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35thOVI Supporting Member of TMP22 Jan 2025 11:23 a.m. PST

"I am German. I am not a member of any party in the US."

Does not mean your sympathies are not with the liberal party here.

Obviously not with the Conservative Party. 😉

dogtail22 Jan 2025 3:25 p.m. PST

Since 1949 NATO garanteed the security of Germany, or maybe since 1952. No US president failed to make clear that the US would support its allies, no matter if republican or a good guy.
It was Obama who basically said "Europe grow up and do your own thing, I have to take care of China and the Pacific".

But Trump is different. He is no republican, even though he was the presidental candidate of the republican party three times. As an European, it is not very important who is the POTUS, as long as he is not bullying isolationist

35thOVI Supporting Member of TMP22 Jan 2025 4:05 p.m. PST

So curious… it's not ok for the US to take care of itself first? Europe must be our first priority?

I Don't remember Europe asking us about going to war in the past.

How much money is Europe sending to rebuild the LA area after the wild fires. Where were they in the Carolina's, Florida, Georgia and Tennessee this year after the unprecedented hurricane. Didn't see you in Ohio after 20 plus tornadoes went through my area, leaving large areas looking like Europe after WW2. No one around speaking French, German, Italian or any other language.., well accept some illegals speaking Spanish.

dogtail22 Jan 2025 4:33 p.m. PST

Exactly, the welfare of all the US citizens should be the first priority. To develop a society with no homeless, hungry, drug addicted; where money is a tool and no meaning of life, where social contacts are more important than feeling powerful by carrying a gun. And where you donīt have to ask other nations to build up your houses after a foquing wildfire, what the heck?
Yeah, make America great by giving up your role as first nation in the world, leaving China to fill the void. You simply forgot to make your home work, no matter what president, and now you blame the mexicans.

35thOVI Supporting Member of TMP22 Jan 2025 5:35 p.m. PST

Dog, you obviously have no idea what goes on in the US, nor I doubt really care. You repeat the Same lines I see in the leftest student propaganda and liberal news sources.

Who helped Germany rebuild after the last war they fostered on the mankind? The Congo? 😂

OPPs… looks like your socialist Utopia has its own internal issues.

Subject: Revealed – Afghan who stabbed boy, two, and a hero passerby to death in German park was supposed to have left the country: Little girl was also stabbed three times in the neck | Daily Mail Online


Tango01 Supporting Member of TMP22 Jan 2025 10:56 p.m. PST

Feiyi: China's Revolutionary Air-Water Amphibious Drone with Dual-Mode Technology




dogtail23 Jan 2025 6:56 a.m. PST

come on, donīt throw away any decency by argueing with the killing of a two year old. And donīt take credit for the Marshall-Plan if you think the US should care only about herself.
It is sad that everything that is critical of anything in the US is immediately called leftist propaganda, we got mandatory health insurance from the Iron Chancelor Bismarck, a Prussian Junker and surely no leftist. And that money doesnīt make you happy: Beatles, Can`t buy me love. All you need is love. Canīt argue that!

35thOVI Supporting Member of TMP23 Jan 2025 7:59 a.m. PST

Actually just pointing out that every country has motes in their own eyes, but somehow always seem to look only at those in the eyes of the US.

There are many cultural, policies and politicians I could criticize with Germany, or most any country, if I chose to. I refrain unless ours are attacked first.

Would you not get a little defensive if I said olaf scholz was an idiot, or the
Social Democratic Party are a bunch of squishy brainwashed indoctrinated leftest? Would you agree?

I can see why the SDP would support our Democrats and hate President Trump. They are closely aligned in their political beliefs.

Of course I included the horrible stabbing attacks in Bavaria by another Islamic radical immigrant. It is effecting your politics. Many Germans are getting tired of the open immigration policy of the current party. I believe Olaf just lost a vote of confidence. Two parties described as far left and far right are gaining (media description, not mine).

"In 2017, the far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD) entered the Bundestag for the first time, winning 12.6%.

In 2021, it slipped to 10.4%, but is now polling at almost 20%.

The AfD will not get into government because no-one will work with it to form a coalition. But the far-right is eating into the share of the vote that goes to the two centrist big-tent parties which have always put forward modern German chancellors.

