35thOVI  | 28 Dec 2024 4:54 a.m. PST |
No one safe in Russian Airspace? 🤔 link |
Cuprum2  | 28 Dec 2024 6:26 a.m. PST |
Silly video. But pay attention to the cargo that is in Santa's sleigh… |
35thOVI  | 28 Dec 2024 7:11 a.m. PST |
But Caprum… Santa was whisking those away, to try and save lives and bring peace. That was many children's Christmas wish, for peace in the Ukraine. Those children's wishes crushed forever with one missile. 😳😥 🎅😵 |
Cuprum2  | 28 Dec 2024 7:16 a.m. PST |
But the thing is happening over Moscow… |
bjporter | 28 Dec 2024 8:10 a.m. PST |
No one who lives anywhere near Russia is safe. Wall up Russia and stop doing business or trade with them. Let them stew in their own psychosis and paranoia. |
35thOVI  | 28 Dec 2024 8:13 a.m. PST |
"But the thing is happening over Moscow…" Well he had to get them to the Norh Pole so the elves could dismantle them of course. 🙄 It was either Russia or Greenland. Greenland is posing difficulties currently, that may be worked out soon. 😉 |
Cuprum2  | 28 Dec 2024 8:17 a.m. PST |
Full version of the video. Santa brings American ATACAMS missiles to Moscow… link |
Cuprum2  | 28 Dec 2024 8:24 a.m. PST |
bjporter, You can start right now. But it seems to me that a significant part of the world disagrees with you… |
35thOVI  | 28 Dec 2024 8:30 a.m. PST |
Cuprum obviously Russian disinformation and AI. 🙄 Wait!! …. you are not saying Santa was smuggling weapons to Russia and was mistaken by Russian missile defenses? 🤔 |
Cuprum2  | 28 Dec 2024 9:37 a.m. PST |
I think it was a Ukrainian bomber. At the detection station it was difficult to understand who it was. But he did not answer the recognition system ;-) vk.com/video89300756_456239256
35thOVI  | 28 Dec 2024 9:52 a.m. PST |
"Recognition system" It wasn't "HO! HO! HO!" ? |
Col Durnford  | 28 Dec 2024 2:39 p.m. PST |
The orcs are taking the war in Christmas way too far. I expect they have moved to the top of the naughty list. Couldn't they just find another civilian airliner to shoot down. |
Tango01  | 28 Dec 2024 5:07 p.m. PST |
Naughty list… RUSSIANS.. ….
…. …. More than twenty empty spaces untill you found the Nazis… Armand
Legion 4  | 28 Dec 2024 7:52 p.m. PST |
Well from what the reports I heard today said a Russian SAM frag'd the aircraft. I remember seeing the initial footage of the fuselage with what looked like shrapnel pock marks along it. What really amazes me is like 27 people survived. And some hobbled with the help of a medic. Close as to a Christmas Miracle as I ever saw … |
mjkerner | 28 Dec 2024 9:48 p.m. PST |
Ohh, Cuprum, bjporter is sooooo right! And all DECENT countries (there are so few) agree. ! |
Cuprum2  | 28 Dec 2024 10:03 p.m. PST |
It remains to figure out who and by what right determines which countries are decent and which are not ;-) |
Choctaw | 30 Dec 2024 9:29 a.m. PST |
Decent countries don't invade their neighbors without provocation or shoot down commercial airliners, again without provocation. Countries like Russia do. I hope that cleared up your confusion. |
SBminisguy | 30 Dec 2024 9:48 a.m. PST |
OK, Santa going "Ho, Ho, Holy Sh…" BOOM was kinda funny. |
35thOVI  | 30 Dec 2024 10:51 a.m. PST |
"OK, Santa going "Ho, Ho, Holy Sh…" BOOM was kinda funny." Not to the elves !!🧝 🧝♀️ 😮 They are opening support centers for them, with teddy bears 🧸, hot chocolate ☕️ and support dogs 🐶, at the North Pole. 😉 |
Cuprum2  | 30 Dec 2024 9:02 p.m. PST |
Choctaw… Vietnam, Grenada, Panama, Iraq, Libya, Yugoslavia, Syria… Am I forgetting anything? On July 3, 1988, an Iran Air Airbus A300B2-203 (registration number EP-IBU), operating a scheduled flight between Bandar Abbas (Iran) and Dubai, was shot down by a missile launched from the USS Vincennes. 290 people died, including 66 children. On October 4, 2001, a Tu-154M (registration number RA-85693) of the Russian airline Siberia, flying flight 1812 from Tel Aviv to Novosibirsk, crashed over the Black Sea 200 km southwest of Sochi. All 78 people on board – 66 passengers and 12 crew members – died in the crash. According to the investigation materials of the Interstate Aviation Committee (IAC), the plane was hit by a missile from the Ukrainian S-200 anti-aircraft missile system, launched during military exercises. What unpleasant stories, right? But this did not prevent the US and Ukraine from remaining decent countries? Before you blame others, see if your own tail is dirty))) |
Legion 4  | 30 Dec 2024 10:20 p.m. PST |
You left out Somali and Afghanistan … but it is nice to be remembered. |
