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438 hits since 27 Dec 2024
©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
Comments or corrections?

Keifer11327 Dec 2024 9:18 p.m. PST

I was doing some reading on the uniforms and am confused.

Most sources say they wore the M42 uniform in Normandy, and were later issued the M43.

Were these specialized for airborne ( aside form the pockets and patches sown on), because most color guides are different from the regular infantry.

Griefbringer28 Dec 2024 1:06 a.m. PST

AFAIK the M42 uniform was specifically designed for the airborne, regular infantry instead wearing the M41 uniform.

The later M43 uniforms for the airborne were AFAIK the same as for regular infantry, but with additional pockets added.

jgawne29 Dec 2024 7:37 a.m. PST

The M42 (the 'jump jacket and pants') were specific airborne only uniforms. Then in late 44 the M43s were issued. These were generic army uniforms issued ot all forces, only they were in short supply in the ETO as the QMC planning had been screwed up, and there was still a shipping problem getting stuff to France.

The Airborne troops did have a priority on the M43, and were instructed to turn in their M42s- which were for the most part burned.

The only common change the M43s had for Airborne troops was the addition of large thigh pockets. These were unofficial, done by the units (who had riggers to do the sewing) and not seen on non-AB uniforms. Not all paras got them. The color of the M43 is the same no matter who was issued them- although the large added thigh pockets tended to be a darker green color.

Kuznetsov30 Dec 2024 4:56 a.m. PST

Not sure if it matters, but the Normandy uniforms also appear slightly darker due to CC2 treatment: YouTube link

Keifer11330 Dec 2024 7:01 p.m. PST

Thank you for the clarification.

It seems a lot of color guides that I have seen make the M43 a different color for airborne. But from the above answers and other sources, they should have been the same color.

I am guessing Band of Brothers got the later colors wrong.

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