The bigger the AfD share is, the more difficult it becomes for mainstream parties to form a stable governing coalition.

That was arguably the underlying problem that pulled apart Scholz's fractious coalition: big-spending left-leaning Social Democrats and Greens trying to work with free-market small-state liberals.

Rather than going away after the next election in February, that problem is likely to get worse. If the far-right wins a fifth of seats in parliament, it could be even more difficult after February to form a stable coalition between like-minded parties."


"Another new populist political party could also get into parliament for the first time, the anti-migrant nativist far-left Sahra Wagenknecht Alliance BSW, which is named after its firebrand leader, who joined the East German Communist party shortly before the fall of the Berlin Wall."

So should the world worry? This description makes these two parties sound a lot like those in the 1930's

All those quotes are the words of the BBC.

Tango01 Supporting Member of TMP23 Jan 2025 3:59 p.m. PST

Took my attention that in Europe… the far-right parties support Russia…(?)


dogtail24 Jan 2025 9:17 a.m. PST

I donīt agree when you state that Olaf Scholz is an idiot.

It is even worse. He is corrupt (cum-exscandal). He is not a leader, he is unwilling to communicate with the German people.
I do believe that parts of the social-democrats have connections to Russia, cause they tried so hard to open the second gas pipeline.
The problem in Germany is that not enough money was spent in the last decades. You have to pump money into infrastructure. Thousands of bridges have to be repaired. Our IT infrastructure is laughable bad.
The free-market liberals (FDP) only want to make the rich even richer. They simply donīt care about what is going on in the German society.
The Green Party has its roots in the environmental protection and the peace movement. But they realised immediately that they have to change their point of view, both in questions of weapons for Ukraine and gas and oil for the german industry.
The AfD right wing party are partially enemies of our constitution (And Musk is supporting them. And then he is showing the German Gruss..) What you/BBC wrote is right. The number of immigrants is a massive burden for our society, cause the left is ignoring this problem. It seems they are unable to prioritize dealing with security concerns over helping immigrants. Pronouns are important…
Sahra Wagenknechts party is a joke. It is a female power trip. At least she takes away votes from the AfD.

AfD and Wagenknecht do not support weapon delivery to Ukraine. Like Trump members of the AfD love strong leaders. But democracy is not in danger. Making democracy work is getting harder.

So basically Germany is economically weakened. The german middleclass is afraid of losing their status, just like white-middle classed americans. The lower income class lost trust in politics.
Stable coalitions are harder to find, that is right. And now we need nukes. I am pissed.

35thOVI Supporting Member of TMP24 Jan 2025 10:28 a.m. PST

Dogtail you sort of missed my point. I was not saying he was an idiot, I asked if you would have liked it, if I said he was?

I don't make judgements on other countries politics or politicians as a rule, unless someone from that country does ours first.

1) The information I get is limited and always subject to speculation on the motives or political leanings of the writers.
2) I don't live in their society and have first hand knowledge of beliefs, lifestyle and motivations of the populace.

When it affects the US militarily or directly monetarily.
Persecution of a specific group that I feel is unjust.

But we agree on immigration issues. In our case illegals.
Assimilation is mandatory no matter legal or illegal.
Lastly I see the Islamic migration as a very real threat, as you've just seen in Bavaria. Too many are radicalized or are radicalized later and they want Islamic laws to be paramount. I also fear if they become a majority, they will force Islam on some countries.

But those are my fears.

dogtail24 Jan 2025 11:44 a.m. PST

I am used to trash talk from playing basketball, I donīt care what you say about me. Why should I care when you talk about German politic?

Little hint: if you speak positivly about a guy from Austria, I get easily triggered.

I judged over Trump within three seconds the first time I saw him. I work in security, but also have experience with care of demented persons. You know my judgement.

35thOVI Supporting Member of TMP24 Jan 2025 12:02 p.m. PST

"I judged over Trump within three seconds the first time I saw him. I work in security, but also have experience with care of demented persons. You know my judgement."

Too bad, give it more time and reading and try some alternatives to the MSM. You will never get a fair shake on him from them.