Cuprum2  | 30 Dec 2024 10:42 p.m. PST |
I was only talking about illegal invasions without UN sanction or agreements with the government of the country where the troops were brought in. Somalia is a legal international mandate. No complaints))) However, I forgot about the illegal invasion in Afghanistan… |
jsmcc91 | 01 Jan 2025 8:12 a.m. PST |
Kind of like Russia illegally invading Ukraine starting in 2014. |
Legion 4  | 01 Jan 2025 8:42 p.m. PST |
jsmcc91 + 10 👍👍 Somalia is a legal international mandate. Well you said so many other operations were illegal invasions I thought it didn't matter. So an invasion is only legal if the UN sanctions it. Did the UN sanction Putin's invasion of Ukraine a couple of year back ? Oh … wait … I forgot … Russia was going after NAZIs there … So that is OK … And for the record the US/NATO going to A'stan was in response to 9/11. After the Taliban refused to turn over UBL. And we went back after they had no functioning national gov't. After we left. And islamic terrorist attacks were continuing in Europe and the US. We had to go after where the top terrorist leaders, training camps, etc. were. Counter-Attacking after you had been "Invaded/attacked" i.e. 9/11 is not an illegal invasion. All nations have the right of protecting their people, borders, etc. |
Cuprum2  | 01 Jan 2025 9:32 p.m. PST |
jsmcc91, yes. If you play cards with cheaters, it would be rather strange to follow the rules that they constantly break. Legion 4, rather weak excuses… For some reason, it was not necessary to capture Pakistan to destroy UBL… As far as I know, not a single Afghan or Taliban member took part in the September 11 attack. It was Al-Qaeda, wasn't it? Of the terrorists, 15 were citizens of Saudi Arabia, 2 were from the UAE, 1 was from Lebanon, and 1 was from Egypt. It would have been more logical to attack Saudi Arabia. But it was impossible – it was an ally of the USA))) So September 11 is just a pretext for invading Afghanistan. |
Dagwood | 02 Jan 2025 3:05 a.m. PST |
Cuprum, or to put it another way, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Lebanon, Egypt all agreed to cooperate with the US in investigating 9/11; Afghanistan refused. This refusal led to war. Pakistan also agreed to cooperate, and suffered badly from terrorism itself, but at times the cooperation seemed more nominal than enthusiastic. Iraq, now, a different story. |
35thOVI  | 02 Jan 2025 7:03 a.m. PST |
Caprum, Afghanistan was allowing Al-Qaeda to train there. Which is now happening again. |
Cuprum2  | 02 Jan 2025 7:21 a.m. PST |
Dagwood, what does it mean to "cooperate in the investigation"? Do you really consider such an act to be a reason for war and occupation of the country? Based on what law? Maybe there is a corresponding UN resolution? I understand your motives. But from a legal point of view, they are void. Life is more complicated than "rules". And you yourself break them when you think it is right. There are two ways to solve international problems: diplomatic and military. If diplomacy does not work – war remains. |
jsmcc91 | 02 Jan 2025 8:48 a.m. PST |
Cuprum2, Are you saying it was legal and ok to invade Ukraine, a sovereign country, for no cause, rape, pillage, steal grain, steal children and continuously attack civilians daily? |
Dagwood | 02 Jan 2025 8:57 a.m. PST |
Cuprum, an attack that causes 3,000 deaths is an act of war. The US was entitled to attack anyone who allied themselves with the attackers and prevented the pursuit of justice. Self defense does not need a UN mandate. |
Cuprum2  | 02 Jan 2025 5:09 p.m. PST |
jsmcc91, do you want an honest answer to a provocative question? Well, yes… But your question is only 25% true. You only see what you want to see. Dagwood, how about the proportionality of the damage? This is all demagogy, guys… |
jsmcc91 | 02 Jan 2025 6:53 p.m. PST |
Cuprum, I know people in Ukraine and what I said is 100% true. No more of this sabre rattling. Too many people have died on both sides. For nothing. |
Legion 4  | 02 Jan 2025 7:40 p.m. PST |
