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"Horses of certain Marshals/Generals" Topic

5 Posts

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Bear0129 Dec 2024 7:52 p.m. PST

This is a odd topic and one I am trying to get any information on for my armies. I am working on several armies at the moment and I am trying to be historically correct. One can probably say I am being to anal. Several questions here. Does anyone have any documented information as to what color the Duke of Brunswick's horse was at Quatre Bras. I have seen several paintings depicting his death and the horses are different colors (gray, Bay & Chestnut). The next question is does any one have any documented information as to the color of horse Duchy of Warsaw Prince Poniatowski and Division General Dabrowski had in 1812. Again I am seeing different colors depending on artist. I guess artistic license or whim. Any help would be appreciated.

Personal logo Artilleryman Supporting Member of TMP30 Dec 2024 3:38 a.m. PST

Most senior officers had a stable of horses especially if they were royals so the colours varied. I think you would be hard put to track down the colour of a a particular general's horse at a particular battle. I think Napoleon and Wellington are the only ones we can be sure of at Waterloo etc. Personally I would choose a colour that suits the image of the individual rider e.g. black for the Duke of Brunswick and so on.

14Bore30 Dec 2024 4:02 p.m. PST

No doubt unhistorical, I just took pictures of quite exotic horses for each general.
But different period, George Washington's horses

Baron von Wreckedoften II01 Jan 2025 3:23 p.m. PST

If you go to the Perry Miniatures website, a new article has just been posted about the Black Brunswick contingent in the 1815 campaign. Scroll down to the "Notes" section at the end and you will find a list of the colour of horse ridden by EVERY senior Brunswick officer, down to and including unit commanders, including the Duke himself (a light brown gelding).

Bear0102 Jan 2025 8:24 p.m. PST

Thank you! The link on George Washington's horse was interesting.

I did not know about the Perry Miniature Article because my interest in in the 15/18mm ranges (Preference is AB. Filling with Sho Boki and CGM). I have looked at the site for uniform reference of specific units I am working on, but never looked at the articles. Thank you Von Wreckedoften. Very informative and interesting reading.

For those building the Brunswickers I would recommend reading the article. It is titled: "The Black Brunswickers, 1809-1815 Part 1: The Hundred Days"

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