar 2025 11:51 p.m. PST |
So… same you can said for the Ukranians who left their country… and also about the tolerance you mention for died on the frontline… It seems that everything you say depends on the mirror you look at… if the Russians do it, it is patriotic and brave… if others do it, it is unpatriotic and cowardly… exactly the same attitude… I hope you reflect and realize this…
The Russians who pass through here are clearly middle class… well educated and I must say good looking… nothing like the discarded meat waves Putin throw at the front.
Those I was able to talk to are very clear about who Putin is and how is living in Russia… that's why they left… and how well they did. Armand
Cuprum2  | 06 Mar 2025 7:32 a.m. PST |
Tango, the difference is that we allowed everyone who wanted to leave. And this is their personal choice. I respect their choice, but I do not respect their position. In Ukraine, they do not allow those who do not want to take part in the war to leave. And this is unfortunate. Of course, each of us has our own view of what is happening. You have your own view, and you have the right to it. No problem. If you hate Russians and Russia – it does not matter to me. This does not make you any better or worse. If suddenly you need my help – I will be glad to assist you. Of course, if it does not harm me, my country and my people. The Russians who left the country have their own point of view. Believe me – the bulk of the middle class of Russians have a different point of view. Otherwise, they would have left the country too. Russia is a state with a thousand-year history. We are the heirs of Byzantium, we are thousands of years of history of life in contact with the West and the East. We are neither one nor the other. We are neither Catholics nor Protestants. We are Orthodox. Not religion, not dogma, but spirit. Muslims, Christians, atheists – all these are people. We accept anyone who is ready to share our beliefs with us. All this has left an imprint on our perception of the world order. This is our curse and our strength. Perhaps we are in many ways incomprehensible to you. We are proud of those people who voluntarily went to war in order to defend our values. Conservative values (from the point of view of the modern Western world). Watch the clip that I posted above – these people will fight to the end. They are not marginals, they are the salt of our earth. I will not volunteer for war now – simply because I have to provide for my family. The only man in the family. But if suddenly the volunteers run out, and the draft begins – I will also go to the front. Simply because I want to leave my children the country that I received from my ancestors. Is that hard to understand? I have nothing against the Ukrainians. But their position is a threat to my country, to my family. That's how I perceive it. And Putin… Well, just another ruler. Today he is, tomorrow – another… The main thing is Russia. And its multinational people. I don't know what else to tell you. Ukraine will not be in NATO. That's all. Prayer of Russian soldiers before battle: YouTube link YouTube link I am a communist by conviction and I do not believe in God. But I admit his possible existence and I believe that if he exists, he will grant victory to the right side. YouTube link |
Tortorella  | 06 Mar 2025 7:58 a.m. PST |
My opinion and only me speaking for no one else…Hanson hits me on the head…the most annoying, self righteous, pompous and angry guy on the right. A know it all who knows some things but not all… Even when he makes a good point I am too put off by him to stick with his argument. That's on me, I know. |
UshCha  | 06 Mar 2025 8:48 a.m. PST |
Ukraine will be in NATO as US will be to broke to stay in. Hell it's threats only last a day, cave in on day one with Canada, and that's the second time it's been paused, so how come he did not see this coming, he's just not up to it, infinite pauses means no tariffs. |
SBminisguy | 06 Mar 2025 9:31 a.m. PST |
