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"Suggestion for Naval Sea Blue" Topic

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Windward10 Jan 2025 1:56 p.m. PST

I'm painting up some Korean War Naval fighters (F4U, F9F and F2Hs). In this period they were in the dark blue overall.

Brunanburh11 Jan 2025 1:25 a.m. PST

Hi. I'm slightly confused as the tag 'Suggestion for Naval Sea Blue' seems at odds with the post.

Buckeye AKA Darryl12 Jan 2025 3:07 a.m. PST

From an article:

In 1947, ANA623 Glossy Sea Blue was revised in color. This would be the version of Glossy Sea Blue applied to the first generation US Navy jets which would see action over Korea such the Grumman F9F Panther and McDonnell F2H Banshee etc. It is this version of ANA623 which was incorporated into Federal Standard 595A in 1956 as FS15042.

That FS number is Vallejo Glossy Sea Blue.

Personal logo Yellow Admiral Supporting Member of TMP12 Jan 2025 9:25 p.m. PST

For planes, I prefer spraying a base coat in a correct color. Brushed-on paints always leave streaks, lines, and uneven spots which show up on large monochrome surfaces like airplanes have.

For WWII overall glossy dark sea blue, I find Rustoleum 2x Ultracover Midnight Blue satin to be a superb match. It made me so happy to have a one-and-done spraypaint, I painted batches of Corsairs, Hellcats, and Avengers in two different scales, so many that most of them have never been on the table. grin

For Korea, I used to use the Model Master Glossy Sea Blue spraypaint as the base coat, and the Model Master FS15042 acrylic bottle paint for touch-ups and corrections (e.g. canopy bars, fixing mistakes, etc.). These colors have a slight greenish hue like the post-war paint color, and the spray and bottle paints were matched to be the same color. Unfortunately, Testors discontinued them, so this isn't useful advice, and I'm not sure what I'm going to use next time I have to paint Korean War USN planes.

I think the Tamiya XF-17 bottle acrylic is a good match for post-war USN planes, but Tamiya bottle paints are terrible for painting large surfaces unless you airbrush with them. I'm a huge fan of Tamiya spray paints, but I don't think the AS-8 Navy Blue is quite the right color for post-war USN planes. If you're less particular than I, it might be close enough, and it's a great paint, though very hard to match for touch-ups.

Tamiya makes two other sprays that might work for USN gloss sea blue:

  • TS-55 Gloss Dark Blue spray
  • TS-64 Dark Mica Blue
I haven't looked into either one to be sure, but you can do Google image searches for models sprayed in various Tamiya colors. Modelers like to show off their modeling projects.

- Ix

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