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johannes5525 Dec 2024 1:25 a.m. PST

Which 28mm figures can be used fornational French infantry of the early Italian Wars (1495-152o as eg the gascons etc

whill425 Dec 2024 6:00 a.m. PST

The Perry Miniatures War of the Roses line would be perfect.

FilsduPoitou25 Dec 2024 3:32 p.m. PST

In addition to Perry WOTR range, I would also check out Steelfist Miniatures for gendarmes and other units. Eureka Miniatures also carries gendarmes too.

Finally, I would highly suggest taking a look at Stuart M's blog for early 16th century Frenchies. He posts here as well.


johannes5525 Dec 2024 11:59 p.m. PST

Thank you both for the info

Griefbringer27 Dec 2024 11:13 a.m. PST

I would like to second the suggestion for Perry Miniatures, though besides their Wars of the Roses line I would also like to suggest their "European Armies" line intended to cover 1450-1500 period:


Steel Fist Miniatures are certainly also worth looking, both their LAte Medieval and Italian Wars ranges.

Sandinista27 Dec 2024 1:57 p.m. PST

The Perry plastics are not much use past 1495.
If you want cheap over accuracy then use them for later, but the costumes changed a lot. Steel fist have some armless and headless figures for Flodden that can be used, utilising the spare arms and heads from the Perry plastic sets.

gavandjosh0227 Dec 2024 4:27 p.m. PST

I have the same view as Sandinista. There is a progressive development of costumes, etc. post, arbitrarily, 1500.

Griefbringer28 Dec 2024 1:50 a.m. PST

I got to agree about the development in costumes, but for those into the very early years of the Italian Wars, the Perry and Steel Fist late medieval ranges are a good starting point.

They would gradually start to look dated once you get to the 16th century. However, there is no dedicated range of early 16th century French infantry out there that I would be familiar with, thought The Assault Group has one for mid-16th century.

Griefbringer28 Dec 2024 9:02 a.m. PST

Steel fist have some armless and headless figures for Flodden that can be used, utilising the spare arms and heads from the Perry plastic sets.

Sandinista is probably referring to these sets:


Besides the plastic heads from Perry sets, they could also be combined with metal heads from Steel Fist and/or Perrys:


And for French infantry, you would probably want to combine them with crossbows and handgonnes nicked from this plastic boxed set:


If you are going to be putting together several units of infantry, this might end up getting a bit costly and a fair bit of assembly work.


Speaking of Steel Fist, you might also want to take a look at these arquebusiers:


johannes5529 Dec 2024 6:56 a.m. PST

Thanks all for your info and Griefbringer special thanks for your last post; much appreciated.

Griefbringer29 Dec 2024 10:58 a.m. PST

And while you were specifically asking about infantry, I would also recommend checking out the Steel Fist cavalry sets in the Italian Wars ranges.

They are pricy, but also pretty good looking, and there is plenty of variety: gendarmes on armoured horses, light cavalry with lances, mounted crossbowmen and mounted arquebusiers.

Druzhina30 Dec 2024 7:59 p.m. PST
johannes5531 Dec 2024 12:01 a.m. PST

Thanks again

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