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doc mcb27 Feb 2025 12:07 p.m. PST

Ten actually. If commenting please state which point(s) you are addressing.


2. Ukraine is not going to be able to win the war if the definition of winning the war is recovering all the conquered Ukrainian territory. A continued stalemate will result in many thousands of additional deaths. The idea that somehow, Ukraine, which has been nearly bled dry, is going to come up with the combat power to throw the Russians off its soil is just insane. That's never going to happen. I would like it to happen, but it won't. So, we've got to deal with the reality we're facing.

3. Zelensky will have to accept the reality that America will need to be paid back for its aid, which means, as a practical matter, access to Ukraine's mineral reserves. The establishment has been scandalized that Trump expects to be paid back, but why should America pick up the tab? It's not our war. Zelensky, who stupidly has gotten himself crosswise with the new American government, stated that he would not require ten generations of Ukrainians to pay America back. So, does he propose that ten generations of Americans pay back the money America has to borrow to give to Zelensky? That's just not going to fly with normal Americans.

4. Ukraine is an unbelievably corrupt country, and the idea that no substantial portion of our aid money has been stolen is ridiculous. There are going to be a lot of people getting very rich off the American aid, including many Americans. The fact that much of the establishment is so resistant to attempting to audit those funds indicates that they understand this, too.

Personal logo Silurian Supporting Member of TMP27 Feb 2025 12:38 p.m. PST

3. The money that has already been given. Did Biden say it was a loan? Even hint that we expected a return on our 'investment'?

10. "…but this isn't about good guys and bad guys"
Ah, there you have the crux of this whole article. It's all mercenary – what is in our best interests. Forget good and evil, forget morals and ideals and values. Lets ignore the dictating invader, but draw them closer, all in the interests of realpolitic.

4. Well if DOGE is to be believed, so is our own government!

Yeah sure, it's unlikely Ukraine will get the territory back. Certain realities have to be acknowledged. But to me, this type of article shows pandering and almost a capitulation. At least it opens with an admission that it was Putin who started the war – has Trump even puplically stated that?

John the OFM27 Feb 2025 1:00 p.m. PST

"I am Vladimir Putin, and I approve of this message."

Tortorella Supporting Member of TMP27 Feb 2025 1:00 p.m. PST

4. DOGE is not very credible so far. I won't believe them unless they bring back the IGs for a proper investigation with professional resources.

This will also help them to stop eliminating essential jobs by accident and missing the waste. They are not qualified to do this kind of forensic accounting, based on their performance. And we know there must be waste somewhere.

John the OFM27 Feb 2025 3:31 p.m. PST

…If DOGE is to be believed…

Yeah. I find its credibility severely lacking. So far it's been an opportunity for Elon Musk to take over agencies with his own companies.
Naaaah. Not any conflict of interest here. None at all.

Oh! Zelensky isn't a dictator anymore!
News at 11:00!

35thOVI Supporting Member of TMP27 Feb 2025 4:00 p.m. PST

John good to know you're right there with the media. Maybe someday understanding will come. It's the deal man. But maybe it will all fall through and you all can rejoice. 😂

Subject: Citizen Free Press on X: "MEDIA STILL DOESN'T UNDERSTAND PRESIDENT TRUMP. Trump was goading Zelensky into signing the mineral deal so U.S. taxpayers would be fairly compensated. / X


35thOVI Supporting Member of TMP27 Feb 2025 5:46 p.m. PST

See you who want the war to continue. There is still hope for more years of bloody fighting, deaths and potential world war. Don't lose hope quite yet. 🙄

"President Donald Trump said on Thursday that a peace deal between Russia and Ukraine will either come together soon or it will not happen at all.

Trump made the remarks during a joint press conference with British Prime Minister Keir Starmer.

"President Zelensky and my team also spoke with the Secretary General of NATO on numerous occasions, and we're working very hard to get that war brought to an end," Trump said. "I think we've made a lot of progress, and I think it's moving along pretty rapidly. And I want to thank all of the people that are here that have been working on it, and we'll let you know what happens. It'll either be fairly soon or it won't be at all."

