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"Poll Suggestion - Undersea Cables and Pipelines" Topic

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Personal logo David Manley Supporting Member of TMP10 Dec 2024 4:01 a.m. PST

I've been involved recently in work at the university and in some international bodies that, amongst other things, got me writing what we think is the first open source contemporary seabed operations game. So, on a scale of 0 (not bothered) to 10 (extremely concerned), how worried are you about developments in seabed operations?

richinq10 Dec 2024 4:47 a.m. PST

7 all depends on how far this goes and which cables are cut.
I wonder which cables would cause the most issues.

Would be interested in your game.


Shagnasty Supporting Member of TMP10 Dec 2024 7:30 a.m. PST

8/9. 'Tis a scary prospect.

robert piepenbrink Supporting Member of TMP10 Dec 2024 7:44 a.m. PST

Which cable would I need to cut to ensure I never got an ESL student on a help or reservation line again?

Otherwise, good luck. Truthfully, pipelines and cables are so notoriously vulnerable I don't know how to keep them safe without first-rate human intelligence, and that's not the sort of thing the US does well. Tricky to game, too.

Personal logo miniMo Supporting Member of TMP10 Dec 2024 8:16 a.m. PST


And remember CS Alert at the outbreak of WW1:

Stryderg Supporting Member of TMP10 Dec 2024 3:24 p.m. PST

Cutting a few cables might slow down the number of scam calls and emails I get. A definite plus there. The loss of international business would be a downside. But both would probably get restructured fairly quickly.

Personal logo Old Contemptible Supporting Member of TMP10 Dec 2024 11:23 p.m. PST


Martin Rapier11 Dec 2024 1:14 a.m. PST

We've done some games around hybrid warfare in the North Sea and surrounding area.

Tbh, the comms cables don't worry me so much as there is tons of resilience built in although there might be some capacity issues as traffic is rerouted. The gas pipelines OTOH are a disaster waiting to happen. Particularly for those states who decided to save a few quid by shutting down their strategic gas storage facilities.

So call me a 7.

(Is this the same game my mate Pete developed for his PhD research?).

35thOVI Supporting Member of TMP11 Dec 2024 10:19 a.m. PST

Right now I may be more concerned about large amounts of drones, flying all around over New Jersey and elsewhere, that no one can identify nor claims, but tell us all "there is no danger". ‼️

35thOVI Supporting Member of TMP11 Dec 2024 12:30 p.m. PST

Well Well

I guess they may have lied to us again. I would think we are not perfectly safe.

Subject: Citizen Free Press on X: "MYSTERIOUS DRONES IN U.S. LAUNCHED BY IRANIAN MOTHERHIP. Congressman Jeff Van Drew 'Iran launched a mothership about a month ago that contains these drones. That mothership is off the east coast right now.' / X


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