The Spring Offensive – Our Second Year!, presented by The Triangle Simulation Society.
Centered in the wilds of North Carolina to better facilitate miniature wargaming of all sorts and genres across the Southeastern region. We hope to see you there!
Where: Drury Inn & Suites, 1767 Glidewell Dr. Burlington NC
When: Friday, 25 April 12 PM – 10 PM Saturday 26 April 8 AM – 10 PM.
Venue: 8 TABLES WITH TIME FOR 40 GAMES; Bring & Buy; Raffle
Entrance fee: $30 USD USD 2 days, $20 USD USD 1 day
To Pre-Pay via PayPal, go here -TriangleSimSociety.Org
To book a room at the venue: CALL 1.800.325.0720
To Pre-Register as an attendee, there are two methods to choose from. The first is the pre-pay via PayPal option above.
The second is the simplest, enter your name in one of the numbered player slots for a game you would like to sign up for (or, if you wish to GM a game, enter that info in the appropriate slots) at the document found here – Link Once that is done, you can just pay at the door when you arrive.
INQUIRIES/GAME SUBMISSIONS: Contact Bruce write TSO in the subject line