Trump said that the meeting that he had with Starmer were "tremendously productive" on working toward "efforts to end the bloody and horrible war in Ukraine with Russia."

John the OFM27 Feb 2025 6:39 p.m. PST

John good to know you're right there with the media. Maybe someday understanding will come.

I have a friend just like you. He blames my wrong opinions on not listening to HIS favorite media.
You see, I used to be a Fox News junkie, until I realized that I hated all their Prime Time opinion shills.
So I made a conscious opinion to switch to CNN.
As I explained it, "I got tired of the lies on Fox, so I switched to the lies on CNN."

So, let's just follow your favorite source for lies, and refrain from sneering insults, shall we?
By the way, I voted for the Orange Man TWICE, but sat out his 3rd. Both parties have failed us, by putting up liars, senile old farts, gigglers and buffoons. Nobody has been worthy of my vote for years. Not even a 3rd party protest candidate.

John the OFM27 Feb 2025 6:41 p.m. PST

If you wish to honor a shakedown artist Mob Boss, be my guest. 👍
Credat Judaeus Apella. Non ego.

Grattan54 Supporting Member of TMP27 Feb 2025 6:48 p.m. PST

3. When has the US ever asked to be repaid for helping another country fight off a dictator? I would hardly say this is an automatic. We have never done this before. "Here is money we are giving you to fight off Russia… oh, we never mentioned it but have to repay us."

Grattan54 Supporting Member of TMP27 Feb 2025 6:49 p.m. PST

Oh, and +1 John.

35thOVI Supporting Member of TMP27 Feb 2025 7:12 p.m. PST

John no insult involved. What I showed with my link, was him actually saying it with the sarcastic smile at the gullible MSM. You and others, may not like his style, but that's how he negotiates. He did exactly the same thing in his first 4 years. He did exactly this with North Korea. He got 4 Abraham accords signed. He did not have a war going in the ME or Ukraine that started during his administration. The economy was going fine, until the Chinese leaked a modified virus worldwide. (The same Chinese who are benefiting from all this)

Hey this may fail, but at least he has tried. According to the Russians, Biden did not try and contact Putin personally once. True or not, this is at least an attempt. Better by far than hundreds of thousands more dying so that some can say: "See he failed!". Which honestly is what I am reading from many on TMP. Or if he succeeds: "Well he gave Russia everything and now they can just do it all again!". Dam#ed if he does. Dam#ed if he doesn't.

There are NO guarantees anything will NOT happen again. Europeans have been invading and killing each other for centuries. But if does continue, IT IS guaranteed that many more will die, world economies will be drained, the Ukraine will be further destroyed and the chance for an accidental nuclear war will increase.

As far as News sources since you brought that up:

According to Rasmussen media bias fact check "Mirror"


These media sources have a slight to moderate liberal bias. They often publish factual information that utilizes loaded words (wording that attempts to influence an audience by appeals to emotion or stereotypes) to favor liberal causes. These sources are generally trustworthy for information but may require further investigation

Which is exactly how your link reads.

John the OFM27 Feb 2025 7:16 p.m. PST

I might mention that I do not watch MSNBC. There are places I shall never go. 😄🍺

John the OFM27 Feb 2025 7:22 p.m. PST

Let's face it.
"Journalism" is a Leftist pursuit. What is the mantra of Journalism majors? "I want to make a difference!"
(Holy Moly, but AI and predictive text and autocorrect is strong in this post!)
All colleges and universities with respected Journalism degrees are Left.
Just like singers, actors, and Three Card Monte dealers.
Conservatives are rare birds. It's almost unnatural!

35thOVI Supporting Member of TMP27 Feb 2025 7:31 p.m. PST

JOF on that we agree.

