79thPA I will give you that to some extent, but to maintain a hidden position, Weapon and personnel not visible, that is being fully in shadow, they will have to make the arc of fire along the wall very small; probably not even close to 90 degrees while being well back so as not to betray the position, acceptable but quite limiting. Standing close to the window risks being illuminated and observed.
A quick simulation with my window and I need to be 3 to 4 ft back from the window edge to be clear and at that point you do not have a 90 degree arc of view.
Plus in my house ( of which there are many examples in Europe) there is not 3 to 4 ft either side of the window. My house rooms are only 12 ft wide at most, so a 3 to 4 ft side position is not possible with a window 5 ft wide. There are smaller windows, but they are in smaller rooms with even less distance either side of the window.
Clearly you have highlighted some assumptions made in the rules that I had not actually recognised which is interesting of itself.
I does make me realise I have no working assumptions for say Dessert housing that has very small windows but as we do not fight virtually any game in those environments its a moot point. However any good suggestions as to what we should we do so?
This discussion does however lead me to there are more interesting issues on observability vs fire arc.
Another reason (which again is open to a LOT of debate) is that certainly some houses have minimal ballistic protection so being further back means more rounds need to be fired to intersect with the shooter.
PS. I did the simulation in the all glass conservatory so I could get 3 to 4 ft from the furthest window. In houses with full width windows the only option would to be well back from the window as its wall to wall, but that does breach the 5 ft window set by this thread.
Wolfhag – sorry I was not thinking, your diagram in the link shows the issue I was covering most excellently. I need not have done my own experiment and 3 to 4 ft may be an underestimate on my part. It does beg the question how practical the links suggestions are. If I look at my living room there is a large amount of furniture on the door wall making it precarious to move quickly and obtain a stable platform in places.