Grattan54  | 27 Dec 2024 10:19 a.m. PST |
I would like to do some small naval games during the Am Rev. I find it impossible to find American ships of any scale, outside of Bonhomme Richard. Now, I realize the American navy was not very good and there are few naval battles, but we are wargamers and love what if engagements and the American frigates ect were real. Any suggestions on finding American ships or good substitutes? |
dantheman | 27 Dec 2024 11:40 a.m. PST |
The AWI was actually a significant naval war. Most naval battles, however, involved French, Spanish, and Dutch. It is far more interesting than Napoleonic naval gaming because the fleets opposing Britain were better than anything they faced in the Napoleonic Wars. If you are US focused and want to stay small, I recommend looking into the privateer wars. These ships are smaller than frigates, but work well with the Warlord Black Seas rules. I took the starter set and a few extra ships to make forces for small actions. Not perfect but I painted them in mid 18th century style. The Jersey Shore area and the New York bight saw many actions, as well as the Delaware Cape. NYC was the hub of British command and supply in the war. The book "American Privateers" is a big study on this part of the war. For a free reference on some NJ naval actions go to This map and reference book lists several small naval actions off the NJ coast. Data is limited as much is not known, or contemporary references scarce. But it is a start. If you want frigates you should read the short histories readily online. Unfortunately there is not much to wargame as they were mostly unsuccessful. For an overall naval summary of the war you can get the Sam Willis book "The Struggle for Seapower". Most libraries have it. I don't recall much on privateering though; that is where the small actions are. |
pvernon  | 27 Dec 2024 11:40 a.m. PST |
For most of the ships stock English or French ships of the same rate will do. There are a few ("Confederacy" comes to mind) which are different. Most of the different ones can probably be kit bashed or modified from stock ships. |
JMcCarroll | 27 Dec 2024 3:17 p.m. PST |
Don't forget the Great lakes action. |
Grelber  | 27 Dec 2024 8:50 p.m. PST |
Isn't one of Arnold's galleys from the Battle of Valcour Island in the Smithsonian? Are there any models of these definitely non-sexy warships? Grelber |
TimePortal | 27 Dec 2024 9:48 p.m. PST |
When I was developing a campaign system for the age of sail, I came across a book on British annual reports by region. It detailed how every ship was lost. A significant number were lost due to storms. |
Grattan54  | 28 Dec 2024 10:04 a.m. PST |
Thanks Guys, What I was really hoping for were the ships themselves. What could I use for them. What companies and scale sizes ect. |
DisasterWargamer  | 28 Dec 2024 1:15 p.m. PST |
Perhaps Black Seas models – American Navy 1770 – 1830 link Previous thread TMP link Sails of Glory also do a few ships as well |
Scafcom1  | 28 Dec 2024 2:32 p.m. PST |
Turner Miniatures does have some ships that were in the AWI including BonHomme Richard, one of the other frigates, and the 74 gun America. 3d printed stuff, and masts as well. Because of the somewhat fragile nature of 3d prints, best to go with 1/700 scale, which he does make, in addition to the 1/1200s. If you can't print them out yourself, Only-games carries his stuff. Here is the link to his ships: link |
dantheman | 30 Dec 2024 7:13 p.m. PST |
As mentioned above in my first post, Black Seas from Warlord are good to convert to the period. 1/700 is a good scale because the ships and actions are small, unless you want to do the large fleet battles of the European powers. |
Grattan54  | 31 Dec 2024 10:08 a.m. PST |
No, I am thinking ship to ship actions. At most a couple of ships per side. So 1/700 could work. Did see NavWar did have a couple for US ships for AmRev. |