Tango01 Supporting Member of TMP27 Feb 2025 10:18 p.m. PST

Sorry in advance… but I don't quite understand this recent persistent rhetoric about… "we must stop the war because there are hundreds of dead and many more will come"… isn't that how wars are?… Only wars with few casualties are worth supporting?… what would the ancestors of the USA say in 1770 if they were convinced that the war would bring many dead and that one cannot fight against a much larger and more powerful opponent?… how about we ask the Afghans or Israelis much closer to our time?… the war in Ukraine is for its survival because it HAS BEEN INVADED by the Russians who want it back in their clutches… who has any doubts about this more than Cuprum 2?… it is FEAR that drives the Russians' excuses… FEAR of NATO… FEAR of the democratic ideas of the West… FEAR of change… etc.


UshCha Supporting Member of TMP28 Feb 2025 12:25 a.m. PST

doc mcb – We had a bloke, not as bad as Trump, but similar, he was called Nevile Chamberlin, His appeasemet caused WWr 2, Trump is doing the same and will result in the same.

Biden gave the stuff to Ukraine, the new guy can't change the rules and have any respect in the rest of the world or even less than half in his own country. He won but less folk voted for him.

doc mcb28 Feb 2025 5:21 a.m. PST

The president is responsible for grand strategy. Change presidents, change strategy. I doubt DJT cares about the "respect" you mention. I certainly don't.

Stoppage28 Feb 2025 5:58 a.m. PST


Not wishing to dilute your point about appeasement, but this is wrong:

Nevile Chamberlin, His appeasemet caused WWr 2

Not correct. Chamberlain was buying time with diplomacy. I recommend this book:

Royal Armouries – Britains War Machine – EDGERTON 2012

Points to note:
- Britain and France knew war with Germany was forthcoming (estimated 1942-1943)
- Military supplies were ordered from USA starting 1935-1936.
- USA got paid in full for these and also gained industrial expertise.
- Some Bleeped text stopped Britains paid-for items being sent over.
- After the fall of France their gear was sent to the Soviets.
- Britain spent all its money – including imperial funds – on fighting WW2.

I have no doubt that Uncle Donnie – and/or member of staff – has consumed this book.

John the OFM28 Feb 2025 6:08 a.m. PST

Assuming that Uncle Donnie has read ANY book is a stretch.

Tortorella Supporting Member of TMP28 Feb 2025 7:25 a.m. PST

Self respect is also in play here. The bizarre symbolism of the US voting with Russia against Ukraine on Monday was hard to take. Aligning the US with a mass murderous war criminal and brutal dictator is a little more than a change of strategy.

We have always stood for better than this. Respect matters,unity of purpose matters. This weird connection with Putin that Trump has…WTF? These are the Soviets/Russians, run by a war- monger dictator practicing mass murder and open execution of civilians, openly invading a sovereign nation. Negotiate by all means, but get tough – for real….American is not going to be friends with Putin.

Grattan54 Supporting Member of TMP28 Feb 2025 7:43 a.m. PST


Not just voting with Russia but also North Korea! That bastion of freedom and human rights. It was a great moment in American democracy and belief in self-determination.

Tortorella Supporting Member of TMP28 Feb 2025 8:10 a.m. PST


Personal logo Legion 4 Supporting Member of TMP28 Feb 2025 8:37 a.m. PST

doc +1
OVI +1

As I posted on another thread here :

I and others have said similar. And I was only a US Army former CPT. Biden was not a real leader, never was. He was a puppet of the left. Along with continuing mental decline. Some in his admin, e.g. Blinken, Sullivan, etc. even Soros's son, etc. were running the show. And yet the Dems, media, left, etc. knew within about 6 months he was not competent to be the POTUS. And his VP pick was a DEI hire. Neither showed any real competence in pretty much anything.
The A'stan debacle show the world the POTUS did not have the right stuff, the VP, admin and staff were far from being up to the task. Their very poor etc. decisions damaged not only the US. But the Western world. The Dems, media etc. thought they'd use the "King Has No Clothes" fairytale. They hated Trump and did not want to lose power.

Sacrificing "we the people" and many in the world. And they all got away with this charade/game/lie/foolishness. And again our enemies took advantage of this circus of fools, that they passed off as a gov't with capable leaders. They lied.

Along with all the US deaths due to the Biden/Dems, etc. open border policies. Plus the A'stan debacle, the War in Ukraine[as Putin saw the US had no real leaders in charge], play softball with Iran causing 7 Oct, the Houth firing missiles, etc.


