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"Adding air support models to my games" Topic

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199 hits since 11 Feb 2025
©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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TacticalPainter0111 Feb 2025 2:00 p.m. PST

When the 1940 Blitzkrieg Handbook for Chain of Command introduced a rule for the effects of a pre-game Stuka attack I was very tempted to make an appropriate marker for the AARs I'd be posting on the blog. A suitable model would also serve as a good reminder that the effects were still taking place in the game.

So, while the rules deal with aircraft in an abstracted way and there's no need for models on the table, I couldn't help making up a model of a Stuka. This was the new tool Airfix 1/72 model.


When the Far East Handbook introduced the Zero Attack and the Hurribomber it goes without saying that models of both of these followed. The Hurricane II is from Hobby Boss and comes with SEAC decals.


I didn't like the static propellor blades and decided to remove those from the Zero. I did try using clear plastic discs but they just didn't look right to me. I think nothing at all works even better and gives the right sense of motion. The Zero is another of the new tool Airfix kits.



Making aircraft is a nice change of pace and so it was an easy decision to add something for my US Marines. While the Pacific Handbook for CoC is yet to be released, I'd fully expect to see some form of air support. What better than a Corsair, not only a beautiful aircraft but a refreshing change of colours. The kit is from Hasegawa.




When I was buying the Corsair I saw the Italeri Mustang P51A which comes with decals for the 1st Air Commando which gave very close air support to the second Chindit expedition in Burma. Perfect air support for my Chindits.




jdpintex11 Feb 2025 2:37 p.m. PST

Nicely done.

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