"Little hint: if you speak positivly about a guy from Austria, I get easily triggered."

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart?
Sigmund Freud?
Archduke Charles?
Maria Theresa?

dogtail24 Jan 2025 2:14 p.m. PST

It took some time before I realized that News in the US are clearly biased. But as I tried to explain, Trump himself is the reason for my distrust.


Personal logo Legion 4 Supporting Member of TMP24 Jan 2025 2:50 p.m. PST

before I realized that News in the US are clearly biased.

Yes only one then two cable networks were not biased, IMO. Or as much of all the rest, all the legacy media, cable new networks, etc. hated Trump. But with his overwhelming win, the US population has spoken.

BTW MSNBC and The View are ridiculously biased. And still are.

Not living in the USA, many don't see how things are here at ground zero. As OVI pointed out. How the vast majority of the US in the Heartland, blue collar and low wage white collar workers were affected by the last Admin. It was not good … That is the reason why the last admin/party was voted out by very large numbers.

I judged over Trump within three seconds the first time I saw him. I work in security, but also have experience with care of demented persons.
If you judged the new POTUS based on your experience with caring for the demented. You may want to go online and review some of actions, speeches, etc. of the previous POTUS.

35thOVI Supporting Member of TMP24 Jan 2025 5:10 p.m. PST


Johann "Hans" Hölzel, better known by his stage name Falco? I would have never guessed. 😉

dogtail24 Jan 2025 5:34 p.m. PST

@Legion4: I thought Reagan was to old for the job when he was POTUS.
On the other hand, the Stones are still Rolling.

Tortorella Supporting Member of TMP24 Jan 2025 9:27 p.m. PST

Trump's margin of victory was not really large and not much of a mandate. While he did beat Harris rather handily, it was the 4th smallest margin of victory since 1960. His approval is around 52%, still better than his last term. We are still split roughly down the middle, and bitterly divided.

This data from PBS.


Personal logo Legion 4 Supporting Member of TMP25 Jan 2025 11:01 a.m. PST

I thought Reagan was to old for the job when he was POTUS.
Some believe that, but he was very instrument in help ending the Cold War. I.e. "Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!"… etc.

On the other hand, the Stones are still Rolling.
Most of them are still "alive anyway ! When they all die out, they will take Rock & Roll with them !! notes

Trump's margin of victory was not really large and not much of a mandate. While he did beat Harris rather handily, it was the 4th smallest margin of victory since 1960. His approval is around 52%, still better than his last term. We are still split roughly down the middle, and bitterly divided.
Regardless, most agree with the plan to shut down the Biden/Dem open border policies. And start mass deportations. All this is going on now.

IMO[and many others] the Biden open border policy along with being instrumental of allowing thousands of criminals of all types into the US. Only caused massive problems, e.g. drugs, theft, rape, murder, etc. All that blood is on that Admin's hands. Plus, what does the US do with millions of illegal aliens? As many see, they were putting them over American citizens who really need some sort of help.

The Biden war on fossil fuel and pushing the green agenda. Only caused much higher prices of everything. Took away many jobs … and inflicting pain on the US populations.
The storyline that these illegal aliens will take jobs that most Americans won't, can't be accurate. There are not that many jobs available. And what skill set do these illegal aliens bring with them ?

That is just the tip of the iceberg.

No matter what, based on all I have seen in the media, etc. in the past week. The USA will be better off within the next 4 years. Again, the Biden Admin/Dems priorities were not what the vast majority of "we the people" wanted or needed.

'nuff said …

Tortorella Supporting Member of TMP25 Jan 2025 2:40 p.m. PST

I don't disagree. It was just not a runaway win for Trump. I favor some of the things he promised.

The problem will come if gets carried away with his own act and goes too far. He will always have MAGA, but he could lose the people who voted against Harris and put up with him instead. I am not sure what too far even means for now. Fingers crossed. This is neither a far left or far right country, IMO. Not all the good guys live in the middle. Truth is not always as certain, cut and dried, as MAGA might believe.
But, for now, I can put up with Miller and the gang if they secure the border. Fewer people have been crossing these last few months, it should help the work.