And they all are getting away with murder …

Prioritizing Go Green/Climate Change, illegal aliens, DEI, CRT/1619, Trans movement[which make up less than 1% of the US pop.] etc., etc., etc.

And now the US and Western Europe have to fix the massive Bleeped text mess the Biden admin, Dems, etc., etc. have created.

It is an embarrassment to the vast majority of people in America. And tragedy for many in the world !

Stoppage28 Feb 2025 8:41 a.m. PST

I think Uncle D is widely read – he has to keep feeding his ADHD thing.

He has books on his desk, and lots of magazines. Photos of people he cares about on the window-sill, stuff he likes on the wall. Note that his desk is facing into the room.

CNN – Trump Office 2010

On whether he actually reads anything – a possible solution might be:

- I once flew next to a National Guard Captain (CVG – DEN) whose day job was being a book-summarising-flunkey for his boss.

Tortorella Supporting Member of TMP28 Feb 2025 9:09 a.m. PST

Legion, I appreciate and respect your emotional response – based on your core beliefs and service.

I don't disagree, but IMO the world has seen plenty of that from Republicans as well – it is something that we live with all the time. We all whatabout each other about the past here routinely.

I am wondering what happens next…sometimes we have to live with regimes that are murderous facist states – its a reality. But letting them off the hook and befriending them is not America first, unless one believes that America is only about money for its elites and oligarchs.

It seems like our problems were easy to fix during the campaign – just throw out the Dems and everything will be fixed easily and right away. I don't remember hearing there would be some pain. But so be it. Doing this doesn't mean we have to insult our allies and buddy up to Putin – maybe the blood will stop….but only until the next time, IMO.

Tortorella Supporting Member of TMP28 Feb 2025 9:11 a.m. PST

What history books do you think a President should read?

doc mcb28 Feb 2025 10:36 a.m. PST

Busy people often have books summarized for them. AI does that now for anyone. My reading list for comps for PhD was 500-600 titles. I probably read a third of them and relied on reviews and such for the rest, which was standard procedure.

And I doubt Trump reads much.

But if a President asked me for a reading list, I'd start with Tocqueville's DEMOCRACY IN AMERIC and THE FEDERALIST PAPERS. Bill McClay's LAND OF HOPE. HUCKLEBERRY FINN. Benet's JOHN BROWN'S BODY. Boorstin's THE AMERICABS trilogy. Paul Johnson's MODERN TIMES. And there's plenty more, of course.

Personal logo Silurian Supporting Member of TMP28 Feb 2025 11:20 a.m. PST

Legion. Respectfully – and I truly mean that, thank you for your service, we need to quit with the constant tirades about Biden. At least he wholeheartedly supported Ukraine against a dictator.
But lets put him aside and focus on the current administration. To the world it appears if Trump is taking any excuse to side with Putin over Zelensky – the massaging of facts, the voting with Russia, etc. The sudden demand to recoup our money. WTH? Do you agree with this? I'm pretty sure previous Republican presidents (you know, those with actual Conservative values and morals) wouldn't.

Tortorella Supporting Member of TMP28 Feb 2025 11:30 a.m. PST

I agree with the first two Doc…after that there are plenty of others. A few I would add – McCullough's John Adams. Moby Dick, Grapes of Wrath… but you are right. All of these are best read in a setting which allows time for reflection. Not happening today.

Tortorella Supporting Member of TMP28 Feb 2025 11:37 a.m. PST

Good grief…I know there will be comment on what just happened in the WH between Zelensky and Trump…and the vodka must be flowing in the Kremlin tonight.

Andy ONeill28 Feb 2025 11:43 a.m. PST

Has America actually given Ukraine ANY money?
AFAIK aid has been in the form of materiel.
The value being applied by rather theoretical accountancy. With plenty of motive to inflate value BTW.
Because big numbers look good.
Thins like cluster munitions were actually costing money to store and never really going through be used or sold.

noggin2nog28 Feb 2025 11:49 a.m. PST

Doesn't look as though that minerals deal is going to happen with the USA – maybe Zelensky should offer them to the Chinese and let Li put pressure on Putin to end the war.

