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"Tank killers, Marines and more" Topic

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479 hits since 25 Nov 2024
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TacticalPainter0125 Nov 2024 5:29 a.m. PST

Recently completed painting several little projects for the Far East/Pacific. The sorts of additions that bring various collections closer to completion (although, let's be honest, in this hobby no collection is ever truly finished, is it?). Put it all in a blog post with a lot more pictures which you can find here: Always more for the Far East





Marc33594 Supporting Member of TMP25 Nov 2024 9:37 a.m. PST

I know you are highlighting your excellent infantry but as an aside the weathering and effects on your Sherman is simply outstanding.

Personal logo deadhead Supporting Member of TMP25 Nov 2024 12:58 p.m. PST

All are terrific and the chips out of the Sherman armour is something I had not thought of. Paint on paint lost sure, but not actual chunks out of the edges e.g. on the applique turret armour.

Bu the prize must go to the two Airfix Japs with their critters carrying supplies. That is some painting!

TacticalPainter0125 Nov 2024 11:37 p.m. PST

All are terrific and the chips out of the Sherman armour is something I had not thought of. Paint on paint lost sure, but not actual chunks out of the edges e.g. on the applique turret armour.

There are no actual chunks taken out of the armour, it's just an exaggerated paint effect meant to show scrapes and scratches down to the primer. To be honest it's probably overdone but I like the overall effect it gives and the sense of wear.

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