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"Annoying Mantic basing" Topic

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403 hits since 28 Jan 2025
©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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The H Man28 Jan 2025 4:56 a.m. PST


Putting some figures together.

Mantic square 20mm bases. Wonderd about 25mm, but didn't.

Hole in base for plastic figures round integral base.

I always thought that a dumb idea. Harder to rebase or strip things later.


New figures, not round integral base.

Feet difficult to glue down and avoid falling in pot hole.

Did think of flipping base, as Mantic obviously dose, hence upside down angled edges. Not for me.

What to now fill the hole with??

Aluminium foil using a sculpting tool!

Seems to work, but yet to paint, flock, discover the down side.

Dave Gamer28 Jan 2025 5:36 a.m. PST

You are talking about the square bases Mantic gives you – that have like a circular "depression" on one side? You put that side face down and glue the figure to the side that doesn't have a "hole". I have no idea why they put the "hole" there.

Frankly, most Mantic figures are too big for a 20mm square base anyway – like the Northern Alliance clansmen – great figures but you probably won't get then to rank up if you use 20mm bases. They should switch to 25mm but since most people base their figures for Kings of War as 8-10 figures on single 100mmx40mm bases it would be a real hardship for them to switch (well, I guess they could put those bases into a 125mmx50mm movement tray)

The H Man01 Feb 2025 5:09 a.m. PST

Yes, the base with a hole on one side.

That is to accommodate the round bases on the feet of the earlier Mantic figures.

I don't want the bases upside down. I want the sloped edge going normally down, not oddly up.

They will probably follow GW with larger bases at some point.

I think players already are, at least with multi basing (another stupid idea), by putting less figures on them.

I suspect there will be a lot of new sprues going forward, so a change of bases, whatever the size would be logical.

Why not just do them all MDF, or all plastic?

Why not sprues of generic textured bases? Like sand with a rock or skull that could be painted any colour for sand, dirt, snow?

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