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Personal logo Der Alte Fritz Sponsoring Member of TMP11 Feb 2025 8:47 p.m. PST

Mrs. Fritz invited three couples to our home this Saturday to play in their first ever war game, hosted by me, of course. I decided that an AWI skirmish type of game would be a good introduction to war gaming for newbies.

I'm thinking of a game set during the Saratoga Campaign so that I can use a mix of Brunswick, Tories, Indians and British versus American militia and Continentals. 28mm figures to be used.

Each player will command a company of 24 figures.there will be 6-7 players, none of whom have ever played a war game before.

So I need some ideas for personal objectives/ goals for each player within the scenario to add a roll playing element to the game.

Any ideas are appreciated.


Stryderg Supporting Member of TMP11 Feb 2025 8:55 p.m. PST

Just some random ideas off the top of my head (and probably not very good ones to boot!):

Indians – A bunch of young warriors out to prove themselves, need to count coup by entering melee. Bonus points for surviving the experience.

Militia – need to fire X times before withdrawing with minimal casualties (the Continentals don't need to know that bit of info).

British – need to inflict X casualties as a show of force (doesn't really matter who the casualties are)

Zephyr111 Feb 2025 9:27 p.m. PST

> A Rebel cannon at a chokepoint (like a bridge or ford), runs out of shot after X firings, bonus VP for each turn over the # of shot they have that they can delay the enemy's crossing (threatening and bluffing is the key here… ;-)
> Lexington-Concord scenario, with troops having to move down a long road while being sniped at from behind walls & fences.
> Supply camp raided by stragglers/deserters. They run off quick, but cause delays to units elsewhere in the army
> Highwaymen try to raid the command tent and steal a chest of gold payroll
> A cavalry unit's horses get into barrels of spirits. Drunken hilarity ensues when people try to ride them…

Personal logo Der Alte Fritz Sponsoring Member of TMP11 Feb 2025 11:09 p.m. PST

I like these ideas. Keep them coming. I like the idea of two players on the same side having competing agendas. :)

Fitzovich Supporting Member of TMP12 Feb 2025 2:11 a.m. PST

I would suggest a scenario we play each November called the Great Turkey 🦃 Hunt. It is more FIW but could easily be modified for AWI. Each player is has 5 figs being a small detachment of their respective groups, Roger's Rangers, Native Americans or Courer du Bois all needing to go out to the woods at the end of a long day and secure a turkey for the officers mess, PM me and I will send you the scenario rules that we used for Fistful of Lead Horse and Musket rules.

Personal logo John the OFM Supporting Member of TMP12 Feb 2025 2:32 a.m. PST

I assume you have morale tests at a certain level of casualties.
Make the surviving figures level at which you test highest for Indians. They're just here for fun and bragging rights. Test at 80%
Next highest level for Militia. Test at 70%
Tories (don't give them too much respect by calling them Loyalists!) test at the next level. After all, they think they're Regulars! Test at 65%
Brunswick and British, being stoic Regulars, test at 50%

Severe morale failure and they leave the field. Moderate failure, and the unit will withdraw to musket range.

Give each contingent the level at which they test on their own card. Easy to calculate with 24 figures.

Limit Rifles to Tories and designated figures in Yankee Light Infantry. (How much do you believe the NRA Certified legend if Timothy Murphy? 🙄)

Give Indians 50% bows. Also make them take a Reaction Test to charge and loot the Yankee camp when first seen. Looting the camp fulfills their victory conditions.

Personal logo John the OFM Supporting Member of TMP12 Feb 2025 2:47 a.m. PST

Timothy Murphy of course requires that officers be important.
Only Militia and Indians may specifically target Officers. One or two designated Riflemen in Militia. Or more. It's your game! Indians have no sense of propriety, so… Riflemen can be distinguished by Hunting Shirt, as opposed to civilian clothes.
If Officers are a random casualty, they get a rather decent Saving Throw. Lower if deliberately targeted.

The Jane McCrea murder makes the Tories wary of the Indians. Best to start them out on the table apart from each other. But have them test if they get too close. This is a GM decision. The players need not be told initially.

Bill N12 Feb 2025 4:29 a.m. PST

I would go with something in the Mohawk Valley. A body of Indians and Tories has captured a family and it trying to carry them and some loot off. Militia with a few Continentals give chase not knowing there's a small group of British with a couple of Hesse Hanau jaegers also in the vicinity.

Stosstruppen12 Feb 2025 5:12 a.m. PST

If you, or someone you know, has the Musket & Tomahawk rules, there is a whole list of personal objectives, its part of that game.

Personal logo StoneMtnMinis Supporting Member of TMP12 Feb 2025 7:43 a.m. PST

Treat it like a convention game – simple rules simple objectives.
What is your main objective: the game or player interaction?
Decide that and the rest should be simple.

doc mcb12 Feb 2025 8:52 a.m. PST

Agree with many of these suggestions. I would keep the rules in the gamemaster's head. As each player gets his turn, offer two or three reasonable options and give them thirty seconds to decide WITHOUT TALKING unless their figures are within an inch on the table. Be willing to answer questions about relative risks and rewards -- but keep within the time frame. Maybe 60 seconds at first to allow for questions.

Card-based variable moves, I like to use two decks so each player has two movement opportunities before a reshuffle -- but one might get two moves before another gets his first -- which can be an advantage or a huge disadvantage.

cavcrazy12 Feb 2025 9:25 a.m. PST

How about the Old North Bridge and battle road? Militia chasing the British, with the relief column coming to save them. Lots of action.
If you are set on Saratoga, maybe think about Oriskany? That could be great fun, same part of the country😃

TimePortal19 Feb 2025 9:40 p.m. PST

Skirmishes around Mobile. British and Creek warriors vs Spanish.

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