Tortorella Supporting Member of TMP27 Jan 2025 8:22 a.m. PST

Getting back to the thread and Armand's drone post…

I am no engineer, but this photo looks like something a kid and his dad might build in the garage. I assume it is a prototype. But maybe it works great and I don't know anything. I wonder if this is how the actual war is fought by China – you keep building stuff and telling the world about it to build an image that deters your opponents.

And drones are back over NJ. I thought we were going to be told right away what was going on after Trump took office? Did I miss this?

35thOVI Supporting Member of TMP27 Jan 2025 8:53 a.m. PST

"And drones are back over NJ. I thought we were going to be told right away what was going on after Trump took office? Did I miss this?"


That sounds like the newscaster who asked (Vance?) why bacon and eggs have not already decreased in price. 😳😉

You have to have key appointments in first. Price at the pumps have to decrease enough to have an impact on prices. Of course other things will be necessary as well. But just here, price at the pump was 3.29 as of Election Day. Yesterday 2.61. Heck of a change?

So many things have been happening so fast, I can't keep up. But here are a few from the last 3 days.. enjoy. 😊

Subject: Illegal Alien Issues Stark Warning As He Boards Deportation Flight | OutKick


Subject: Trump fires independent inspectors general in Friday night purge



"Martha you willing to take them into your home and pay for them?"  😂🤣


Subject: Trump's federal DEI purge puts hundreds on leave, nixes $420 USDM in contracts | Fox News


Subject: Karoline Leavitt on X: "Thanks to President Trump: Yesterday, Mexico accepted a record 4 deportation flights in 1 day! This comes in addition to unrestricted returns at the land border, the deportation of non-Mexicans, & reinstatement of Remain-in-Mexico. Mexico has also mobilized 30K National Guard." / X


Subject: Trump State Sec Rubio announces US prisoner released from Belarus amid election | Fox News


Subject: Karoline Leavitt on X: "🚨The Government of Colombia has agreed to all of President Trump's terms / X


Subject: Trump to reinstate service members discharged for not getting COVID-19 vaccine | Fox News


Subject: CIA releases new analysis on COVID origins favoring lab leak theory | Fox News



Don't argue with JD! 😉


35thOVI Supporting Member of TMP27 Jan 2025 9:05 a.m. PST

Tort, found the economics one.

"Well, but, Margaret, how does bacon get to the grocery store? It comes on trucks that are fueled by diesel fuel," Vance responded. "If the diesel is way too expensive, the bacon is going to become more expensive. How do we grow the bacon? Our farmers need energy to produce it."

"So, if we lower energy prices, we are going to see lower prices for consumers, and that is what we're trying to fight for," he continued."

Subject: JD Vance Dunks On Margaret Brennan Over Basic Understanding Of How Economics Work


And then this related to oil

Subject: Energy experts weigh in after Canadian premier says she wants to discuss Keystone Pipeline 2.0 with Trump


Personal logo Legion 4 Supporting Member of TMP27 Jan 2025 9:42 a.m. PST

I favor some of the things he promised.

The problem will come if gets carried away with his own act and goes too far. He will always have MAGA, but he could lose the people who voted against Harris and put up with him instead. I am not sure what too far even means for now. Fingers crossed. This is neither a far left or far right country, IMO. Not all the good guys live in the middle. Truth is not always as certain, cut and dried, as MAGA might believe.
But, for now, I can put up with Miller and the gang if they secure the border. Fewer people have been crossing these last few months, it should help the work.

Bottom line, the USA with the current POTUS's border policies, will be better off and it seems in very short order. 12-20 million illegal aliens are not the answer. For a number of reasons. Even if only about 5% are bad guys using the rest as cover.

The drone situation is again, probably a cover up for some reasons we don't know. Or need to know … Hopefully that will change in the near future …

35thOVI Supporting Member of TMP27 Jan 2025 9:55 a.m. PST

Give it time, the drone information will come I believe.

Take the victories so far. 😉

35thOVI Supporting Member of TMP27 Jan 2025 10:23 a.m. PST

Back to the evil empire:

Subject: What is Chinese AI app DeepSeek?


