"The Gorge spoilers" Topic
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The H Man | 03 Feb 2025 11:06 p.m. PST |
Can't find my original topic, if it was one, so I'll pull a dunderbar instead. Yes, The Gorge spoilers… So, from the trailer, it appears that the plane is Pegasus, oh, didn't you know? Well you'll fall off you seat when I tell you the Delorean from back to the future is as well. Ever wonder why a Delorean? It has wings! So, the plane is shaddowfax, sorry, Pegasus. Of course, the hero rides it, carrying Medusa's head, sun, lightning, what have you, to "light our darkest hour", hmm… is that another one? Calibos, Megatron/Galvatron, hmm… Back on track boy. In the trailer we only see an old man and a woman on the plane. So, if that's out hero, like what!? Exactly. I had expected the sniper chick to be sigorney Weaver. But if that's the hero on the plane, then it's the wrong wrong way round, unless they are going wokey pokey and she's the hero? He is given the "welcome to edoras" speach, so I'm assuming he's Gabe. Yeah, gotta watch cliff hanger next. So what is Medusa's head? A bomb? A gun? And what is the kraken? I feel the snow men are white wizards. As Aragon has one and so does, oh I don't know, Grima! I'm not sure where everyone's favourite owl Gimli fits in yet, as I can't see a short metal guy in the trailer. But I now have Pegasus locked in with the plane. It's white, it has wings, you can fly in it. Calibos. Taking aim at Pegasus? Or is she wokey pokey Perseus about to capture it? Or the two scenes are not actually in the correct place at all? Honestly she looks a bit like a grizzled ranger of Gondor to me. "It's the beards." But who is on that plane is perhaps key. Either one of the two people or a tower will die. Like the lone pine mall/Isengard. Who is the old man who is initially a monster/dead? Perhaps the black guy? He has Gandalf's "welcome to edoras" line. Does he help him capture the plane like doc helped Marty get the Delorean? But what are they doing if he's meant to be at a tower? There is a film called don't tell mum the babysitters dead. If you see the trailer you think your going to see a film about kids at home mucking around. If you see the film its something about an intern. The Gorge trailer is doing similar, I suspect. They may not get to the towers for a while, like edoras or the chicks tower in ancientgreekville. Yeah I know legalas stole Gandalf's "welcome to edoras" in clash of the titans (80s, of course. Well, like da) but what you gonna do? PS Hands are important. Calibos hand cut off. Marty's fading hand, the white hand, Marvin Berry's cut hand. The Gorge has the hand on the ledge, hands on the windows. Something tells me I won't be watching the Gorge for a few years. |
Dagwood | 03 Feb 2025 11:54 p.m. PST |
Sorry, old man, don't understand your lingo … |
John the OFM | 04 Feb 2025 4:19 a.m. PST |
I would like to know what he's smoking, so I can avoid it. |
20thmaine | 04 Feb 2025 5:22 a.m. PST |
The H Man | 04 Feb 2025 5:48 a.m. PST |
Speaking of the three witches. Been watching Two Towers and clash of the titans. Seeing the girly boy and creepy wizard geting married was not quite what I had in mind, but does suggest many surprises ahead. Hopefully more to my taste. Actually I think elf boy gets used as a girl a few times. Or vice versa?? This is one of the best starts I've seen. Perseus and eomer both putting on the helmet and disappearing was nice. Lines up very well. With the gorge I'm thinking nuclear bomb on the plane?? Also perhaps the plane lands near the chicks tower?? Perhaps she captures it then uses it to take a bomb somewhere. But that's no good. No one else rides Pegasus. Except Jennifer at the end of back to the future. and the plane has 2 on board, plus crew. Although I'd count crew as part of it. (I suspect the dog in the Delorean was actually the baby in the sea.) Pegasus, the Delorean and shaddowfax were hidden at one point in a cage or such. This may suggest a hanger. I'm thinking sigorney Weaver as the old man, black guy as the friend. Oh, yes. The creepy guy spying on the princess in the