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"Kings of War sprue options question." Topic

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Stalkey and Co27 Nov 2024 6:04 a.m. PST

Was looking at KoW the other day, haven't visited them for a long time. Lots more miniatures which is good.

Looking at them, it is hard to tell what the sprue options are – clearly, you can make units including male or female fighters of whatever race [elves, human etc] but do the sprues have enough options to make an all-male or all-female unit?


The H Man27 Nov 2024 3:51 p.m. PST

Good question.

You should be able to image search the sprues, lots of people put them up.

I fear females are typically not optional, but must be used, mostly because Mantic are "cheap".

The Dark elves new plastic appear to have dedicated male and female boxes, so no issues there.

I remember when Dark Eldar came out for 40k, I believe the female torso was not optional (??) and had to be used.

I get female units, and they happen unimpeded, so why can't they do all men these days? We know what to call that.

Optional bits is good though, or seperate boxes.

Which figures are in question?

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