Repeated comment from another site that is on target: "A small reality check for those who feel the hype: Macron gutted the French military on day one, Johnson and Sunak purged British servicemen with DEI policies, and Germany was [wrongly] predicted to have the strongest army in Europe upon Scholz announcing new budgets in response to Putin's invasion. Worst of all: France and the UK, despite possessing WMDs, no longer have nuclear triad capabilities. Each have chronic recruitment problems, their citizens wracked by powerful anti-patriotic indoctrination, while endemic racial tensions are grievously simmering below the surface. And these are the ones you're supposed to take seriously with doing a sudden about-face in the geostrategic arena? They had numerous opportunities, and much more perilous days to jumpstart this kind of action on their part. They're certainly not doing any of this for Ukraine, or regional security, to them a strong America under Trump is much more threatening than anything else. That's what this is really about." |
35thOVI  | 06 Mar 2025 9:37 a.m. PST |
Sho Boki  | 06 Mar 2025 10:03 a.m. PST |
"Russia is a state with a thousand-year history." It is Ukraine. Russia have only 300 years, most of them under pRussians and criminals. |
35thOVI  | 06 Mar 2025 10:20 a.m. PST |
Sho Boki Please explain. Are you discounting Rus? I'd say at least since "In 1547, the Grand Duchy of Moscow proclaimed the Tsardom of Russia" |
Sho Boki  | 06 Mar 2025 12:13 p.m. PST |
Rus and Russia are like Honor and Gonorrhoea, like Ukrainians say. Muscovites rulers pretended to be anyhing – Third Rome, Second Byzantium, Israel, Rus. They were finno-ugric, conquered and ruled at first by slavic Rus (Ukrainians) and then by Turks (Golden Horde). When muscovites won civil war in Golden Horde and conquered Ukraine, then they proclaimed an empire and voluntarily renamed themselves and their empire to Velikorossians. Not Russia but Rossia, like they are up to today. Rossia was the name of Rus (modern Ukraina) in Greek language. And only 90 years ago Stalin renamed them from Velikorosses to Russians and started to create the soviet people from them. So yes, modern Russians are Russians only 90 years and live in Russia (Rossia) only 300 years. Before that they were Muscovites from Muscowy and history of Rus and Rossia is someone else's history. That is precisely why the Russians are trying to conquer Ukraine now, to reappropriate a foreign history again. |
Tortorella  | 06 Mar 2025 1:50 p.m. PST |
Trump has now cut the provision of military intel to Ukraine and has forbidden the U.K. to pass on American intel. This must be saving us tens of dollars. Hopefully not too many Ukrainians will be killed. |
Sho Boki  | 06 Mar 2025 2:10 p.m. PST |
But KGB agent Krasnov want Ukrainians to be killed and after them most of Europeans. Like German agent Lenin killed millions of people and surrended Rossia to Germany. And after that he tried to conquer Italy, but Miracle in Visla stopped him. |
35thOVI  | 06 Mar 2025 2:37 p.m. PST |
Well the POTUS seems to be in touch with the US majority. Subject: (((Harry Enten))) on X: "A little bit of a reality check for some: -Trump's net approval on Russia/Ukraine (+2) is far more positive than Biden's was by the end (-22). -The share (31% to 50%) who want a compromise in the war is way up -The share who say Russia is an enemy is way down (64% to 34%). t.co/z6k0x6A1yn / X link |
John the OFM | 06 Mar 2025 3:30 p.m. PST |
Trump has now cut the provision of military intel to Ukraine and has forbidden the U.K. to pass on American intel. This must be saving us tens of dollars. Hopefully not too many Ukrainians will be killed. "That's a lovely country you have. Darn shame if something happened to it. Now let's talk about minerals." |
20thmaine  | 06 Mar 2025 3:53 p.m. PST |
I'm quite amazed how empty the doghouse is…. |
John the OFM | 06 Mar 2025 5:25 p.m. PST |
Well the POTUS seems to be in touch with the US majority. It all depends on who is doing the polls, doesn't it? Mark Twain said, "There are lies, damn lies, and statistics." Obviously polls come in under that. |
35thOVI  | 06 Mar 2025 6:02 p.m. PST |
"It all depends on who is doing the polls, doesn't it?" 🤔 Well the first was CNN and this one CBS. Not exactly bastions of positivity for the current POTUS. Subject: Poll on Trump's 2025 joint address to Congress finds large majority of viewers approve – CBS News link O |
Cuprum2  | 06 Mar 2025 6:29 p.m. PST |
UshCha, NATO without the US is a body without a spine… A shapeless pile of flesh. |
Legion 4  | 06 Mar 2025 7:05 p.m. PST |
SBm +1 OVI +1
