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226 hits since 26 Feb 2025
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Personal logo ochoin Supporting Member of TMP26 Feb 2025 3:51 a.m. PST

I have a question about ECW flags.

With regard to size, I'm guessing there wasn't some regulation laid down that gave exact dimensions, that was carefully followed?

I have only one unit still awaiting a flag (Covenanter dragoons), so even if I'm told something that blows my preconceptions out of the water, I'm probably not changing them. I'm just curious.

So infantry flags were pretty big, Horse flags were a bit "tinsy" & dragoon flags somewhere in the middle? And across the various armies their was no size consensus beyond this?

Timbo W26 Feb 2025 10:25 a.m. PST

Yep, infantry colours about 6 foot to 7 foot square. Cavalry cornets really were quite small, about 2 foot to 2 foot 6 inches. Dragoon guidons as far as I can see were same size as cornets but with the addition of the swallow tails making them a bit longer.

Shagnasty Supporting Member of TMP26 Feb 2025 10:36 a.m. PST

My, mostly secondary source, research gives the following generalities:

Infantry colors are about 6 feet square.

Horse ensigns are about 2-3 feet square.

Dragoon standards are 2-3 feet down and perhaps a bit longer with pointed or rounded back edges.

These seem to have been the accepted sizes for Western European forces but Eastern European armies had their own, often specialized, systems.

KeepYourPowderDry Supporting Member of TMP26 Feb 2025 10:38 a.m. PST

Even knowing the physical dimensions of the cavalry cornets, it really is a shock to see how small they actually were.


These are the Yate cornets, originals at Bromsberrow Church (Gloucestershire), there's really good replicas in the Commandery (Worcester). London Museum has what is probably a full regiment's worth of cornets which they are restoring to how they should be (they'd been split and made into room dividing screens) and should be on display when the new site at Smithfield's opens next year.

Dragoon guidons had their swallow tails cut off if they were converted into horse units.

For all things flag related see link
Surviving examples are sized as follows:
Foot 6'/6'6" square
Horse 2' square
No surviving dragoon guidons

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