tower. George, calibos, Grima. Either that's the guy in the other tower, but probably not, or the monster. You see his hand, so maybe it's cut off like calibus. Still no idea who the owl is, snowman? Photo on wall? He's supposed to fall out of a tree (or deliberately off a horse). He talks to pretty much only the hero and is carried by his friend. Possibly something the black guy has maybe radios between the two? That would probably work, he can talk to it and the friend could carry it. The owl also attacks and basically defeats someone who imprisoned the princess, George v biff, owl v vulture, Gimli v Grima. They are also similar, but smaller than their opponents. School boys, birds, chaps? I don't see a snowman fighting anyone. Unless it's used to put out a fire. Which are both elements. Perhaps a radio could jam a bigger one? Perhaps it's the black guy and he beats a guard at the girls tower? It would be helping to rescue her or, like the owl, Pegasus, the plane. Remember also that Gimli was perhaps rescuing Rohan as much Eowyn, thus the horse symbolically. There's a story wanting to develop there. I'll throw a few other knowns at it. I'm forgetting bits of back to the future, so that's due a watch. Interesting factoid. Jailbird Joey. The vulture with a cage. The black hunched Grima. |
John the OFM | 04 Feb 2025 9:06 a.m. PST |
Is this the one with Anya Taylor-Joy? Hubba Hubba! |
robert piepenbrink | 04 Feb 2025 11:49 a.m. PST |
I'm going to have to use google translate. Does anyone have a suggested "from" language? |
Saber6 | 04 Feb 2025 12:03 p.m. PST |
The H Man | 04 Feb 2025 1:18 p.m. PST |
"Anya Taylor-Joy" Sorry born about 15 years too late. I guess I can understand the ignorance of the others. I only cottoned on a few years ago myself. It's like I've come down the hill with an armful of stone tablets or something. Back on track. I may have mentioned Pegasus being shaddowfax,and, aragons horse. I believe they have a change over at edoras when Gandalf leaves and then Aragon leaves in another direction. Chiasmically, as only shaddowfax is shown first, they split at edoras, then they are both at helms deep. If aragons horse is the gifted one then that changes things, but I bet it would still resolve itself. Aragon gets wet. I suspect this may be the shower scene in The Gorge. Mostly because it's the only wet scene shown? and it has our assumed hero. Perhaps he's falling in love with the girl?? Assumed hero. As Perseus/Pegasus is split between Gandalf and Aragon, it's possible that the same may occur between our tower folk in The Gorge. Just to complicate things. (PS. Not sure now. It's really Pegasus that's split, although Gandalf flies down with the sun at the end. But then Aragon flies across the bridge. So maybe both are split after all. Of course Gimli the owl helps out by blowing the horn. "The Horn of Helm Hammerhand will sound in the deep, one last time!" So a metal hand, like a metal owl grabbing Medusa's head, will sound in the deep, or act in the ocean, one last time, well it is his last major act. Interesting) For Dagwood. Trying to plot the upcoming film the Gorge by looking at related films. The Gorge has two towers, a flying white thingy with wings, lots of hands, and a bunch of stuff. This places it with the two towers, back to the future, and clash of the titans. Which seem to play well together. Perhaps cliffhanger, Rambo 3, too, I'm yet to check. No doubt many more. Thorough these films it should be possible to plot The Gorge. The end of the 3 films all have a hero on his flying mount bringing with him a pre told powerful thing which defeats the pre told enemy. The mount being Pegasus. White with wings. The pre telling of the enemy is the head of the goddess telling folk of the girls sacrifice in 30 days (isn't it team America with "in exactly 5 minutes" or something?). It would likely be doc telling Marty they need a great power source for the Delorean. The knowledge of the coming of the army of Isengard. The for telling of the weapon. The witches telling of Medusa's head, the revelation of the lightning on the clock tower, Gandalf telling Aragon "Look to my coming on the first light of the fifth day, at dawn look to the east." Look, look. East. Perseus looked in the shield. Then cut east. Interesting. The chick in The Gorge looks through a sight, then the shell is east. Just saying. |