Legion 4, rather weak excuses… For some reason, it was not necessary to capture Pakistan to destroy UBL… We had no reason to destroy Pakistan. However, they created the Taliban, and had many pro-UBL, islamic fundamentalist there. They even supported the Taliban and AQ with "jihads", etc. with the recent overthrow of the A'stan gov't and nation. As noted, A'stan became the top place to train islamic terrorists for their worldwide jihad to make the many places like A'stan As well as many places in the Mid-East, North Africa, etc. a moslem caliphate. Then the rest of the world is on their list. ISIS tried similar in Iraq and Syria. But the US and some NATO members broke their back too. Terrorist leaders like UBL, AZH, AZK, Al-Bagdadi, etc. were prime targets to attempt to stop moslem terrorism from spreading. As we see the IDF has shown the world once again. How to handle moslem jihadis/terrorists. Through force and firepower. Killing many of the different islamic factions' leaders, destroying supply points, etc. as well as terminating many of their minions and supporters.
As far as I know, not a single Afghan or Taliban member took part in the September 11 attack. It was Al-Qaeda, wasn't it? Of the terrorists, 15 were citizens of Saudi Arabia, 2 were from the UAE, 1 was from Lebanon, and 1 was from Egypt. It would have been more logical to attack Saudi Arabia. But it was impossible it was an ally of the USA))) So September 11 is just a pretext for invading Afghanistan. I think many of the other gents here answered this question. Much of your take on things seems to be very skewed of the truth and in some cases reality. E.g. What would the US & NATO need to go to A'stan for ? Other than hunt down and kill UBL and his supporters. The list of the 9/11 attacker albeit were from different moslem nations they were members/part of AQ. And the leadership of AQ was in A'stan. So, after 9/11 we knew we had to go there to remind some if you attack the US you will pay the price. And as time passed many of their leaders, minions and supporters had to die[painfully I hope] to get that concept. As a sidebar. The USA needs no Mid East oil with our neighbor Canada and our own resources. I'd say overall, our ops in many Mid-East/moslem nations were to keep the terrorist over there and kill them over there. And those NATO members with us saw it the same way. Of course, some will probably want to mention the two terrorist attacks in the US on New Years Day. Well as I have often said, the GWoT was/is not over. My take/answer to this recent event is like many other things the USA's current top leadership was very often way off target … While mis-ID'ing the real threat/clear and present danger to the US. For what seems more for political and ideological reasons. E.g. commencing with a Witch Hunt for white supremacists, parents at school border meetings, Catholics who are against abortion, etc., etc. The islamic terrorists took advantage of this. Resulting in what happened on 01 Jan. 2025. Albeit the investigation is still on going. ISIS online clearly radicalize the New Orlean' terrorist. Again, the GWoT continues. And will be most likely properly be handled in about 18 days. Or at least not as the WH has been doing for the past 4 years. With their #1 massive mistake of giving billions of $ to the top supporter of islamic terrorism in the world. Who is also on its way to getting deployable nukes. Bringing to mind the term "amateurs"… |
35thOVI  | 03 Jan 2025 7:58 a.m. PST |
"My take/answer to this recent event is like many other things the USA's current top leadership was very often way off target … While mis-ID'ing the real threat/clear and present danger to the US. For what seems more for political and ideological reasons. E.g. commencing with a Witch Hunt for white supremacists, parents at school border meetings, Catholics who are against abortion, etc., etc. The islamic terrorists took advantage of this. Resulting in what happened on 01 Jan. 2025. Albeit the investigation is still on going. ISIS online clearly radicalize the New Orlean' terrorist." Legion +1 It amazes me how some people have been convinced of the above. There are still MSM saying "a truck killed people in NO". Refusing to mention radical Islam. 😡 Radical Islam is the threat we should all concentrate on at all times. We may have forgotten them, but they have not forgotten us! |
Legion 4  | 03 Jan 2025 10:06 a.m. PST |
To dismiss the truth about what our current leadership in the WH & Congress is doing. Is to ignore the stark reality of what actually happened and is occurring now. Again, the GWoT continues … the current US Gov't may say we are not at war with radical islamic terrorists/jihadis … But they are still at war with us/the West, etc. Unless you are a child, closing your eye to "the clear and present danger" won't make it go away … |
Grattan54  | 03 Jan 2025 11:32 a.m. PST |
