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Personal logo Legion 4 Supporting Member of TMP11 Dec 2024 12:16 p.m. PST

We already have Spec Ops on the ground there. About 1000 … We have to continue to support the Kurds as the control and guard the thousands of ISIS prisoners, men, women and children. Since there really is nothing to do with them, they remain in the camps. ISIS has tried to do major prison breaks, but none were successful, AFAIK. The US is there to keep ISIS in check.

Those US troops are not in direct combat, but "advisors" … ISIS is not dead … yet … Until someone figures out what to do with all those unrepentant ISIS members – men, women and children.

And with Syria's future in question currently. That could go either way. Of course IDF is doing a very good job destroying any and all threats from islamic jihadis. The report I heard was most of Hezbollah rockets/missiles. They will be getting no more support with Iran land route has been cut by Anti-Assad Forces. And the IRGC are currently getting out of Dodge.

The Russians still have thousands of troops there. Holding the port and airfields. But with no Assad regime to support. Regardless their mission always was to give Putin a port and airfield to have some control of the region/the Med. At this point I don't think anyone knows what these Russian lost Bns are going to do. Maybe Putin and his minions do ?

The US has an must continue to hit ISIS positions and location. As we did this weekend, with 75+ strikes. ISIS can't be left to reconstitute. And it appears the Iraqis can't do it one their own …

The US just has to keep hitting ISIS targets from the air. That is an imperative …

Tortorella Supporting Member of TMP11 Dec 2024 12:38 p.m. PST

I agree entirely Legion. This is a watershed movement and maybe a great opportunity. But the quote was from Trump yesterday so I commented that the next president might not keep it up in response to your previous post. That was my concern.

I am hoping somebody can work this into a plan to weaken Iran's terror leaders even further without getting us into more trouble. Most people there want regime change, many are well educated and not doing well under the dictatorship.

Personal logo Legion 4 Supporting Member of TMP13 Dec 2024 10:09 a.m. PST

Sadly we will have to wait and see. Which is not always the best opinion. I hope those in charge are reviewing lessons learned for Iraq and A'stan. But I'm and may others are not impressed with the way the current admin handles everything on almost all fronts. Of course I've said this many times before …

IMO the good thing is with new more aggressive dynamic leadership focused on big real-world problems.

Intel from Current situation in Syria –


And in this link is another link talking about Iran back factions attack US troops again …

My take-way – this is what happens when leadership is weak and disregards an old saying – "Peace thru Strength" … 'nuff said" …

SBminisguy13 Dec 2024 2:53 p.m. PST

Remember also that the CIA has backed ISIS and AQ in Syria, while the Pentagon has backed Kurdish factions. So in terms of the Illuminati boardgame the Pentagon launched an indirect attack on the CIA by attacking the ISIS group card, supported by the Kurdish group card…

Tortorella Supporting Member of TMP13 Dec 2024 8:07 p.m. PST

I think Trump was very clear that we will not be involved. In all CAPS.

Personal logo Legion 4 Supporting Member of TMP20 Dec 2024 7:44 p.m. PST

Remember also that the CIA has backed ISIS and AQ in Syria, while the Pentagon has backed Kurdish factions.
Well the US troops were there to keep an eye on ISIS. If they started trouble. The Turks had a problem with the Kurds. A lot of gray areas over there.

I think Trump was very clear that we will not be involved. In all CAPS.
Yes but I think he was saying No more troops on the ground, no escalation. No nation building … But airstrikes, drones, etc. I'm sure will continue. And it is a priority to keep eyes on ISIS. Plus, the Kurds are guarding 1000s of ISIS prisoners.

AFAIK there are 2500 troops in Iraq and Jordan.

From – Pentagon reveals 2000 US troops are in Syria. The number most quoted was only 900.


Tango01 Supporting Member of TMP27 Dec 2024 10:07 p.m. PST

Israel Is Justified in Its Syrian Mission



Personal logo Legion 4 Supporting Member of TMP27 Dec 2024 10:20 p.m. PST

Of course it is as it is going into Gaza. Syria is rife with islamic terrorists/jihadis, different tribes, etc. It is still not really under any real control overall.

The IDF is cleaning up Hamas, Hezbollah, and even the Houthis. Iran of course is probably on the target list as well. For more strikes …

Tango01 Supporting Member of TMP28 Dec 2024 10:53 p.m. PST

State Department, U.S. intel memos unmask longtime terrorism ties of Syria's new governing regime



Personal logo Legion 4 Supporting Member of TMP29 Dec 2024 9:37 a.m. PST

Syria is as big a mess now as much as it was before … And like any vacuum, something, someone, some group or groups, etc., etc. are going compete for power. The Turks supporting one group which has terrorist ties … the US is supporting the Kurds, etc., etc., etc.