NATO without the US is a body without a spine Does not matter, if the EU, with most of it being in NATO, the Russian military demonstrated repeatedly how poor it was at modern combined arms warfare. With the Russians rebuilding their severe attrition at the hands of Ukraine. Who would Russia invade. The Baltic States, Poland, the Ukraine again ? Never under or overestimate your enemies … But at one time we thought the USSR and it's WP allies' hordes would be devastating. I'm thinking with the things e.g. the UK and France are saying … along with other members of the EU. The New Russian military may remain the "paper bear" it is. |
Cuprum2  | 06 Mar 2025 7:14 p.m. PST |
I wonder who and when demonstrated themselves to be better than the Russian army in a modern combined arms operation against an enemy of comparable technical equipment?))) |
Tortorella  | 06 Mar 2025 8:39 p.m. PST |
35th these polls are mostly telling us how Repubs feel about Trump. Less than half of independents watched the speech and only one in five Dems. I think we already knew what his fans thought. |
Tango01  | 06 Mar 2025 10:22 p.m. PST |
"I wonder who and when demonstrated themselves to be better than the Russian army in a modern combined arms operation against an enemy of comparable technical equipment?)))" Vietnam?… Afghanistan?… Any country in the world who fought for being independent against a powerful foreign ruler?…
Anyone… and I maintain that anyone… who has the slightest knowledge of military strategy, tactics or militar theory… will confirm, without a doubt, that the performance of the Russian Army in this current war has been more than pitiful… savage and uncontrolled towards the civilian population (as has been its custom throughout history)… more than poor military leadership in whatever spheres are sought… repetition of the old outdated tactic of sending as many soldiers to their deaths as possible until the enemy runs out of bullets… horrible use of technology in whatever area you look at it… very poor performance on the battlefield… despite its well-known and sold as a very powerful military industry… dependent on what its new allies like China or North Korea give it… humiliating attitude depending on foreign troops to defend its own homeland… a monumental failure and loss of respect worldwide… anything else? Armand |
Cuprum2  | 06 Mar 2025 11:08 p.m. PST |
Tango, in what technical area were the Vietnamese or Afghans superior to their opponents? And since Vietnam, military affairs have changed significantly – half a century has passed, a different life, different technologies. The Ukrainians were superior to the Russians in reconnaissance, targeting and communications throughout the war due to the fact that the Russians avoided shooting down Western satellites and reconnaissance aircraft. The Ukrainian operational supply lines were shorter and more effective than the Russians (the Russians operated along the "outer rim of the ring"; the Ukrainians – along the inner). That is, logistics for the Russians was much more difficult than for the Ukrainians. The Ukrainian army was supplied with money, weapons, mercenaries, trained and controlled in many ways by NATO military and at the expense of the West. There was enormous information and financial pressure on Russia and its army. The actions of the Russian army, although far from flawless, were effective and productive. If the Russian army had failed, the parade of victors in Abrams would have already passed through Red Square))) And in the White House they would have flogged not Zelensky, but some Navalny-2… Russia now has the best army in the world. It was a "paper tiger" on the eve of this war. And now the Russian and Ukrainian armies are the only ones with experience of a real big war. All the others have only been chasing savages through the mountains and deserts))) If we are so weak, then why hasn't NATO come and driven the Russian bear into its den yet?))) And why is Europe's pants wet? |
Tango01  | 06 Mar 2025 11:28 p.m. PST |
The return of the Charge on Horseback by the best army in the world… YouTube link
Armand |
Cuprum2  | 06 Mar 2025 11:57 p.m. PST |

I inform you that there are mountain rifle units in the Russian army. These are three mountain motorized rifle brigades, the 33rd, 34th and 8th brigades. And all of them have horses and transport mules as standard.