It is all wrapped up in this "woke Marxism" of the left. Whites and Asian-Americans are oppressors and everyone else is oppressed. The oppressed can never do anything wrong cuz they are oppressed. Any criticism of the oppressed groups is then racism. Thus the left find it very hard to condemn terrorism or to even call it terrorism because an oppressed people are doing the terrorism and they feel empathy for them and don't want to be seen as being racist by calling them terrorists. It is stupid, it isn't realistic but there you go. |
35thOVI  | 03 Jan 2025 12:29 p.m. PST |
Grattan +1 As the pro intifada protests in NYC hours after NO proved. Subject: NYC protesters call for 'intifada revolution' hours after New Orleans attack link |
Dal Gavan  | 03 Jan 2025 7:31 p.m. PST |
Subject: NYC protesters call for 'intifada revolution' hours after New Orleans attack We get the same sort of demo's here, 35th, where people who supposedly left their country's hatreds, biases and troubles for a new life, want to resurrect them here and inflict them on everyone else. There's also been some from pro-Israeli supporters- but much smaller and less damage and disruption is caused- so it's not just Palestinian supporters. The quick and permanent fix is to round them (and their supporters/rent-a-crowd demonstrators) up and send them back, but the noisy minority and vote-seeking pollies won't allow that. If immigrants and their offspring feel that strongly then they should go back and do something about it. But they won't- too dangerous, lower standard of living, no dole and other government benefits, and the local police "back home" are a bit less "restrained" than the cops here. |
Cuprum2  | 04 Jan 2025 5:09 a.m. PST |
Legion 4, have you ever wondered why the great empires, century after century, so stubbornly wanted to own Afghanistan? I will answer. The fact is that Afghanistan is located at the crossroads of the most important routes that have historically connected India, Iran, Central Asia and the western part of China. That is, Afghanistan is needed as a strategic foothold in Central Asia, the territory of which can be used for military-political and economic expansion into neighboring countries. This is the real answer. Everything else is just a pretext and verbal chaff… The fact that the US has enough of its own oil does not mean anything))) This is very, very little, if you want to control the world oil market… And the US has been doing this for many decades and wants to continue. The dollar is tied to oil. Oil is one of the foundations of US well-being. There is one reason for all wars – money… And only money. Except, perhaps, religious ones. And even then – not always. And don't you also find it strange that you are constantly fighting the evil that you yourself create? Al-Qaeda, if it didn't appear, then it flourished with the help of the CIA. ISIS is a product of your Iraqi adventure. Hamas is an organization nurtured by Israel as a counterweight to the Palestine Liberation Organization… You are constantly creating monsters that you then fight… Now you have fed an entire country to Al-Qaeda… Will this ever end? Where are those rules that you keep talking about? Someday the Frankenstein you created will destroy its creator… Grattan54 – I am a Marxist. But what your so-called "leftists" do is the delirium of an inflamed consciousness. The oppressor has no skin color, gender or nationality. He takes part of the worker's labor for his own benefit, that is, underpays for the work done. And nothing more! Everything else is a lie, perversion and abomination. All people are brothers. They are born equal and free. The son of a slave owner and the son of a slave should have the same rights, responsibilities and opportunities. And that's it. No feelings of guilt, superiority, no compensation or privileges. The past is in the past. They are in no way responsible for the deeds of their fathers. A man is a man, a woman is a woman. Everything else is a deviation from the norm, subject to correction. This is my personal opinion and the opinion of the "classical" Soviet left. Dal Gavan, isn't public incitement to violence a crime? |
35thOVI  | 04 Jan 2025 6:34 a.m. PST |
