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"6mm Flight Stands" Topic

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162 hits since 24 Feb 2025
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DanLewisTN24 Feb 2025 10:21 a.m. PST

Hello all, I'm wargaming in 6mm scale (WWII Armor/Infantry) and have some aircraft I want to use in air to ground support role. I've not bought any flight stands yet. But I don't know exactly how the plane mounts to the flight stand. Do I drill a hole in the bottom of the plane?

Also can you recommend a good flight stand I should use for this scale? Thanks for your help. Don't need more than 2 flight stands (I don't think).

stephen m24 Feb 2025 11:20 a.m. PST

Here is my take on a flight stand.


Allows rolling the plane at any angle and pitch from straight up to straight down. With the clothes pin and the stick you can also show altitude.

BattlerBritain24 Feb 2025 11:41 a.m. PST

For 6mm I use Litko flight stands, available in the US.

They do different sizes of clear base and I use either 1inch or 20mm bases, available in packs of 10 for a few dollars. They do clear pegs of varying lengths and for a tabletop battle I use 1 or 2 inch lengths. The pegs are just push inserted into the base and can be removed for storage.

To attach the plane to the stand I glue a round 3mm diameter magnet of 2mm height to the top of the flight peg. You can get these magnets from various manufacturers and they can be quite cheap.

I glue x2 3 to 4mm lengths of ferrous wire together side by side in parallel to the underside of the plane (call them gun pods if you want). When they're together they form a bit of a flat platform that can rest on the magnet.

I've got a reel of 1mm thick wire about 20m long from a gardening shop for about 3 bucks years ago (actually a few quid but I translated 😊).

The plane should then click on to the magnet on top of the flight peg.

To get the plane to bank or nose up, down etc I place a small ferrous hex nut on the magnet.

So have a look at Litko, get some magnets and with a bit of gluing you should be OK.


BuckeyeBob24 Feb 2025 7:09 p.m. PST

In the Message Boards WW2 – Air, Check out the Getting Started with WWII Air and do a search for flight stands. Hits go back to 2005 on various do it yourself methods & materials (since you said you only need a couple) and how to mount the models (clips, magnets etc).

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