A tradition I am most grateful for is getting together with a few of my former students a couple of times a year for a wargame. This year, despite the short notice, we were able to gather at my house for a battle using my Rising of the Clans rules.
Chris and James commanded the British
Max took charge of the Jacobites with my assistance.
The object of the game was to control objectives on the table top by game's end. The critical objectives that would determine the outcome were two bridges. The government forces would need to hold at least one of them to claim a victory. This is one of the bridges on the government right flank.
Forces would arrive randomly at various entry points. This would prove problematic for Chris and James as their forces got bunched up on their left flank with little room to maneuver. The logjam of British troops can be seen in the rear of this photo.
For his part, despite his usual inclination to plow forwards no matter what, Max took up defensive positions and only attacked when the odds were in his favor. Troops were disordered when they crossed the river and Max took full advantage of this.
The British formed a deep defensive line on their right, but in the long run this didn't serve them well. They failed to secure either bridge and Max didn't cooperate by keeping his forces out of range of the British musketry.
When Max did charge his clans were successful in making deep incursions into the dense British formations.
Max was also successful in driving back a brigade of militia with his powerful highland clans.
A highlight of the game was when Max charged a lone British regiment that crossed the river with the Fitzjames Horse. The redcoats were decimated and driven back which disordered the tight ranks behind them. Fortunately for the British, a unit of artillery was nearby and able to drive off the elite French horsemen with a blast of cannister.
This final shot shows the French regiments after they had repulsed a last-ditch attack by the redcoats. To the right, Roy Stewart's men have crushed the government attempt to capture the bridge.
It was a fun morning together. And now off to enjoy Christmas.