I already have a platoon of the Warbases Indonesian paratroopers built and painted in duck hunter cam and another platoon worth in a box on my lead pile. So I went all in and ordered another platoon today including some of the similarly dressed arab with medium mortars for support.
Oh dear what have I got into?!?
They also have another two packs that are Indonesiands with VZ52s and another pack of arabs with AK47s. They are dressed pretty much the same but I wonderif there is a height difference or if they can be used togather to make up some Pathet Lao troops?
Worse yet my imgaination is going into overdrive about their Ghurkas and head conversions to the Dien Bien Phu french helmets with nets,,, or maybe US helmets if I can find cloth cam covers,,,.
Oh dear, please stop the madness.
The wallet can't take it for very long.