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"25/28 mm Halberds needed..." Topic

4 Posts

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Personal logo Sgt Slag Supporting Member of TMP13 Feb 2025 9:12 a.m. PST

I am looking for 25/28 mm Halberds to do some conversions of em4 Dwarven Spearmen to Halberdiers. I only need the heads, no shafts, no arms holding the shafts. Metal or plastic does not matter, but size does!

I checked Etsy, and I found some, but they are very costly, as only a portion of the sets I found, would be suitable -- many spears included in the sets, along with long shafts and arms holding the shafts.

Any help appreciated. Cheers!

Personal logo Sgt Slag Supporting Member of TMP13 Feb 2025 9:35 a.m. PST

Found these, from Essex, packs of 8, for 2.75 Pounds + S/H. Any others? Cheers!

Eumelus Supporting Member of TMP13 Feb 2025 9:58 a.m. PST

The command sprue from Perry's "Late 15th Century Mercenaries" set has some halberd heads. Fortuitously, it appears from the Perry site that you can order just the command sprue, without all the troop sprues:


Personal logo Sgt Slag Supporting Member of TMP13 Feb 2025 10:29 a.m. PST

Ended up ordering a total of 48 Dwarven Spearmen from em4… I have a pack of brass spears sitting on my workbench, left over from another project -- I used them as standard bearing spears, to mark off leaders for units.

Another gamer on the Lead Adventure Forum mentioned he could always use more Dwarven Pikemen… I have Hobgoblin Pikemen, already: Pikemen get to attack with the 1st, 2nd, and the 3rd ranks! I can't let the Hobgoblins one-up the Dwarves! I ended up ordering another 24 Dwarven Spearmen, paying shipping twice. Dag' nabbit! Good thing the Dwarf figures are only $0.50 USD each, before shipping!

I plan to cut the spears off, top and bottom of the Dwarves' hands, drill out their hands with a pin vise, then slide in the Halberds, and the Pikes (really long spears…), gluing them into place.

"No waiting to slaughter Orcs and Hobgoblins, for the 2nd and 3rd Ranks of all Pikemen…" Bring on the Blue Light Special for killing Orcs and Hobgoblins! Cheers!

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