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"Gaming Romania v Hungary?" Topic

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79thPA Supporting Member of TMP06 Jan 2025 11:26 a.m. PST

I'm reading a book about Romanian, Bulgarian, and Hungarian armor during WWII that briefly touches on Hitler's allies fighting each other at the end of the war. I am curious if anyone has gamed these less than mainstream battles involving Romanians versus Hungarians (with or without Russian or German, support, respectively). Thanks.

0ldYeller06 Jan 2025 12:21 p.m. PST

I recall some movie on You Tube about the siege of Budapest in 1944 where Romanian troops (who had switched sides to Russians) are fighting defending Hungarian troops.

Personal logo Grelber Supporting Member of TMP06 Jan 2025 2:58 p.m. PST

I recall reading that Bulgaria managed to field an armored division with lots of lovely German equipment and then changed sides. I don't know if their panzer division ever got into combat.
It does sound like an interesting scenario.
Of course, I also thought it would be fun to use Greek 88s purchased from Germany to blow up panzers in 1941 games, but unfortunately, the Greeks only bought AA ammunition, no A/T.


IanWillcocks07 Jan 2025 5:56 a.m. PST

I have always fancied Hungarian vs Romanian, Bolt Action have a scenario book on the siege of Budapest which is a good starting point. I seem to recall that the Russians used Romanians to spearhead their attacks until they realised that the Hungarians resisted harder than when fighting the Russians and pulled them out. Even when they were both on the same side the Germans had to position troops between the Hungarians and Romanians to stop them fighting each other!

Trockledockle07 Jan 2025 1:02 p.m. PST

For the Greeks, you could assume they had some captured 88mm A/T supplied by the British.

SBminisguy07 Jan 2025 8:52 p.m. PST

Well, don't know about late war but in 1938 the Poles and Hungarians invaded Czechoslovakia and took territory, and after Czechoslovakia fell there was the 1939 Slovakian-Hungarian War. All using early war armor, but still interesting.

Rocco Siffredi08 Jan 2025 11:56 p.m. PST

Well, don't know about late war but in 1938 the Poles and Hungarians invaded Czechoslovakia and took territory, and after Czechoslovakia fell there was the 1939 Slovakian-Hungarian War. All using early war armor, but still interesting.

Deal Wargames Society did a very fetching display game of the ground war that was detailed in an issue of Miniature Wargames at some point during the early part of the previous decade.

I have also seen the war gamed by a Spanish club based I think in Majorca (Desperta Ferro being their name; you can check them out on Facebook).

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