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"ACW guns update and the Iron Brigade" Topic

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Gunner Dunbar Supporting Member of TMP16 Dec 2024 2:11 a.m. PST

Hi guys

Reworked the guns and Limber wheels, reduced their diameter to 57in at 1/72, which is 20.1mm, and made them skinnier, they look much better with the Airfix crew now.

I've also taken some pics of the 1/72 3D prints of the Iron Brigade I've been working on, I've printed about 50-60 of these, they are just the ones I've quickly cleaned the supports off to take the pics, these have been made from the wargames atlantic digital set, it's pretty limited, 4 standing bodies in frock coat, 3 types of head gear, and various arms, it could really do with a command set, a kneeling body and marching bodies, I managed to create some kneeling and casualty poses by combing with some other sets, and I have created some drummers and standard bearers, I need to work on some officers next.











CHRIS DODSON Supporting Member of TMP16 Dec 2024 5:26 a.m. PST

Those wheels look much better and the Iron Brigade chaps look fabulous.

A call to arms do an Iron Brigade with four poses which you might find useful as ‘dollies' for your printing.

Best wishes,


bobspruster Supporting Member of TMP16 Dec 2024 7:29 a.m. PST

Those 3d prints look very nice and it's good to see the Airfix boys being put to work. 😊

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