Tortorella Supporting Member of TMP27 Jan 2025 12:27 p.m. PST

Everything rides on diesel not just bacon. Gas has been coming down since November, but not bacon?

Oil is owned by Big Oil. They sell their American oil overseas, buy cheaper oil from overseas to make our gas. They make record profits, do pretty well on tax rates.
The government does not own oil production. Oil follows the market, is profit based. Vance is not fighting them for us.

35thOVI Supporting Member of TMP27 Jan 2025 1:27 p.m. PST

"Everything rides on diesel not just bacon. Gas has been coming down since November, but not bacon?"

Yes and for 4 years everything that mattered to me seemed to go up and up.

I am willing to give things more than a week, to see if they go down. I had to wait 4 years while they didn't.

So far, I'm happy with what I'm seeing.

Tortorella Supporting Member of TMP27 Jan 2025 3:12 p.m. PST

You must long for the Obama years! Just kidding… His inflation rate was a little lower than Trump's as I recall. Biden and Obama both walked into a major economic crisis. Trump, as Obama reminds everyone, inherited the Obama economy. Nobody, we hope, will have to cope with the Carter inflation numbers again. But we have lived with inflation all our lives.

My issue so far has not really been clear. I do not want all our eggs in one basket, re energy. Oil is not the only answer. Nuclear tech is much improved, wind and solar are major players in a diverse energy strategy. Few countries have greater capacity for solar and wind sources. Oil is doing very well, gas too.

Personal logo Legion 4 Supporting Member of TMP28 Jan 2025 1:50 p.m. PST

I think the US policy is to use all types of power. Not just fossil fuels. Regardless I'm not ready to say or probably never will be, that once the US becomes energy independent/dominant, the cost everything will still be high. Makes no sense, IMO …

35thOVI Supporting Member of TMP28 Jan 2025 1:52 p.m. PST


Here you go:

""After research and study, the drones that were flying over New Jersey in large numbers were authorized by the FAA for research and various other reasons," Leavitt said."

Pretty much the same answers from before. Again, I don't totally buy this, as we have had too many military bases overflown. Also what does "various other reasons" mean?

Subject: President Donald Trump shares update on drones seen flying over New Jersey


Tortorella Supporting Member of TMP28 Jan 2025 1:59 p.m. PST

Well, I will take it, and glad Trump at least answered, unlike the last guy…

35thOVI Supporting Member of TMP29 Jan 2025 2:15 p.m. PST

Say it ain't so XI! Say it ain't so!! 😱

China stealing others technology?? No never!!! 😂🤣
Maybe they smuggle them out in their rice bowl🍚. Maybe it's finally time we did break somebody's rice bowl. 🍚 😉

Subject: OpenAI investigating whether DeepSeek improperly obtained data


Tango01 Supporting Member of TMP29 Jan 2025 10:41 p.m. PST

Where Have All The Chinese Gone



Personal logo Legion 4 Supporting Member of TMP30 Jan 2025 5:49 p.m. PST

Dog, you obviously have no idea what goes on in the US, nor I doubt really care. You repeat the Same lines I see in the leftest student propaganda and liberal news sources.
Very, very true …

Personal logo Legion 4 Supporting Member of TMP02 Feb 2025 6:09 p.m. PST

An interesting fact I heard recently in the media. Today there are 200,000 Chinese in Panama. Back in the '80s I don't remember ever seeing an Asian there.

Also, when the US gave Panama control of the canal. The treaty said, the US would come to Panama's aid if they were threatened.

And IIRC, there is something about Panama not being able to make "deals" with the PRC/CCP without working with the US. I'm still not completely sure about that. Regardless, giving the CCP a blank check with the Canal Zone. Is a receipt for an upcoming future disaster. Why risk it?

The US will solve this with making a deal with the Gov't of Panama. No need to start shooting … Just make a deal …

35thOVI Supporting Member of TMP02 Feb 2025 6:50 p.m. PST

Subject: Matthew Foldi on X: "MASSIVE win for @SecRubio Following his meeting with the Panamanians, the country's president announced that it will not be renewing its deal with China's Belt and Road / X


Tango01 Supporting Member of TMP06 Feb 2025 10:57 p.m. PST

China Goes After The South China Sea



35thOVI Supporting Member of TMP07 Feb 2025 3:21 p.m. PST

Subject: China lashes out at US 'coercion' after Panama declines to renew infrastructure agreement – ABC News


Personal logo Legion 4 Supporting Member of TMP07 Feb 2025 6:22 p.m. PST

The PRC/CCP has had their big picture long plan of controlling a Panama Canal. Upset … so they don't like it. After they were use to pushing the US around under the last POTUS.