Grattan54 Supporting Member of TMP28 Feb 2025 12:02 p.m. PST

Actually, Trump has boasted how he never reads. He just watches tV.

Tortorella Supporting Member of TMP28 Feb 2025 12:41 p.m. PST

He should read more and talk less…really. His knowledge of American history is atrocious. Half his cabinet and most of his foreign policy comes from television pundits. He loves the medium.

robert piepenbrink Supporting Member of TMP28 Feb 2025 12:41 p.m. PST

3. "When has the US ever asked to be repaid for helping another country fight off a dictator? I would hardly say this is an automatic. We have never done this before."

Grattan, google "lend-lease." Also see whether you can find anything on destroyers and naval bases. Diego Garcia might be a good place to start.

Beating up Presidents is a national pastime, but I got tired of being told something was unprecedented in the aftermath of 9-11. (How can we respond to Afghanistan attacking us by invading Iraq? Pretty much the way we responded to Japan bombing us by invading French colonies.)

35thOVI Supporting Member of TMP28 Feb 2025 1:06 p.m. PST

Hey! What's wrong?? I thought there would be great rejoicing! Even more than when they ate Sir Robins minstrels.

"We shall have war in our time"

More bloody, costly WW1 warfare.

Europe will get to double or even triple their aid to Zelensky, (because I doubt he gets more from the US now). Maybe some NATO country can "accidentally" trip NATO 5. My doubts it would bring us in this time.

North Korea has already announced more troops.

He#l!! Maybe you're right and you can bring Putin and Russia to their knees. (I have my doubts, but…). Turkey is ready to take the lead and make up the US difference. I always thought Turkey and Russia were old buddies. 🙄 Not like the ottomans ever had designs on Europe. They just visited Vienna for the sausages.🤣

Well now is your chances to prove the Evil Orange Man wrong. REJOICE!!

Maybe you will get the sequel to "The War to End all Wars". But you know how sequels go, they are never as good as the original and they cost a lot more. 😉

"Hear me and rejoice! ….. You may think this is suffering. No… it is salvation. The universal scales tip toward balance because of your sacrifice."

Oh Legion +1

35thOVI Supporting Member of TMP28 Feb 2025 1:26 p.m. PST

Subject: Citizen Free Press on X: "I'M IN THE MIDDLE. I WANT TO SOLVE THIS THING. / X




Subject: il Donaldo Trumpo on X: "WE GOT ALL THE CARDS, LITTLE MAN!!! / X


Personal logo Herkybird Supporting Member of TMP28 Feb 2025 2:20 p.m. PST

I could not believe what I saw on TV tonight! If I was American I would be severely embarrassed.

Putin is the only happy bunny tonight!

Sun Tzu: To subdue the enemy without fighting is the acme of skill. Thus, what is of supreme importance in war is to attack the enemy's strategy. Next best is to disrupt his alliances; do not allow your enemies to get together.

Personal logo David Manley Supporting Member of TMP28 Feb 2025 3:08 p.m. PST

"When has the US ever asked to be repaid for helping another country fight off a dictator?"

Does WW2 ring any bells?

doc mcb28 Feb 2025 5:27 p.m. PST

Trump and Vance are defending America's interests. I think either Z comes around, quickly, or he gets deposed by the Ukrainians. His ambassador was visibly appalled at his performance in the Oval Office.

AND, if there was any doubt, Senator Graham's praise of Trump and Vance is an indicator of the extent to which the Republican party supports Trump in this. The president is speaking for half the country, at least, and Z needs to stop the histrionics and deal.

Tango01 Supporting Member of TMP28 Feb 2025 5:39 p.m. PST

Thanks God for the other half!….


35thOVI Supporting Member of TMP28 Feb 2025 5:57 p.m. PST

Doc +1

🤔 where to start?

"I could not believe what I saw on TV tonight! If I was American I would be severely embarrassed."

Good thing you aren't I guess.