"Grattan54 I am a Marxist. But what your so-called "leftists" do is the delirium of an inflamed consciousness. The oppressor has no skin color, gender or nationality. He takes part of the worker's labor for his own benefit, that is, underpays for the work done. And nothing more! Everything else is a lie, perversion and abomination. All people are brothers. They are born equal and free. The son of a slave owner and the son of a slave should have the same rights, responsibilities and opportunities. And that's it. No feelings of guilt, superiority, no compensation or privileges. The past is in the past. They are in no way responsible for the deeds of their fathers. A man is a man, a woman is a woman. Everything else is a deviation from the norm, subject to correction. This is my personal opinion and the opinion of the "classical" Soviet left." The group of which we speak in the US , (US citizens), are an indoctrinated group of individuals. Taught in schools and by the media, that white western countries are historical oppressors and enslavers of the rest of the world. They really aren't too concerned about the asiatic world, just those with darker skins. Their historical perspective, if they have any at all, only goes back about 300 years. Facts don't get in the way of their emotions. Add to this group, the Muslims we have let in who join them in these protests. Islam is their primary loyalty, that and hate of the Jews of Israel, who they see as another infringing Crusader State in the heart of Islam. An area they conquered and took from the Christians themselves. |
Cuprum2  | 04 Jan 2025 6:57 a.m. PST |
35thOVI, this is a clear call for the dominance of the minority (allegedly oppressed) over the majority. This cannot be fair. Democracy is the result of voting, which means it is the will of the majority. You can propagate your ideas, but you cannot impose them by force, and even more so, impose it from the minority to the majority. Islam is diverse. Radical Islam is evil. Any radicalism is evil. It is the mother of violence. |
35thOVI  | 04 Jan 2025 7:39 a.m. PST |
"Radical Islam is evil. Any radicalism is evil. It is the mother of violence." Yes I agree. But having read a lot of the religious writings of Islam, including much of the koran or quran, depending on your preference, for religion classes in college. The seeds of that radicalization are in the writings. So always there for the next radical group to rise to the top, based on the teachings of their Mosque or Imam. As we have seen since the inception of the religion in the 600's. The Infidels shall always be the Infidels. |
Cuprum2  | 04 Jan 2025 7:53 a.m. PST |
I would not like to develop this topic. If you read Christian books carefully, you can also find some rather dubious moments there. And you can remember the Inquisition, the Crusades and other unpleasant things… It is not about the text, but about its interpretation. It's not the weapon that kills, it's the person who uses it that kills. |
Dal Gavan  | 04 Jan 2025 11:48 a.m. PST |
Dal Gavan, isn't public incitement to violence a crime? Yes, mate. That doesn't mean anyone is going to act to bring those people before a court. A recent High Court ruling means we can't even deport even illegal immigrants (who have to be referred to as "asylum seekers"), who are held in detention for having committed violent crimes, if there's a possibility that their return to their country of origin would place them in danger. And the immigration lawyers (including one of my nieces) make sure the courts believe there always are such threats. Nor, supposedly, may anyone be stripped of Australian citizenship. Unless they are former service personnel who served as mercenaries in countries that the government does not approve. Rhodesia/Zimbabwe being an example. I don't care what colour skin or what religious belief an immigrant has. All I ask is they they respect the law, don't bludge off government benefits, and respect our culture (not adopt it, just respect it). Most are like that and immigration since the 1950's has been a great benefit. It's those that want to turn Australia into a clone of their old home- whether that be Iran, Israel, Iraq, Ireland or Indiana doesn't matter- that I'd like to see kicked out. |
Legion 4  | 04 Jan 2025 1:56 p.m. PST |
Legion 4, have you ever wondered why the great empires, century after century, so stubbornly wanted to own Afghanistan? The US had no real interest in A'stan. Save for sending aid, etc. to try to get them closer to the 20th Century. Sent a lot of $, food, etc. for a long time. To help make lives better there. Otherwise, it was another 3d World 💩⚪ that aid of many types were sent to … Until radical moslem terrorists of AQ attacked the USA on 9/11.
