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"Empire Basing Questions? 1809" Topic

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DukeWacoan Supporting Member of TMP Fezian15 Feb 2025 12:05 p.m. PST

I am looking at an 1809 project. Won't be using Empire rules, but wanting to use their basing conventions. I had a bunch decades ago, trying to remember figure counts, as Empire has ranges for some. Any input appreciated.

My main question is as to the Hungarian vs Austrian line. I seem to recall I based my Hungarians as 18 and Austrians as 12, but not positive.

Here is what I come up with -

French Ligne/Legere – 12 figures
Chasseurs – 16
Hussars – 18
Dragoons -20
Cuirassiers – 24

Since I am doing 1809, I might do some Italians, Bavarian

Grenadiers – 12
Jagers – 12
Austrian – 12
Hungarians – 18
Chevauleger -18
Hussars – 20
Uhlans -18
Dragoons -16
Cuirassiers – 22

Shagnasty Supporting Member of TMP15 Feb 2025 1:58 p.m. PST

Duke, the guy I game Empire with uses the following:
The Fench infantry btn- 12
French cav Regiment – 6-9
Austrian Germans btn- 16
Horse Regiments 6-9

14Bore15 Feb 2025 2:20 p.m. PST

According to E3 looks like you have it correct

nsolomon9916 Feb 2025 2:43 a.m. PST

Shagnasty & 14Bore are correct, completely agree. Cavalry regiments are intended to look smaller than infantry battalions.

CamelCase16 Feb 2025 5:43 a.m. PST

I recall almost all cavalry units were 2-12 figures with 8 being the standard.

21eRegt16 Feb 2025 3:44 p.m. PST

In 1809 the French cavalry runs from 8-12 in the line, larger in the Garde. Looking at some detailed books, the Austrians started the war with 1000 per line battalion, regardless of Austrian or Hungarian. So our group are all 18s to match the six company battalion.

Personal logo Saber6 Supporting Member of TMP Fezian17 Feb 2025 6:05 p.m. PST

I remember everyone doing six stands of 3 for 18 figures

Richard 195617 Feb 2025 10:52 p.m. PST

Only have French, Russian and Austrian

French Infantry either 12 or 9 per battalion, Cavalry 10 or 8

Austrian Infantry 15 to 12, Cavalry Maximum of 16 always use 'Battale Groups'

Russian Infanry 8 Figs Cavalry 8 (Heavy) up to 16 (Light) Only meant for 1812

Richard 195617 Feb 2025 10:55 p.m. PST

With cavalry its the number of fit horses that matter not men. French poor horse keepers.

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