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"Austrian Cavalry Saddle Sheepskins" Topic

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Trockledockle18 Feb 2025 5:59 a.m. PST

I've been looking at a variety of sources (Acerbi, Rawkins, Osprey) and am confused on the colour of sheepskins used. As I understand it, the regulations stated that officers had black and troopers white but there are many contemporary pictures of troopers with black. Can anyone clarify this? Was black used by troopers as it didn't show dirt as much?

rustymusket18 Feb 2025 6:10 a.m. PST

Whatever what was handy at some point? Normal in war when necessity dictates the supply? A guess on my part.

cavcrazy18 Feb 2025 7:01 a.m. PST

I believe that the trumpeters had black sheepskins.

Prince of Essling18 Feb 2025 12:44 p.m. PST

"Austrian cavalry of the Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars 1792-1815" by Enrico Acerbi & Andras K. Molnar, illustrations by Bruno Mugnai

Page 44 – Cuirassiers, Dragoons, Chevauxleger & Jager zu Pferde were consided as "German cavalry".

The next bit appears to be slightly conflicted as I read it unless they mean on page 130 that the edging was red for Hussars as well…
Page 119 -…Under the 1798 regulations all German cavalry received a new Sattlehaut cover of lambskin in white fur for troopers & NCOs, and black for officers, both with red piping on the edge.

Page 130 – under the 1798 regulations for Hussars the lambskin shabraque was black for NCOs and troopers and white for officers as prescribed for the German cavalry, however this scheme seems to have been little respected among the Hussars.

Page 133 – Uhlans as for Hussars.

Page 137 – In 1803 black lambskin covers gradually replaced the previous model for troopers and NCOs, which remained white for Cuirassiers, Dragoons and Chevauxlegers.

Trockledockle18 Feb 2025 3:40 p.m. PST

Thanks to everyone for replying.


I had read Acerbi et al but was confused by the paragraph on page 137. It's under a chapter heading "Changes in German Cavalry Uniforms 1800-1803" which implies that the content only applies to cuirassiers, dragoons and Chevauxlegers. However, the paragraph may be saying that non-German cavalry troopers and NCOs (hussars and uhlans?) adopted black sheepskins and the German cavalry retained white but it isn't clear. To add to the confusion, colour plate L shows an 1809-10 uhlan in parade uniform with a white sheepskin and page 136 has one in black!

My guess is that the hussars and uhlans troopers had black in the field. I found a note online saying that the parade was white and the field one black which could explain plate L.

Anything anyone can add would be most welcome.

Stoppage19 Feb 2025 5:13 a.m. PST

Officers/Prima plana NCOs with white sheepskins? other-ranks with black sheepskins?

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