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"Darwin Military Museum" Topic

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290 hits since 25 Jan 2025
©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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carojon25 Jan 2025 1:42 a.m. PST

Back in February 2023, I was fortunate to find myself in Darwin in the Northern Territory of Australia on the back end of a four month tour across the Pacific that had started in Vancouver back in the previous October of 2022.


During our stay in Darwin I took time out to visit the Darwin Military Museum at East Point, a very historic suburb of the city, and home to the last major fortress built in Australia, as well as one end of the largest anti-submarine net and boom in WWII.


In this first part, to a two part post, I have taken a look at the Darwin Experience exhibition looking at the artefacts and local experiences of Darwinites caught up in the Japanese bombing attack on the 19th February 1942, together with the vehicles and guns on display in the grounds of the museum.

If you would like to know more then just follow the link to JJ's



Personal logo Dal Gavan Supporting Member of TMP25 Jan 2025 3:44 a.m. PST

A good report, JJ. Did you also take the opportunity for a Malay marinated steak, prawns and chips- with appropriate cold beverage- on Stokes Hill wharf?

Joe1870 Supporting Member of TMP25 Jan 2025 4:28 a.m. PST

Thanks for the pictures. Really like your report too.

carojon26 Jan 2025 3:08 a.m. PST

Hi Chaps,
Thanks for your comments and glad you enjoyed the post.

Dal G – We certainly enjoyed a couple of very pleasant meals down at Stokes Wharf, with personal memories of enjoying the amazing and dramatic ‘big-skies' seen, overlooking the harbour area. I didn't partake of the Malay steak, but it does sound like an excellent excuse for a return visit.


Mark J Wilson27 Jan 2025 8:37 a.m. PST

My first thought on reading the title was 'what do the military have to do with the evolution of species'. Actually the answer would be quite a lot, given our violent lifestyle, but I doubt that such an institution would be popular.

carojon27 Jan 2025 9:46 a.m. PST

Well if its evolution of species and the military just check out the expert in camouflage who introduced himself during our visit.


Shagnasty Supporting Member of TMP27 Jan 2025 4:58 p.m. PST

Very nice presentation. I saw the raid on Darwin as portrayed in the movie "Australia" and that was pretty exciting.

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