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"The last surface Battle of Leyte Gulf?" Topic

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catavar11 Dec 2024 1:01 p.m. PST

Looking at Pacific "what ifs" could TF34, or any of Halsey's Third Fleet, have caught the remains the 1st Diversionary Attack Force after attacking Taffy 3 off Samar?

ScottWashburn Sponsoring Member of TMP11 Dec 2024 4:38 p.m. PST

Sure, if Halsey had sent them off earlier, or if the Japanese had delayed turning back just a little bit longer. Six American fast battleships plus cruiser and destroyers escorting them would have made short work of the Japanese force. But it would have been glorious.

panzerCDR12 Dec 2024 4:50 a.m. PST

Merciless historians have been debating this one for years. The answer is a definite "Maybe." Halsey COULD have done a lot of things which would have been disastrous to the Japanese forces (Kurita AND Ozawa) IF . . . of course he did not. For that matter, Kinkaid could have done a lot of damage as well to Kurita if the Japanese had continued south after brushing aside Taffy 3. So, there are many scenarios that COULD have happened, though many of them are pretty one sided for the Americans. Take a look at Mark Stille's "Leyte Gulf" book for the most recent critique of Halsey's decision making:


If Stille doesn't float your boat, rest assured, a new book on the subject will be out soon, and there are shelves of books from previous efforts to reward your scenario creation efforts.

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