The H Man | 04 Feb 2025 2:20 p.m. PST |
They both pick up the dropped object. The shell is metal, Goldy coloured. There are a lot of guns. Used for communication… You know where I'm going. Perhaps the guns are the owl?? Just an idea, but worth further thought. She should place the shell in something red. But perhaps it's the bullet placed in a bloody wound? Perhaps after she picks up the shell (I still get the feeling it hadn't actually fired and had been tampered with, just my gut), then at the plane someone checks the guy? And mentions or looks at the bullet in a bloody wound. The target would probably have had to be in contact with the witches eye. However the witches said that the proximity of the eye allowed the red cape? To protect Perseus from Medusa's blood. This perhaps the target actually had a bullet proof vest, granted by the witches. So no red cape then? I'll keep looking. |
Zephyr1 | 04 Feb 2025 2:59 p.m. PST |
Spoiler Alert: They don't serve peanuts on the plane (something about allergies) so nobody dies from those… ;-) |
The H Man | 04 Feb 2025 4:28 p.m. PST |
It's like at school when kids don't want to learn. Once they are mature enough they start to understand, but by then it's often too late. Sheesh, the film out in less than 2 weeks. I ain't got that long to wait! I'm thinking this at the moment: Jumping into the gorge/being in there, is crossing the styx on the way to helms deep. Not sure on the payment as yet. Once there the hero sees the face of death, aka a face of styx, aka the skull in the tree. (I'd say the hobbits journey on tree beard through the forest is the journey with the ferry man across the styx. Styx/sticks, get it? Also perhaps the urukhi trip, payment? One leaf.) The 2 headed dog, warg riders, are perhaps the lurking monster in the gorge??? Then wer are into Medusa's lair with looking through a site and killing east, dropping shell, picked up. Then perhaps someone checking a bullet wound at the plane. Like Perseus bagging the head. Calibos stabbing the head to make scorpions??? May be guards at the plane? Getting the owl to get Pegasus may be the black guy flying the plane, if he's the owl, or using a radio on the plane?? Then it's flying off to kill the Titan. Whatever that is. The snowmen: The only ?? scene in two towers with 2 white things facing off? The battle between Gandalf and sauroman in the halls of edoras. One with Grima, one with Arogon. I have to check, but one should have a friend and the owl with them. I believe this the scene with the two gods, Zeus turning calibos into an ugly chap. As opposed to Gandalf doing the reverse to the king. PS Checking the trailer. Can't see the friend and owl with snowmen, at this point. When he falls, looks like someone blew op the cable anchor point. Possibly a rocket launcher or such. Maybe that heavy gun he was using. The kraken made Perseus fall. Warg leader, sent by sauroman made Aragon fall. So it's possibly an agent of the bad leader making him fall. Could be the gun used via remote?? Or just a chap using it or another weapon. I'm feeling the black guy is the old man. The photo is the guys father? As Perseus saw Zeus in the shield, which was a gift, like a photo left there. Funny also the riders of Rohan have Aragon in a circle of steel, when Gimli is told to be a son, and the riders gift them horses. I'm feeling the biblical story is to do with the father, the son and the holy Ghost. Gandalf, Aragon and Gimli/ the old guy, Perseus, the owl/doc, Marty, George. Of course they all cut other ways, as God is both the father and the son or such like. |
Dagwood | 05 Feb 2025 8:57 a.m. PST |
Think I 'll give it a miss, not my thing. PS should have been "banter" rather than "lingo". Misquoted, there. |
Dagwood | 05 Feb 2025 8:59 a.m. PST |
And in other news, there are only seven stories, the others are all just variants. |