Well here a Brit who gets it:

Subject: Katie Hopkins on X: "#Zelensky just stormed out of the White House, totally screwed Ukraine and is now being strapped into his booster seat in the bag of his minders car / X


Zelensky was there to sign a mineral deal. He decided to do something else. He made the mistake of believing he was still dealing with Biden and the Democrats. Instead he was dealing with Vance and Trump. Zelensky also made the strategic mistake of meeting before the meeting with Democrats and never trumpers… big mistake!

"Chris Murphy, a Democratic senator from Connecticut, said: "What an utter embarrassment for America. This whole sad scene." The Arizona senator Ruben Gallego added: "This is a disgrace."

Senator Chris Van Hollen from Maryland also described the scenes in the Oval Office as "beyond disgraceful". The Illinois senator Dick Durbin added: "The people of Ukraine and President Zelenskyy deserve an apology."

"Trump and Vance berating Zelenskyy – putting on a show of lies and misinformation that would make Putin blush – is an embarrassment for America and a betrayal of our allies," Durbin said. "They're popping champagne in the Kremlin."

Trump and Vance "are doing Putin's dirty work", the Senate Democratic leader, Chuck Schumer, said after the calamitous meeting, adding that his party will "never stop fighting for freedom and democracy".

Sheldon Whitehouse, the Democratic senator from Rhode Island, also accused Trump and Vance of "acting like ventriloquist dummies for Putin".

(Right here)

Whitehouse was part of a bipartisan group of senators who met with Zelenskyy earlier in the morning before his meeting with the president. The Minnesota Democratic Senator Amy Klobuchar said the hour-long discussion showed "strong bipartisan support in the Senate for Ukraine's freedom and democracy".

Bipartisan means they hate Trump's guts. Trump did what those who voted him in wanted, "American First". If you didn't vote for him … or worse. 🙄 You are embarrassed, or will say you are and you will still hate him and call him "a Putin Puppet". Zelensky screwed up.

The Ukrainian ambassadors response says it all.

Subject: Katie Hopkins on X: "Ambassador of Ukraine. I feel for you bird, I really do. He Bleeped texted up harder than Epstein. And you saw how that ended. / X


35thOVI Supporting Member of TMP28 Feb 2025 6:08 p.m. PST

Oh and as of January 2025
This is just military aid… not including billions in money and other aid

To date, we have provided $65.9 USD billion in military assistance since Russia launched its premeditated, unprovoked, and brutal full-scale invasion of Ukraine on February 24, 2022, and approximately $69.2 USD billion in military assistance since Russia's initial invasion of Ukraine in 2014. We have now used the emergency Presidential Drawdown Authority on 55 occasions since August 2021 to provide Ukraine military assistance totaling approximately $27.68 USD billion from DoD stockpiles.

Air Defense
Three Patriot air defense batteries and munitions;
12 National Advanced Surface-to-Air Missile Systems (NASAMS) and munitions;
HAWK air defense systems and munitions;
AIM-7, RIM-7, and AIM-9M missiles for air defense;
More than 3,000 Stinger anti-aircraft missiles;
Avenger air defense systems;
VAMPIRE counter-Unmanned Aerial Systems (c-UAS) and munitions;
c-UAS gun trucks and ammunition;
Mobile c-UAS laser-guided rocket systems;
Other c-UAS equipment;
Anti-aircraft guns and ammunition;
Air defense systems components;
Equipment to integrate Western launchers, missiles, and radars with Ukraine's systems;
Equipment to support and sustain Ukraine's existing air defense capabilities; and
21 air surveillance radars.

