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"Paint for 1940" Topic

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AussieAndy24 Feb 2025 11:56 p.m. PST

I am entirely new to WW2 gaming. My preferred paints are AK Interactive.I am hoping that someone can suggest paint colours for the basic uniforms (jackets and pants, if different)and vehicles for the French, British and Germans. My vehicles will be one colour, no camouflage. I can look at Vallejo paints if that is easier.

Thank you

AussieAndy24 Feb 2025 11:56 p.m. PST

I am entirely new to WW2 gaming. My preferred paints are AK Interactive.I am hoping that someone can suggest paint colours for the basic uniforms (jackets and pants, if different)and vehicles for the French, British and Germans. My vehicles will be one colour, no camouflage. I can look at Vallejo paints if that is easier.

Thank you

Frederick Supporting Member of TMP25 Feb 2025 7:06 a.m. PST

I use Field grey for the Germans (I use Tamiya) and Khaki Drab for the Brits and French (again Tamiya but there are lots of other good paints out there)

robert piepenbrink Supporting Member of TMP25 Feb 2025 8:33 a.m. PST

Welcome! German vehicles should be dark gray and British dark green. French could also be dark green, or shade a bit toward olive if you want to make them different. You haven't mentioned scale, but generally speaking, the smaller the scale the brighter you want your colors to be.

Good luck. WWII can be a very interesting period to wargame.

Steamingdave225 Feb 2025 10:53 a.m. PST

Pity you only want to do single colours. French tanks in this period had some fantastic paint schemes.

My WW2 armies are mainly 1:144 scale and for my British armour I use Vallejo " Refractive Green" 890, as base with over stripes of German Cam Dark Green 979 for the period after May 1940. A Flames of War painting site suggested using Brown Violet 887 as base and that works OK.
For German armour of early war I tend to use a 70:30 mix of Vallejo German gray:white with gentle dry brushing of a paler mix. Lot of evidence suggests there may have been brown stripes over the Panzer gray, but I stick with plain gray.

For uniforms I have found the Mick Farnworth guides helpful ( )
and there also guides on the Flames of War site.

Personal logo Dye4minis Supporting Member of TMP25 Feb 2025 11:10 a.m. PST

Andy: Here you go. Each link is for the AK set and if you scroll down you can see the AK stock number and description of the color. Hope this helps.

German: link

French: link

British: link

There are a total of 28 sets available with the colors used to make up those sets. "I" am a convert to AK myself.

AussieAndy25 Feb 2025 7:32 p.m. PST

Thank you. Any more suggestions for specific paint colours for vehicles?

Brunanburh25 Feb 2025 10:37 p.m. PST

Hi, Andy. Haven't done early war French but for German AFVs 1939-40 I use Panzer Grey, Dunkelgrau RAL 7021. If you Google this you'll find various makers. British armour I use Khaki Green #3 which on advice I make up from Vallejo using 2 parts English Uniform 921 and 1 part each Olive Grey 888 and German Camo Black-Brown 822. That said I see now that a number of makers including Vallejo and AK do a Khaki Green #3 so you could just go with one of those to save bother.

AussieAndy26 Feb 2025 2:42 a.m. PST

Thank you Brunanburh

Brunanburh26 Feb 2025 3:42 a.m. PST

Andy, no problem. French tanks appear to have had camo schemes based on a number of colours including olive green, pale green, brown (often a red-brown) and yellow-brown or sand. The link shows a Flames of War guide for painting French tanks.

Col Piron26 Feb 2025 1:03 p.m. PST

The link shows a Flames of War guide for painting French tanks.

Just be aware the paint codes are for the no longer made Colours of War range .

This is a coversion chart for using VJ colours .
PDF link

AussieAndy26 Feb 2025 10:27 p.m. PST

Thank you

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