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"French Drummer uniforms" Topic

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Phillius Sponsoring Member of TMP21 Nov 2024 11:26 a.m. PST

I have a question about what uniform a French infantry regiments drummers would have worn while on campaign and the battlefield.

According to Kronoskaf a number of the French line regiments have their drummers in the Royal Livery of red and blue. My question is, would they have worn those uniforms into battle, or adopted the same uniform as the rest of their regiments?



Personal logo Dal Gavan Supporting Member of TMP21 Nov 2024 12:34 p.m. PST

I believe they'd have worn full rig, Phillius. Several reasons, but the main one is that the French troops didn't have a different "battledress" to their normal parade uniforms. Even in the Russian army, which allowed the troops to leave off their green coats in summer, the musicians had to wear full uniform. Their uniforms were also designed to stand out from the troops, so they could be found easily when orders had to be passed.

Frederick Supporting Member of TMP21 Nov 2024 12:55 p.m. PST

Full rig – as Dal Gavan noted, that was actually the reason for the regalia

0ldYeller21 Nov 2024 1:18 p.m. PST

This appears to be the case even in the colonies during the FIW. Check images for Fortress of Louisbourg Historic Site -

Phillius Sponsoring Member of TMP22 Nov 2024 11:04 a.m. PST

Great stuff, thanks for the feedback guys.

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