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"black powder rules movement" Topic

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©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
Comments or corrections?

heilung30 Dec 2024 3:54 a.m. PST

advancing unit fell 4" short to a fence for it okay to order a single move to cover the distance to the fence next move ? we are restricting movement to 8" on tabletop , also my opponent got a two move advance but deliberately fell short knowing he was entering my musket range . didn't think it was right haven't seen anything like that happening on youtube battle reports, what would be the general opinion please ?

PzGeneral30 Dec 2024 5:02 a.m. PST

I think you may be overthinking the rules. We've always considered the movement rates listed as MAXIMUM distance a unit may move for each order. So in our games, yes, you may move a just 4" as a movement. And yes, you may move short if you do not wish to enter musket range.

But it's your game, play it as you will. We usually play in a friendly fashion….after all, it's just a game…


Fitzovich Supporting Member of TMP30 Dec 2024 5:07 a.m. PST

I would think that you could simply have the unit move to the fence using an initiative move on the next turn. Move distances as PzGenearl mentioned are the max and you can certainly move less or not at all.

colgar630 Dec 2024 6:35 a.m. PST

But remember that before rolling for the number of actions, you need to state your *intention* for the order. For example, "advance towards the enemy but halt outside musket range" is quite different from "advance as far as possible" or "advance to the fence and cross it"

Dexter Ward31 Dec 2024 2:39 a.m. PST

Distances are maximums; you don't have to move the full distance, but you must declare out loud what you are doing. So long as you say ‘Advance to the wall', or ‘advance until just outside musket range' then what you describe is fine. But if your opponent just declared ‘advance' then it is not ok; he would have to move maximum. I have seen a lot of people not predeclare moves, but just roll command dice and do whatever they want. That's not how the rules work.

Dexter Ward31 Dec 2024 2:41 a.m. PST

It's easy to get people into the habit of declaring their moves. If you roll command dice without saying what you are going to do, treat it as a blunder. Players will soon start remembering!

heilung01 Jan 2025 2:29 a.m. PST

thanks again guys for your previously stated we always play friendly . past few games have included some hand to hand ,to liven up protracted fire fights ,being our movements are 8" could a charge cover a two move distance 16" ? we only get the chance to play once a year Christmas day i know the book.charge within one move page 60 ,our musket range 23" .thank you for your patience .

Dexter Ward01 Jan 2025 2:57 a.m. PST

A charge can be 3 moves if you roll well enough

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