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"Numbers of figures per unit in ADLG" Topic

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324 hits since 28 Jan 2025
©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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Trockledockle28 Jan 2025 6:02 a.m. PST

I'm considering switching from DBA to ADLG. Before I get the rules, I'd like to have an idea of many more figures I need to buy and paint. I understand that the number of figures per unit are the same except that heavy and medium infantry have two bases per unit (8 figures) while light infantry are 1 base of two figures. Pikes are three bases deep.

My questions are:

How many figures and bases per unit are there for bows I.e is it one base of 3 or 4 or two bases with 6 or 8 figures in total?

The same question for javelin men

Are heavy infantry with supporting archers represented by two bases of 4 spearmen with a base of two archers behind them? Or is it 4 archers?

My particular interest is in Byzantine armies.

Thanks for your help.

jwebster Supporting Member of TMP28 Jan 2025 7:15 a.m. PST

The rules are flexible for number of figures on bases, and, to some extent, number of bases that make up an element – I think there is a specific example of 3 15mm deep pike elements used as a unit

The original intention was square bases, but the author realized that many people were expanding DBA armies and made it flexible. Psiloi (skirmish) infantry are single DBA Bases

So I recommend creating only DBA legal bases in case you wish to expand your DBA army to big battles, or try out other rules. With friendly opponents, the most important thing is to be able to distinguish units – doesn't matter what is on the base

Bows are two DBA Bases (square element)

Javelin are two DBA Bases (square element)

Supported infantry one spear, one bow to create a square element

If your DBA Bases are 15mm deep, ADLG will still play well with 40x30 units, or you can create a sabot that adds 10mm or use 3 bases to create a 40x45 unit


Micman Supporting Member of TMP28 Jan 2025 11:27 a.m. PST

Interesting timeing for this question. We are playing a game tonight as one of the group wants to see how they run. Last week we played Swordpoint.

As jwebster said, for 15mm medium and heavy infantry are 2 bases deep with double the figs of DBA. 40mm x 20/30/40mm sized bases. Light infantry and all mounted are the same as DBA. I got some double sized bases and added a magnetic sheet to that to make the double bases.

For 28mm they use 60mm x 30/40/60mm bases and a similar amount of figs.

Decebalus29 Jan 2025 3:17 a.m. PST

I think a Big Battle DBA army (i.e. 3* normal army) can without problems be used für ADLG.

79thPA Supporting Member of TMP29 Jan 2025 5:43 a.m. PST

I've seen people just use their DBA stands as-is, so their infantry units are just 2 normal DBA stands (lights remain 1 stand).

Trockledockle29 Jan 2025 2:37 p.m. PST

Thanks for the replies, they've been very helpful. I've also had a look at some game reports and am clearer now on what I need.

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