Personal logo Legion 4 Supporting Member of TMP29 Dec 2024 9:37 a.m. PST

Syria is as big a mess now as much as it was before … And like any vacuum, something, someone, some group or groups, etc., etc. are going compete for power. The Turks supporting one group which has terrorist ties … the US is supporting the Kurds, etc., etc., etc.

Tango01 Supporting Member of TMP30 Dec 2024 11:10 p.m. PST

How To Seize Syria

"Until 1945 the only way you could visit Syria was by visiting whatever empire or independent state currently ruled Syria as one of their holdings. At the same time Syria is the location of one of the oldest civilizations in the world. About 12,000 years ago Syria was one the first regions to develop agriculture, keeping and breeding domestic animals as well as tool making and use of those tools to construct structures and useful items like plows, wheeled carts and chariots to defend all its new assets. While Syria was very productive and the home of inventors it was, until the 20th century, always a component of some other empire or independent state.

Syria first appeared in about 6,200 BC as a neighbor adjacent to the Yarmukian culture in what is now Lebanon and Syria. About 3,200 years ago Syria was part of the region occupied by the Arameans. This was a collection of Semitic groups that founded towns and spread new technology throughout Syria and adjacent regions. Some 2,000 years ago Arameans founded Aram-Damascus, a city that survived until 732 BC when the Assyrian Empire destroyed it. It took several centuries for another Damascus to appear, and Alexander the Great conquered this resurrected Damascus in 323 BC. Two hundred fifty years later the Romans showed up and took charge of Damascus…."



Tango01 Supporting Member of TMP30 Dec 2024 11:14 p.m. PST

Ukrainian Victory in Syria

"Ukrainian special operations detachments have operated in places like Africa and the Middle East to injure the Russians and find out what they are up to. These Ukrainian forces popped up in Syria 6-7 months ago, and the Turks recently revealed that they began cooperating at that time with the then Syrian HTS terrorist group located in Idlib province in northeastern Syria to overthrow the former Assad government. It came out last month that Ukrainian special operators had trained the HST rebels in the use of UAVs and provided them with a bunch of UAVs to overthrow the Assad government. Idlib province has land borders only with Turkey, Syria and Hezbollah-controlled portions of Lebanon, so the Ukrainians' only access to HTS, and provide it with UAVs, was via Turkey. So Turkey and Ukraine cooperated with each other as well as HTS in overthrowing the Assad regime.

The Ukrainians continue to contend with the Russians in Syria. The Russians are negotiating with HTS for permission to continue operating the military bases in Syria which the old Assad government had leased to them. Ukraine has offered a considerable amount of yearly wheat deliveries if the HTS government denies the Russian base requests. The HTS government needs a lot more food than the Assad government did because it now feed a much larger Syrian population. At least six million Syrian refugees in Turkey, Lebanon and crowded into the former terrorist-controlled Idlib province are now coming home…"



Personal logo Legion 4 Supporting Member of TMP31 Dec 2024 3:18 p.m. PST

Didn't know they were in Syria ? Back during the 2d Gulf War. My friend who I served with in the 101. He was part of the US contingent to the Multi-national Div. He ran patrols with Ukrainian Paratroopers. He rated them pretty damn capable and very good soldiers.

He wrote a book about this recently, "In Strange Company". About his exploits in Iraq and other parts of the region. Worked with troops from all over the world. E.g. Poland, Spain, El Salvador, etc.

I highly recommend it. Very well written, read like a novel but it is non-fiction. The adventures he had gave him a good idea about how many foreign armies operate.

Personal logo Legion 4 Supporting Member of TMP01 Jan 2025 9:13 p.m. PST

And many may remember I often say the GWoT is not over. Both New Orleans and Vegas were attacked today. But it is still an ongoing investigation. More intel to come, following the crumbs, etc. …

But if you turn on the news, at lease the New Orleans attack was clearly ISIS inspired … As does the Vegas attack appears it is …

Tango01 Supporting Member of TMP03 Jan 2025 10:39 p.m. PST

U.S. Reportedly Setting Up New Base In Northern Syria



Personal logo Legion 4 Supporting Member of TMP05 Jan 2025 12:41 a.m. PST

With all the ISIS prisoners our Kurd allies are holding in prison camps in Syria and Iraq. We have to continue to keep an eye on ISIS as if they successfully freed those thousands of ISIS jihadis. That would give them a very sizeable force. To reenforce their depleted numbers.

Plus with the fall of Assad and the islamic terrorist being a key element in doing that. They cannot be trusted … From what I can tell, islamic terrorists/jihadis will not go back home to be peaceful farmers, herders, etc. again.