More than 40 High Mobility Artillery Rocket Systems (HIMARS) and ammunition;
Ground-Launched Small Diameter Bomb launchers and guided rockets;
More than 200 155mm Howitzers and more than 3,000,000 155mm artillery rounds;
More than 7,000 precision-guided 155mm artillery rounds;
More than 100,000 155mm rounds of Remote Anti-Armor Mine (RAAM) Systems;
72 105mm Howitzers and 1,000,000 105mm artillery rounds;
10,000 203mm artillery rounds;
More than 400,000 152mm artillery rounds;
Approximately 40,000 130mm artillery rounds;
40,000 122mm artillery rounds;
60,000 122mm GRAD rockets;
More than 300 mortar systems;
More than 700,000 mortar rounds;
More than 100 counter-artillery and counter-mortar radars; and
More than 50 multi-mission radars.
Ground Maneuver

31 Abrams tanks;
45 T-72B tanks;
More than 300 Bradley Infantry Fighting Vehicles;
Four Bradley Fire Support Team vehicles;
More than 400 Stryker Armored Personnel Carriers;
More than 900 M113 Armored Personnel Carriers;
More than 400 M1117 Armored Security Vehicles;
More than 1,000 Mine Resistant Ambush Protected (MRAP) Vehicles;
More than 5,000 High Mobility Multipurpose Wheeled Vehicles (HMMWVs);
More than 200 light tactical vehicles;
300 armored medical treatment vehicles;
80 trucks and more than 200 trailers to transport heavy equipment;
More than 1,000 tactical vehicles to tow and haul equipment;
153 tactical vehicles to recover equipment;
10 command post vehicles;
30 ammunition support vehicles;
29 armored bridging systems;
20 logistics support vehicles and equipment;
239 fuel tankers and 105 fuel trailers;
58 water trailers;
Six armored utility trucks;
125mm, 120mm, and 105mm tank ammunition;
More than 1,800,000 rounds of 25mm ammunition; and
Mine clearing equipment.
Aircraft and Unmanned Aerial Systems

20 Mi-17 helicopters;
Switchblade Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS);
Phoenix Ghost UAS;
CyberLux K8 UAS;
Higher-600 UAS;
Jump-20 UAS;
Hornet UAS
Puma UAS;
Scan Eagle UAS;
Penguin UAS;
Raven UAS;
Other UAS;
Two radars for UAS;
High-speed Anti-radiation missiles (HARMs);
Air-to-ground munitions;
Support equipment for F-16s;
More than 6,000 Zuni aircraft rockets;
More than 20,000 Hydra-70 aircraft rockets; and
Munitions for UAS.
Anti-armor and Small Arms

More than 10,000 Javelin anti-armor systems;
More than 120,000 other anti-armor systems and munitions;
More than 10,000 Tube-Launched, Optically-Tracked, Wire-Guided (TOW) missiles;
More than 50,000 grenade launchers and small arms;
More than 500,000,000 rounds of small arms ammunition and grenades;
Laser-guided rocket systems and munitions;
Rocket launchers and ammunition; and
Anti-armor mines.

Two Harpoon coastal defense systems and anti-ship missiles;
More than 100 coastal and riverine patrol boats;
Unmanned Coastal Defense Vessels; and
Port and harbor security equipment.
Other capabilities

M18A1 Claymore anti-personnel munitions;
C-4 explosives, demolition munitions, and demolition equipment for obstacle clearing;
Obstacle emplacement equipment;
Counter air defense capability;
More than 100,000 sets of body armor and helmets;
Tactical secure communications systems and support equipment;
Four satellite communications (SATCOM) antennas;
SATCOM terminals and services;
Electronic warfare (EW) and counter-EW equipment;
Commercial satellite imagery services;
Night vision devices, surveillance and thermal imagery systems, optics, and rangefinders;
Equipment to protect critical national infrastructure;
Explosive ordnance disposal equipment and protective gear;
Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear protective equipment;
Medical supplies, including first aid kits, bandages, monitors, and other equipment;
Field equipment, cold weather gear, generators, and spare parts; and
Support for training, maintenance, and sustainment activities.

John the OFM28 Feb 2025 6:34 p.m. PST

I take everything back that I said above.
Trump can do no wrong. He is divinely inspired and is incapable of Error.
Please forgive me if I implied anything differently.

35thOVI Supporting Member of TMP28 Feb 2025 7:29 p.m. PST

Going to be a lot of catching up for those taking the place of the US.

