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Personal logo Editor in Chief Bill The Editor of TMP Fezian03 Dec 2024 12:18 p.m. PST

Emerging from bankruptcy, but old 'store' is permanently gone.

Shapeways: link

Personal logo Sgt Slag Supporting Member of TMP04 Dec 2024 6:36 a.m. PST

I think it is safe to say that the new Shapeways will focus on industrial work, where the real money is. Their 3D printer machines are better suited to larger prints, and there just wasn't enough money in the hobby part of the printing market.

I bought a few models from them, 15+ years ago, and they are superb, but they were also expensive. They were unique models which I could not get elsewhere, and I needed at least one of them in lightweight plastic, as a lead/metal casting would be too heavy to use: WW I Strategic Bomber, the Russian Ilya Muromets, to be mounted on a vertical dowel to demonstrate altitude and attitude, in a Red Baron airplane game.

I wish the new Shapeways company, and management, all the very best. Cheers!

Tom Molon Supporting Member of TMP04 Dec 2024 9:24 a.m. PST

I too bought from the old Shapeways and agree with Sgt Slag: they were great for filling in unique WWI aircraft models that no one else had, beautiful models, and very expensive. Since their demise, I've moved to TableTop Flights: growing selection, excellent models, great service, and cost for typical biplane fighter is about $5. USD Hard to beat. I wish the new Shapeways luck, and I'll look, but it'll take a lot to lure me back.

KSmyth04 Dec 2024 6:46 p.m. PST

Enough folks are providing quality printing services that they can easily under-sell Shapeways. Bought a fair amount of stuff from them back in the day, but for the hobbyist I just think there are lots more options.

Prince Alberts Revenge05 Dec 2024 5:29 p.m. PST

Anyone remember when Shapeways had a rather large booth at one of the HMGS conventions?

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