Fantastic AAR, thanks for sharing!
One rules note, when you roll Activation (same thing as initiative) your target number for the roll is your leader's Reputation or lower. Then the winner of the roll is the side that came closest to, but equal to or under their Rep. For non-NUTS players "Reputation" or "Rep" represents morale and training on a 1-6 scale, with 1 being an elderly infirm person or maybe a young child, and 6 a crack soldier.
Example 1:
SGT Rock's Rep is 5, the German Rep is 4. Rock rolls a "6", which is above his Rep, and the German player a "2" which is below the target Rep of 4 and less than Rock's roll of a 6. The German player wins Activation because it rolled at or under Rep, while Rep Sgt Rock fails to Activate because he rolled above his Rep of 5. He and his squad can still REACT to things, but not Move or initiate combat.
Example 2: SGT Rock's Rep is 5, the German Rep is 4. Rock rolls a "4", which is below his Rep, and the German player a "3" which is also below the target Rep of 4. Because Sgt Rock rolled at or below his Rep, AND higher than the German's successful Activation roll, Sgt Rock Activates and moves and shoots first. Then any surviving Germans (who again, may get to REACT to Rock's actions during Rock's turn) get to go.