San Antonio Valour & Fortitude 15mm Napoleonic gaming group: Grant Johnson and I met up at Dragon's Lair – Medical Center Friday afternoon (with a special guest appearance by Mr. Rob Gravener) for a "friendly" contest. Grant brought along his beautifully painted Prussians and I fielded my 1809 Austrians.
We both brought along 300 point lists with each fielding 3 brigades. We decided to try something different this time, so I took on the roll of attacker and Grant defended two objectives (Austrian flag counters). As the attacker I chose one of Grant's brigades to be removed, thus making it a 300pts attacking roughly 200pts. Grant had two infantry brigades and a cavalry brigade, so I eliminated his cavalry. I attacked with two infantry brigades and a cavalry brigade.
Grant set up a solid defense, using the woods on his left and two hills in the center and his right. I chose to attack with my two infantry brigades side by side on my right, and my cavalry brigade advancing on my left flank. I positioned my two foot batteries in the center of my line.
Turn 1 and 2: my infantry advanced and the guns unlimbered, however my cavalry rolled a "1" and did not activate. During the Prussian turn Grant's artillery punished my infantry columns with very accurate fire and caused heavy casualties without a miss – it was lucky for me that was his only time not to miss in the game.
Turn 3 & 4: my cavalry started their advance, and the infantry continued their advance across the board, my artillery opened up but failed to cause very much damage as they were shooting at infantry in line. Grant continued his artillery bombardment against my advancing columns and his infantry opened up a solid musketry fire.
Turn 5 & 6: my cavalry cause the Prussians to go to square, however I was able to play a V&F card that allowed me to make an extra move, my Dragoons caught one of the Prussian infantry battalions in line. Grant fell his Jaegers back in the woods so my slow moving Austrian columns could not catch them, and advanced cautiously in the woods against the Jaegers. The Dragoons proceeded to destroy the Prussian line, but suffered some casualties.
Turn 7 & 8: after taking heavy casualties the Austrian infantry was able to rout the Prussian guns and capture one objective with the help of the cavalry, however the Prussians held the second objective with an intact brigade defending the hill.
The game ended with both sides claiming victory!!!