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"How to Write Powerful and Realistic Battle Scenes" Topic

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203 hits since 29 Nov 2024
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Tango01 Supporting Member of TMP29 Nov 2024 3:51 p.m. PST

"Here are some techniques for creating powerful, exciting, realistic battle scenes…"

See here



The H Man29 Nov 2024 10:14 p.m. PST

Ignoring the link, for now.

Enter late, leave early.

One of the best I've seen in a film is the start of proof of life.

The dialogue, and Russel's delivery really helps it.

I watched it a lot (not just for the cards).

It had everything.

All the Russians in the truck made me laugh.

The car too.

I watched it a lot.

I'll probably watch it again now.

Trying to group films into stories, not sure where it will fit.

Don't do this you will become addicted.

Just watch once and walk away.

The dogs still baffle me a bit. Still a bit random.

The use of the tanks was great, the turn of the turret.

Don't study films, just walk away.

Its like the matrix.

Which is inception.


Just walk away.

BillyNM29 Nov 2024 11:11 p.m. PST

I assume this is fiction? Nonetheless, sounds like following this advice would be a turgid read. General's pre-battle speeches are usually pretty dull, and why is it only being told from one perspective; how nay good books describe only one persons experience and perspective?

TimePortal30 Nov 2024 10:26 p.m. PST

Determine if the story telling will be in the first, second or third person.

Mark J Wilson02 Dec 2024 10:28 a.m. PST

Having been told how Monty was heckled in one of his pre-battle 'pep' talks [he made the mistake of giving it in a large cinema] I'd take part 4 with a pinch of salt.

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