But your link was funny and made me laugh))) |
Tango01  | 07 Mar 2025 12:05 a.m. PST |
 Nice pics… but I assume they are not who charge in the frontlines…
As a lover and owner of horses… What race do the ones in the photo belong to? I feel very sorry for the little donkeys… it would be better if they were used for children to ride in the squares. So happy I made you laugh… from my Russian acquaintances here I understand that in Russia people don't laugh too much Armand |
Cuprum2  | 07 Mar 2025 12:37 a.m. PST |
In your video, I also did not see the cavalry galloping into the attack))) Sorry – I did not mean to offend you. But it is quite strange for a normal person not to understand that you are being shown and told an outright lie. Russia is a country that produces spaceships, nuclear power plants, icebreakers … and much more. Do you really think that it cannot produce trucks? And we have hundreds of thousands of trucks in storage since the Soviet era. In different places in the country, a reserve was made in case of World War III. Of course, these are old machines, but after some repairs they will perform their function quite well. There is a lot of stuff there. Suddenly you will need it))) The article talks about a Belarusian storage base, but there are many exactly the same ones in Russia. I just couldn't find a detailed story about them: link Horses of local breeds are used. Those that are accustomed to the conditions of their use. In Siberian units, there are even camels. You have seen. Yes, Russians do not like to smile at strangers. But we smile at friends and good humor. If a Russian smiles at you, it means he is truly glad to see you. |
Legion 4  | 07 Mar 2025 10:32 a.m. PST |
who has the slightest knowledge of military strategy, tactics or militar theory… will confirm, without a doubt, that the performance of the Russian Army in this current war has been more than pitiful No truer words were ever spoken. FWIW having been an evaluator and evaluated as a Rifle Plt Ldr and Mech Co Cdr, etc. Vlad you and your military have failed to even accomplish the most basic tasks of a modern combined arms army. I think some of my old NCOs would have simply said something like … "Dude … you suck. Look for another line of work. Cause you a cluster as this military stuff!" … BTW, US SF used horses at times in A'stan. They adapted to the situation. Overcame the obstacles, etc. When working in a 3d World 💩⚪. But not as Cav per se, but transportation. Why walk when you can ride ?
But the US only has horse in any organization for D&C, funerals, etc. E.g. the US Army's 3d Rgt of Infantry, "The Old Guard". You see them at Arlington, in DC, etc. |
Grattan54  | 07 Mar 2025 11:18 a.m. PST |
I agree John. I wouldn't take X, run by Musk the co-president, as a good source for accurate information. Look at some of the more main respected polls and Trump is not doing well. |
35thOVI  | 07 Mar 2025 11:42 a.m. PST |
Grattan they were polls from CBS and CNN, only reported on X by posters there. You can do the research on the web. I know it's hard to believe, but right now the anti Potus/Musk group, are in the minority. Of course you won't believe that if you are watching only the anti Trump MSM. I'm sorry Grattan, but: "I wouldn't take X, run by Musk the co-president," The "Co-President" remark, tells me that is exactly what you are watching or reading. It is one of their main talking points and has been since he was elected. Also let us say, you live in Madison. You will be hearing anti potus too. I go through there almost yearly and there is a liberal perspective there. I assume due to it being the home of UW and the Capital with lots of government workers. Same with the city of Columbus here . Not their suburban areas as much. I've told Tort this, try reading through the "Citizens Free Journal" daily as an offset to the MSM. I'd say Fox, but that like placing a cross in front of a vampire for some. 🧛♂️ 😉 |
35thOVI  | 07 Mar 2025 11:58 a.m. PST |
Grattan example of my point with "the accepted media". Subject: UK journalist who blew whistle on BBC Gaza documentary: ‘I caught them in bed with Hamas' | The Times of Israel link |
Tortorella  | 07 Mar 2025 12:20 p.m. PST |
Grattan – on advice of 35th, I have done this! The Citizens' Free Press has a ton of articles on conservative points of view. Some are radical, many not. Its a good way to understand how the right is thinking about various things, and not just the MAGA crowd. |
35thOVI  | 07 Mar 2025 12:29 p.m. PST |
Thanks Tort. It's links to other sources, many MSM. Tort, You might find the current one on Congress interesting. Views of both democrats and republicans on congress itself. |
John the OFM | 07 Mar 2025 2:02 p.m. PST |
Ya know, youse guys just wish that YOUR favorite media were the Mainstream Media. If they agreed with your righteous opinions, you would be happy as a clam, and fine. But they don't, so they're evil. |
35thOVI  | 07 Mar 2025 2:11 p.m. PST |
But they do agree with your views? So are you happy? 🤔 It Honestly does not seem to be so. |