They have both ends at San Cristol and Balboa, IIRC. Then they were basically "buying off" the Panamanian Gov't. There are IIRC, 200,000(?) Chinese in Panama. Which is a huge number. The Chinses population was very small for the longest time in the CZ[Canal Zone].

Let there be no doubt, some of those Chinese in the Canal Zone are agents of their military. And the same can be said about the 30,000+ illegal aliens that are in the USA.

But with the new POTUS Admin they have convinced the Panamanian Gov't to play ball with the US. And the treaty stated that if Panama is threated the US will come to their aid. At one time there was a US Army Infantry Bde there. When I deployed to the CZ in the '80s. Plus USAF and USN assets. Don't know if we have that many assets there today ?

Regardless the CZ must remain open in peace of in war. It is too major an asset. And the PRC/CCP know it …

Tango01 Supporting Member of TMP07 Feb 2025 10:30 p.m. PST

Chinaīs Use of Armed Coercion: To Win Without Fighting



Dagwood08 Feb 2025 5:24 a.m. PST

I didn't read the article, but the US is now also using financial muscle backed by military power to win without fighting.

Personal logo Legion 4 Supporting Member of TMP08 Feb 2025 12:02 p.m. PST

Yes, that is generally always the first protocol. Weaken the enemy economically, etc. with no shots fired. Backed up by the fact at the USA has massive amounts of firepower in many forms.

Peace Through Strength … militarily and economically …

Tango01 Supporting Member of TMP24 Feb 2025 10:54 p.m. PST

Chinese Warships, Bombers, Drones To "Knock" Alaska! NORAD Raises Alarm Over Russia, China Spreading Their Wings In US Backyard


China Orders Military Changes to Prepare for 'Engaging in Warfare'



35thOVI Supporting Member of TMP25 Feb 2025 6:40 a.m. PST

Yes in the world's obsessing TDS, they have forgotten the real threat to the world. But that makes the Chinese happy.

I would highly advise the world to super fast pace their own chip building and find sources of the resources like rare earth, outside of China.

I would advise Japan and Australia to really increase their defense budgets.

As too should the US… our Pacific defenses, air and sea. To think outside the normal boxes, as in AI, droids, drones, stealth, space based, Speed, anti missile defenses. Make war a no possible win scenario for China.

Tortorella Supporting Member of TMP25 Feb 2025 8:16 a.m. PST

It was quite a while before I became aware that Trump Derangement Syndrome did not refer to him and his followers, but to his opponents! Not sure I get it even now.

My mere opinions…

For whatever reasons, it looks like Putin has felt a lift from Trump's election, and Xi may as well. Both must know that Trump is susceptible to flattery and sucked in by business deals. I think he has some trouble coming to grips with complexities in world affairs, but he also has a way of reducing issues to basics that is not always a bad thing.

Biden gets the credit for addressing the chip challenge, with a huge bill passed and major plants building in the US. I have mentioned the US supply of lithium in another thread, and Canada also has mineral resources, as does Australia. It may hurt to give Biden credit, but I think he gets it here…

The Japanese navy has been rapidly expanding in the face of the China threat, modest by US standards, but the biggest turnaround for them since WW2. Australia is Australia…they are tough, they always show up, and they are, I hope, still with us.

AUKUS is the trilateral treaty that supports mutual strengthening of defense and security between Australia, the UK, and the US in the Pacific. Far from perfect, it still provides a framework for working together, including Australia getting nuclear subs. Hopefully it will continue and evolve.

Taiwan is said to have a porcupine defensive posture, and there are a number of innovative tech advances deployed there by the US, such as remote controlled undersea mines.

