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255 hits since 19 Feb 2025
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The H Man19 Feb 2025 3:45 a.m. PST

What bases are available and the closet to citadel?

Needing 25mm and 30mm square.

GW are 100 for 90 dollars!!!!

Want to go official, but 90 dollars!!!

Anyone know what's closet, ie exactly the same sides?

And where to get them?

JimDuncanUK19 Feb 2025 4:04 a.m. PST

I have dozens lying about, all sizes.

Personal logo ochoin Supporting Member of TMP19 Feb 2025 4:37 a.m. PST


Personal logo PzGeneral Supporting Member of TMP19 Feb 2025 4:41 a.m. PST

3d printed?


Personal logo 20thmaine Supporting Member of TMP19 Feb 2025 5:23 a.m. PST

GW on-line store – 100 for £31.50 GBP

BillyNM19 Feb 2025 6:57 a.m. PST

eBay, there are plenty of people out there who manufacture Warhammer style bases in all sorts of sizes (and shapes e.g. pill-shaped).

Personal logo Woolshed Wargamer Supporting Member of TMP19 Feb 2025 10:24 a.m. PST

Just get mdf ones in the size you want. Failing that – buy from China. I got a hundred 25mm rounds delivered for like $5.00 USD.

The H Man19 Feb 2025 1:19 p.m. PST

Thanks Jim, 20th, postage from UK though.

GW are cheaper there, but may be worth checking at least, as larger comps can have cheap rates.

I know there are lots of alternatives.

Looking for exactly the same. As some have different slopes, round corners, so on. Underneath isn't such an issue, I guess, just normal looking.

If I'm going to do it (put an army together to collect dust) I should do it properly. Just for fussys sake.

GW charging over 4x 2000 ish price. 20 bucks for 100 bases, fine, but 90!!

Especially with all the cheaper alternatives, GW must be losing sales.

Maybe some people rebase old world for AOS, so there may be some floating around. A nice thought.


Looks like GW won't post outside UK.

The H Man20 Feb 2025 3:08 a.m. PST

And eBay ones don't seem too far different in price.

If I'm paying over 60 cents I may as well go 90 for the GW ones. 90!

3d prints aren't doing it. Lines (sellers words) and likely still not accurate.

MDF, again not accurate enough for GW look.

Just bought a herd of beastmen, wish me luck, and they weren't much more then the GW base price. About half again as much.

That's some expensive bases.

Or may just cheap figures?

Fact is 30mm GW squares are not going to be cheap, as they are brand new.

20mm should be going very cheap.


Take a, oh gosh, few 20-25mm bases. Don't say it! And carefully slice/cut them up and glue them back together to make 30mm bases. Nooo, I said it!

Actually that makes sense.

Just cut the bases into quarters. Slice some sacrificial ones to get 5 or 10mm slices to glue between the quarters. Cut a bit or use putty on the hole left on top. Light clean up/sand, and you have one poor man's legit GW base.

Only took maybe 3 bases to make 2.

Probably too fiddly to get the measurements right with out a lot of filling.

Still, worth checking eBay. May be a fun little project.


The other problem on eBay, is when I find some non GWs that may work, there aren't enough available.

CeruLucifus20 Feb 2025 3:47 a.m. PST

eM4 miniatures have 25mm square but in 30mm, only round.


phil bagnall20 Feb 2025 1:08 p.m. PST

In UK can get these through Amazon at £11.99 GBP for 100, perhaps a bit thinner for height than GW brand slottas. Not sure but might be an equivalent for you in Aus?

The H Man20 Feb 2025 4:22 p.m. PST

The Amazon ones have the rounded corners I was talking about. Also the base photos show straight edges, the model shots/schematic show sloped edges.

I guess they can't do exact copies of GW ones.

Makes my idea of cutting and glueing less crazy. As at least they would look and technically be GW bases. Need for over 100 the main put off.

One other idea may be extenders or just gluing plastic strips in the edges.

Or go old school on basing and use extenders or cool movement trays that do the adaption.

So many options.

It's good they changed the sizes. Understand the need, model wise. If not at the end of a hiatus, then when? In the middle of releases and games and marketing and production? No, an annoying, but valid move.

PS are giving away sample bases with orders.

You can also buy them.

Problem, same as above, bulk photos show round corners and near vertical slopes while schematics show a very different base.

May do an email.

Also 2.85??? Per base???

Saxondog20 Feb 2025 5:23 p.m. PST

Looked on etsy. Found 30mm square bases $12.49 USD for 60. From War Base West. I found slotted ones for $6.99 USD for 20. Same dealer. Lots of other dealers there. Might be cheaper options as well. This was the first dealer I found.

The H Man20 Feb 2025 8:40 p.m. PST

Warbase west ones look the same issue, near vertical with rounded corners.

I bought a bunch of 25mm one that are like that incase clients needed upgrades.

May end up using them myself, begrudgingly, and get similar 30mm ones. At least they seem to be available in numbers, from a few places from the look of it.

Found orangutan has them on eBay. Half GW price. Branded USA.

Still rounded, but maybe not as badcas the last lot.

May encourage me to be flexible with other bits, like avoiding ugly plastic minotaurs.

Getting there.


Orangutan feedback suggests won't work with plastic glue, but will with super glue. Could help if I ever wanted to rebase them.


Found more local lot, 30-33cents a base. Looks ok, accepting reality.

Seeing if I can get a sample sent.

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