I will answer. I just answered … the question, with no spin, propaganda, 🐮💩 … Until Russia invade A'stan for no reason I can think of. Besides imperialism as with Ukraine …
The fact is that Afghanistan is located at the crossroads of the most important routes that have historically connected India, Iran, Central Asia and the western part of China. That is, Afghanistan is needed as a strategic foothold in Central Asia, the territory of which can be used for military-political and economic expansion into neighboring countries. This is the real answer. Everything else is just a pretext and verbal chaff… Nothing I don't already know … but thanks … now I know you know it too .. The fact that the US has enough of its own oil does not mean anything))) Save for if under the right leadership. The US can not only be energy independent … but energy dominate. Fun Fact about 95% of everything with an engine/motor, etc. requires some form of fossil fuel to function. About the same for how many things that move, run, etc. requires fossil fuel.
This is very, very little, if you want to control the world oil market… And the US has been doing this for many decades and wants to continue. So what about OPEC ? The dollar is tied to oil. Oil is one of the foundations of US well-being. The US exports many items worldwide … IIRC about 45% of much of the new tech comes from the USA … There is one reason for all wars money… And only money. Except, perhaps, religious ones. And even then not always. Yes and no … The CIA has a certain concept which explains many things … a little differently called M.I.C.E. This paradigm explains why people and those people in leadership positions in nations do what they do when it comes to … pretty much everything : M = $ I = Ideology C = Conscience E = Ego Why did Russia invade the Ukraine ? And want to invade other NATO nations that used to belong to the Imperial or USSR ? And don't you also find it strange that you are constantly fighting the evil that you yourself create? Again I find your explanations of reality … well … a bit skewed and biased. In most cases. Al-Qaeda, if it didn't appear, then it flourished with the help of the CIA. AQ was created by their members' hatred of Jews/Israel Plus the US support of Isreal. They didn't want infidels, e.g. Christians, in their "Holy Land" per se which included many islamic nations in Africa, the Mid-East etc. Europeans had been involved in colonizing many of those places for well over a century. Primarily for the natural resources found in many of those locations. Note fossil fuels really were not that important to the world until the West created the internal combustion engine. And became prevalent to much of the world after WWI. Along with the fall and division of the primarily moslem Ottoman Turk empire. Mostly by European leaders. BTW, I don't remember any nations that the US occupied and kept after WWI ? Jihadis like UBL had distain for the Western Christian infidels occupying any lands claimed by the West. And the support of the Jews. Also note Jew have been in what is now called Israel for over 2000 years. At the time of Christ at it is said, by many. About 600-800 years before the creation on islam. So UBL, AQ etc. were not happy about US, European and Jews occupying any moslem lands. The US supported the Mujahidin in their war against the Russians, I'm that is familiar to all. Do you know one of the primary reasons for the USA's support of the Muj vs. the USSR ? The CIA, etc. looked at it as payback for the USSR's support of the North Koreans, the NVA and China in the Korean and Vietnam Wars. The USA and inturn CIA was in a Cold War with the USSR. Since shortly after WWII. And also supported many nations that didn't want to be occupied by the USSR or their proxies. Now some of the Muj became members of AQ. As did many become Taliban members which came about directly by their moslem neighbor Pakistan support. So yes, some in AQ were Muj in the past that the USA supported in their war vs. the Russian occupiers. So to say that the CIA