That is the problem with the thousands of unrepentant ISIS prisoners. Including not only men but women and children[the next generation of ISIS]. What can you do with them ?

So will the anti-Assad force which includes a sizable number of terrorists or former. Will they continue their jihad ?

soledad05 Jan 2025 5:46 a.m. PST


Syrians interim foreign minister has overseen sharia murders.

Personal logo Legion 4 Supporting Member of TMP05 Jan 2025 1:13 p.m. PST

Well that may be a start …but again religious and tribal differences in this region gets in the way so very often …

SBminisguy11 Mar 2025 9:28 p.m. PST

The new Al Qaeda Regime that Biden installed into power in Syria is now committing a genocide against Christians, Alawites and other minorities. Who could have predicted this?

Team O-Biden are responsible for millions of deaths, and chaos across the Middle East and the globe.

Syria update: Christians among over 1,000 massacred amid worst atrocities since Assad's ousting


They're K*lling the Last Christians in Syria—And No One Cares

YouTube link

SBminisguy11 Mar 2025 9:31 p.m. PST

With all the ISIS prisoners our Kurd allies are holding in prison camps in Syria and Iraq. We have to continue to keep an eye on ISIS as if they successfully freed those thousands of ISIS jihadis. That would give them a very sizeable force. To reenforce their depleted numbers.

DOH! The Kurds just joined the Jihadi government and all those ISIS Jihadis have been released, and are contributing to the effort to exterminate Christians, Alawites and other minorities and dissidents of the Sharia Law AQ State of Syria.

35thOVI Supporting Member of TMP12 Mar 2025 5:04 a.m. PST

Muslims exterminating Christians! 😳

Islam: Bringing Jihad to the world since the 600's.

Personal logo Silurian Supporting Member of TMP12 Mar 2025 8:11 a.m. PST

"The new Al Qaeda Regime that Biden installed into power in Syria is now committing a genocide against Christians, Alawites and other minorities. Who could have predicted this?"

This totally misleading. Biden claimed he caused conditions to be favorable for the regime change, but Republicans strongly denied that (oh, until something goes wrong of course, as it inevitably does). Everybody wanted Assad out.
Not everyone over there is Al Qaeda. And the regime and is not committing, or sanctioning, the atrocities. Some within the regime? Probably. We all know what that whole area is like, but lets not misrepresent the facts just to score polital points.

SBminisguy12 Mar 2025 9:53 a.m. PST



This totally misleading. Biden claimed he caused conditions to be favorable for the regime change,

The Biden Admin fueled and funded anti-Assad forces in Syria, and the CIA backed Ahmed al-Sharaa, the leader of Hayat Tahrir al-Sham -- which was aligned with Al Queda Syria. The DoD backed the anti-Assad Kurds, which now have joined with al-Sham. The Syrian Civil War was inflamed and kept alive by resources and support during the Obama years -- funneling in weapons and cash, and helping Jihadis from Libya (remember that other war started by OBiden and NATO?) travel to Syria to fight Assad.


Not everyone over there is Al Qaeda.

True -- just the ones in charge now…do you really think a man who has connived and killed his way into a position of power within an ideological Jihadi group was ever going to be a kind leader?


. And the regime and is not committing, or sanctioning, the atrocities. Some within the regime? Probably. We all know what that whole area is like, but lets not misrepresent the facts just to score polital points.

FACT – Assad had beaten down the brief uprising against him in the Arab Spring when Obama launched a series of projects aimed at funding and fueling anti-Assad forces. Since most of the survivors were Jihads, that meant the United States was FUNDING and ARMING islamist ISIS and AQ and related groups against a secular dicatator who was weak and Syria was not a ME powerhouse.

FACT – Obama's actions deepened the Syrian Civil War leading to mass migration flows and global instability.

FACT – Under Obama the US was funding groups at odds with each other. The CIA ended up backing Ahmed al-Sharaa who took over, and the DOD the Kurds who have allied with him.

FACT – During this Civil War some 90% of Christians and Alawites were forced to flee from the US-backed Jihadi groups or be exterminated, finding refuge, ironically, only in those areas controlled by Assad.

FACT – The CIA-backed head an AQ-related Jihadi group won and took over Syria and put in a western suit and smiled at the cameras for Western fools while his forces consolidated power and exterminated any potential Assad regime hold-overs and allies with nary a word of condemnation from the Obama-Biden-EU crowd.

FACT – Now that he's consolidated power, his forces are now enforcing Sharia Law and exterminating religious and ethnic minorities while he wears the western suit he only dons for the Western cameras while saying "oh dear me, what power do I have as the totalitarian leader of a totalitarian movement over my own forces?"


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