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"Anyone Interested in Hail Caesar WotR Supplement?" Topic

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Deucey Supporting Member of TMP18 Dec 2024 7:44 a.m. PST

I'm curious about this.

I wonder if it has a lot of livery info.

The main rulebook already has rules for this period so I'm not sure what this would add.

My WotR project is on hold while I dove into Marvel Crisis Protocol, but my plan was to play (and compare) Test of Resolve, Hail Caesar, and Triumph.

Personal logo aegiscg47 Supporting Member of TMP18 Dec 2024 10:16 a.m. PST

The book is very well put together and features a history of the war, an entire section on leaders and special rules for them, a new army list, battlefield generation, a ton of historical and fictional scenarios, and on top of that a campaign system. You definitely get your money's worth in terms of content.

However, the army list has been radically altered from the unofficial WOTR list produced by Rick Priestley and the one that appears in the Hail Caesar second edition rules. The small dismounted knights/men at arms units are gone, cavalry are all small units, and you are going to need a ton more archer figures. The main units have moved to being household troops and archer units, which make up most of the historical orders of battle. If you haven't started the period yet this is great, but if you made your forces (like I did) from the previous list, you better get started painting up another 200+ archers to do some of the scenarios!

After looking at the new Arrow Storm rule (3 volleys per unit per game), which I agree with, I wonder what the play test sessions showed. Compensating by giving each archer and household units 6 shots (!!!) at long range could lead to some really gamey situations. For that reason I will use some things in the book, but I'm going with the army list in the rules.

Sandinista19 Dec 2024 10:59 a.m. PST

I will look before I buy.
I was disappointed with the 30 years war book for Pike and Shotte, contained a ludicrous Spanish army list. This WotR book may be okay, but I'll read before I buy it


TimePortal19 Dec 2024 3:31 p.m. PST

It is not for me.

Dave Knight20 Dec 2024 3:31 p.m. PST


MacColla21 Dec 2024 6:34 a.m. PST

It looks very good to me, much more historically correct than the old Hail Caesar attempt. I will almost certainly get it in the near future.

Sandinista21 Dec 2024 3:04 p.m. PST

MacColla, in what way do you think it is more historically correct? I've not seen it yet so am quite interested to hear others views.

MacColla26 Jan 2025 12:25 p.m. PST

Vastly reduced cavalry, in the main. There was far too much reliance in the former rules; of hand I can only think of cavalry twice in the WOTR – a small unit at Tewskesbury and Richard III's charge at Bosworth and that one didn't end at all well…

kadeshuk10 Feb 2025 2:18 p.m. PST

I believe that the Irish are incorrect; the supplement lists them as mixed archers and Galoglass, whereas they should be javelinmen. It is also too easy to slip pike units into the armies; whereas Calais had a small store of pikes, really only Stoke Field had them in any numbers. We do not know how the armies were actually constituted, but there are too many pure longbow units for my tastes. That said, there is a lot in this book covering livery, commanders, Battles and campaigns and some quite good pre-battle interactions. I think that he has taken on board some stuff from the 7th Son YouTube videos which had some house rules for the WOTR prior to the release of the book. The author is willing to interact on Facebook forums, though not to justify the specifics of his suppositions. We have played a few games and in summation I have not regretted the money spent on the book which is full, as usual , of pretty pictures.

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