The Chinese still have no good way to get their massive forces to Taiwan for an invasion. Even their new naval units lack as much endurance and firepower as the Pacific western allies, mainly the US. They will be dependent on frequent resupply from land. They are working hard on amphibious transport. There are still the primary threat and cannot be underestimated, despite issues of serious corruption in their high level command. But for now, I think the scenario is more or less a no-win.

The talk about Chinese drones reminds me of the late 19th French navy's Admiral Aube and the Jeune Ecole, his young corps of officers. Unable to match Britain in the rapidly evolving production of battleships, Aube and his followers advocated building huge numbers of torpedo boats to offset the British advantage. But this led directly to the development of the modern destroyer in response. Lessons learned.

35thOVI Supporting Member of TMP25 Feb 2025 8:42 a.m. PST

Tort I have said since the 80's, China is the threat. Another reason I want peace in the Ukraine.

I see radical Islam as the second highest threat, especially since that threat is not conventional and they are everywhere now.

It is possible that Trump and his cabinet, see this as well. Also why he is pursuing those resources so "strongly".

I don't believe he is stupid or naïve, as some on TMP do. He at least is not suffering from dementia and obviously not in charge. Not meant to be confrontational, just a fact of the last administration.

He may prove me wrong. But he is moving like a whirlwind. Unfortunately Congress continues to move like Congress. 😔 and of course, liberal judges get in the way. Oh and the MSM continues to be the MSM.

Tortorella Supporting Member of TMP25 Feb 2025 11:30 a.m. PST

Radical Islam maybe getting close to China, IMO, if Iran gets, or already has, nukes. And related terrorist cults are everywhere around the world, with potential to cause extreme harm via WMDs.

Trump is an unknown to me so far. Get more from Europeans, yes…but be smart about it and hold things together, they like flattery just like he does. I don't think much of the UN, but I was ashamed yesterday that the US voted with the Russian mass murderers on the Ukraine war. We respectfully disagree here…

I do not think Trump lacks brainpower. He is very street smart, not well educated in the traditional sense, yet strong in manipulative transactions. I am not sure he is the equal of Putin or Xi this regard, nor are his cabinet people. But I would be happy to be proven wrong and it's too early to really tell how Trump will handle Xi. I hope you are right about his thinking and priorities.

I think Congress has been ordered to get out of the way and keep quiet, or face a Musk- funded primary challenge next election. This should not be hard for them, vacation time is a high priority there.

SBminisguy25 Feb 2025 11:40 a.m. PST

Both must know that Trump is susceptible to flattery and sucked in by business deals. I think he has some trouble coming to grips with complexities in world affairs, but he also has a way of reducing issues to basics that is not always a bad thing

Sure…tell yourself that, which is why Trump collapsed ISIS and forged the Abraham Accords and the US engaged in no new wars in his first term. The man negotiated and managed global real estate ventures across a diverse range of peoples, cultures and circumstances. He seems to be effective.

And he's pretty straightforward and believes in reciprocity. For example, Putin tested Trump by approving an attack on a US FOB in Syria by a Wagner Group unit. Trump authorized weapons free, and said Wagner battalion got crushed. Then Trump also put tough sanctions on Russia. Russia didn't do that again.

Oh, he also tried to send weapons to Ukraine 'cause Obama's aid was all non-combat. Ironic that he fell afoul of the Biden Corruption Machine when he sought accountability.

Trump tried to help Ukraine and got impeached. Then the leader of Ukraine actively campaigned against Trump in the last election, and then he's prevaricated on deals and offers under negotiation. Not a good look.

SBminisguy25 Feb 2025 11:52 a.m. PST

@Tortarella re: Hegseth

And he is not the best guy for recruiting, IMO, too much of a throwback. Culture war stuff is useless..studies show DEI does not suppress recruiting very much, if at all.

Of course DEI suppressed recruiting in multiple ways, not the least of which were military veterans telling their kids and nephews and nieces not to join. The USAF's overt DEI discrimination against white and asian pilot applicants definitely hurt recruitment -- I personally know a smart young man on track for USAF Academy who changed course because of that.

But now DEI is dead, the DoD leadership are focused on warfighting and recruitment is up!

Army Recruitment 'Going Like Gangbusters,'81K Set to Join Up



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