Subject: Total bilateral aid to Ukraine by donor & type 2024 | Statista


Subject: These Countries Have Committed the Most Aid to Ukraine | Best Countries | U.S. News


35thOVI Supporting Member of TMP28 Feb 2025 7:31 p.m. PST

Oh and maybe all the "supporting of Ukraine", should stop "supporting Russia"

"EU imports of Russian fossil fuels in third year of invasion surpass financial aid sent to Ukraine

Tighter sanctions that undercut Russian countermeasures can slash Kremlin revenues by 20% annually

Despite a range of sanctions and the threat posed by dependence on Russian energy, in the third year of Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine, EU imports of Russian fossil fuels in particular remain largely unchanged, totalling EUR 21.9 bn, a 6% year-on-year drop in value but merely a 1% year-on-year drop in volumes.

Notably, EU imports of Russian fossil fuels in the third year of the invasion surpassed the EUR 18.7 bn of financial aid they sent to Ukraine in 2024.

Russia's total global fossil fuel earnings in the third year of the invasion also reached EUR 242 bn and have totalled EUR 847 bn since the start of the invasion of Ukraine in February 2022.

Sanctions are not just a policy tool; they are a strategic necessity. Now is the time to keep calm and carry on—holding firm against pressure to lift them. Easing sanctions prematurely would only strengthen authoritarian regimes and undermine the very principles we seek to uphold. Persistence is key to real impact.

Rasa Juknevičienė, MEP, EPP Group
Russia's stronghold over new markets also solidified in the third year of the invasion. The three biggest buyers of Russian fossil fuels, China (EUR 78 bn), India (EUR 49 bn), and Turkey (EUR 34 bn) were responsible for 74% of Russia's total revenues from fossil fuels in the third year of the invasion. The value of India and Turkey's imports saw a year-on-year increase of 8% and 6% respectively."

SBminisguy28 Feb 2025 8:17 p.m. PST

One of the bizarre things about this war is the tribalistic Left-Right support divide. I know folks who are flaming Lefty peacenicks who are frothing at the mouth about Trump disrespecting our ally Zelensky and how we must keep fighting so we don't surrender to fascists…

Here's the situation they don't want to acknowledge:

Putin started the war. Early on, he saw his blitzkrieg stall and was ready to cut a deal—Russia would withdraw, claim a hollow victory, and Ukraine would return to pre-2014 borders. Peace was close.

Then Biden and the UK stepped in, pressuring Zelensky to reject the deal, threatening to cut Ukraine off if he signed. The war dragged on, the death toll skyrocketed, and Ukraine was left in ruins.

Since then, every peace attempt has been blocked. Instead, the war was used as a tool—to weaken Russia, no matter the cost to Ukrainians who have been ruthlessly used as meat puppets in what former British PM Boris Johnson declared was a proxy war on Russia. The result?

*1 million casualties
*Ukraine devastated
*Putin stronger than before
*A new Sino-Russian alliance
*$300+ billion spent, most of it unaccounted for
*Closer to nuclear war than any time in the last 40 years

Winning a conventional war by force of arms and re-taking the territories list 10 years ago was never going to realistically happen, and there is not now any conventional war path to "winning."

Winning means Ukraine gets to survive as a sovereign nation before it collapses, an strongly fortified DMZ (like South Korea), peacekeepers, and reconstruction.

It's time for this war to end.

dogtail28 Feb 2025 8:33 p.m. PST

Putin started the war. Early on, he saw his blitzkrieg stall and was ready to cut a deal—Russia would withdraw, claim a hollow victory, and Ukraine would return to pre-2014 borders. Peace was close.

Then Biden and the UK stepped in, pressuring Zelensky to reject the deal, threatening to cut Ukraine off if he signed

You bring this up again and again. But I cannot find any sources that support what you are saying. Can you provide a link or something like that?

Personal logo Silurian Supporting Member of TMP28 Feb 2025 8:41 p.m. PST

Wow, that sh!tshow is a classic example of different people seeing exactly the same thing and making wildly different interpretations!

One thing that struck me was the (I thought) rather childish: you haven't said 'thank you'. Huh? Pretty sure I've heard Z thank America numerous times. But who am I kidding? We know exactly what V meant.

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