created AQ is a bit of a stretch. Which as we see is really part of the way Russia uses propaganda. To fit their agenda and narrative. ISIS is a product of your Iraqi adventure. Adventure must have a different meaning in Russian. ISIS was created by the remains of Saddam's Sunni's of his defeated Iraqi military. Once the US was pulled out by the POTUS Obama. The primarily Shia in new Iraqi military could not stop the ISIS on infidels. Which included anyone in the region that was not them. Including Shia, Kurds, Yazidis, etc. The US leadership foolishly ignored the advice of the US Military. Much like in A'stan keeping a campaign promise to pull out US troops. So, as a result of the Obama admin whose VP was Biden, pulling out USA forces from Iraq created a void in leadership. As the Iraqi gov't and forces could not handle the radical ISIS jihadis. So the US and other nations had to go back to stop the spread of ISIS. Trying to create a Caliphate in Iraq and throughout the region. As well creating terrorist attacks in Europe and the USA. So how did the USA create ISIS ? Not anymore than it did AQ … But you are free to believe as you do … Hamas is an organization nurtured by Israel as a counterweight to the Palestine Liberation Organization… What ? Hamas as a counterweight to the PLO ? Wow that is not a stretch … it is pretty much just fiction or propaganda … I don't know which is worse. You are constantly creating monsters that you then fight… Now you have fed an entire country to Al-Qaeda… Will this ever end? Where are those rules that you keep talking about? Wow more fiction … Someday the Frankenstein you created will destroy its creator… You mean like many of the former Warsaw Pact joined NATO because they didn't like being occupied by the USSR ? Or recently both Finland and Sweden joined NATO as they didn't want to be attack by Putin's Russia. Putin help create that monster … they both joined after Russia's unprovoked invasion of its neighbor Ukraine. They didn't want to risk Russia attacking them. So, Putin and his intel didn't get that they believed NATO was expanding to the East. Was a false narrative. So it looks like Putin created more of his own monsters. So who knows how long it will be before Putin's Russia may be destroyed. The enemy is not at the gate. But from within … |
Nine pound round | 04 Jan 2025 5:08 p.m. PST |
"whether that be Iran, Israel, Iraq, Ireland or Indiana doesn't matter" Those Hoosiers can be a tough bunch when they want to be- and I know, because I married one. |
Legion 4  | 05 Jan 2025 12:10 a.m. PST |
Dal Gavan  | 05 Jan 2025 12:19 a.m. PST |
Hoosier? Isn't that someone who sells knitwear? I'm not fluent in Yanklish, sorry.  |
BenFromBrooklyn | 13 Jan 2025 9:59 a.m. PST |
While Christianity had its violent moments, it's clearly not written into the script as it is in Islam. Consider a historical fact, something even Muslim scholars acknowledge as true. The violent rivalries which became the Sunni/Shi'ia divide began, literally, within hours of the death of Mohammed. 3 of the first 4 successors to Mohammed were murdered. These people who were fighting each other were all close companions of Mohammed. The "perfect man" was a great judge of character, apparently! They had all declared themselves Muslim, listened to Mo rant on over the years, and still, when the moment came, the knives came out. And while they were struggling each other, they also attacked the Arab tribes who just wanted to go home and forget all this nonsense. The Ridda Wars. Oh, and since Mohammed never wrote things down, this group- fighting each other for the right to rule- is who Muslims trust to have honestly recorded the Quran. Sure, Christianity had its moments. But imagine if the outcome after the death of Jesus was a war between the Apostles. It's one thing for people centuries later to have issues, but the inner circle of founders? ??? |
35thOVI  | 13 Jan 2025 11:32 a.m. PST |
If you had doubts if it was doctrinal, read this. Subject: The Rape Jihad Is Unmentionable Because It's Doctrinal
link |